Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Missing 411: "The Devil's In The Detail"

A must read!! An excellent write up by Dustin Naef about David Paulides' latest book Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail


  1. Yes, this is an interesting subject indeed! And I am looking forward to The Demon of Brownsville Road by Bob Cranmer! That was an excellent podcast my friend!

  2. Haunted TUNA2/26/2015 12:42 AM

    Nice to see you still have your blog up and running.. :)

    1. Hey! Been a long time Haunted TUNA :) Hope you are well. I've taken a much needed break from blogging as of last summer. Kinda fell of the face of the blogosphere, lol.

  3. Couldnt put it any better myself, dear.
    Those are all planned CIA encounters
    to scare you into thinking THEY are
    outta getchoo: better stay in your
    house, toots! better have some ammo
    N food!! Better not go out N act like
    a lemming following orders!! better turn on your Whorizontal-Boob-Tube to be
    brainwashed N follow the antichrist!!

    Wotta load of bullshit.
    How can you be so ignorant???
    Follow us on the journey Upstairs.
    Previsely what YOU must do to live.
    Make Your Choice -SAW
