Wednesday, June 15, 2011

American Ghost Hunter: Documentary Film

American Ghost Hunter has become a highly anticipated documentary film created by Chad Calek and Ryan Buell. The two claim to have recorded the "most compelling ghost evidence ever captured." Currently Chad and Ryan are on tour presenting this film across the United States. The film takes the two on a journey back to Calek's haunted childhood home. Please visit the website for more info and attend the tour if you are able.

I am excited for this film. My hope is that it will open the eyes to those who are quick to call the paranormal bullshit and dismiss what is a frightening reality for some. My only disappointment is that the film will not be be brought to Ontario, Canada for this tour. I would have loved to have attended and met with the guys to share my own story from my childhood home.


  1. Never the biggest fan of Paranormal State, but this documentary might be worth a look. Keep us updated, if you can.

  2. Hi Cullan, thanks for stopping by. What was it about the show that you did not like? I will be keeping an eye on this one and do an update for my readers ;)

  3. Sorry. Took me forever to get back to this post. There should be an intra-blogger function that allows us to keep up with a thread. Perhaps there is and I'm simply ignorant of it. Anyway, to answer your question, I prefer a scientific approach to investigations; whereas, Mr. Buell approaches it from a religious and psychic standpoint. It's harder for me to get into that.
