Saturday, October 14, 2006

Axeman's Bridge

I will never forget the night that me and a group of my friends decided to check this place out for ourselves. Located in the middle of the woods in Crete, Illinois, Axeman's Bridge was often a place that people dared one another to go out to.

Years ago a man had built a home for his family in those woods. Word has it that he flipped out one evening and killed his entire family with an axe on two bridges. One is the I-beam bridge which made up part of the driveway and the other is on Old Post Road.

From what I know the house was torn down but some parts still remain. I was a junior in high school the year that I became brave enough to go out there. Five of us packed into my friend Brian's car on a Friday night after the football game. The closer we got the denser the woods became until there was nothing around except trees. We knew we had arrived when we got to the first bridge. From what I saw there was a lot of graffiti on it. Just as we drove over the middle section the car stalled. This really freaked us out because everyone said that happens when you go out there. It was pitch black out and all we could see were the eyes of the animals watching us and a light out in the woods. Just a single light out in the middle of nowhere. We heard screaming and sounds coming from all around the car. Brian looked like he was going to cry and the rest of us were pretty much the same. The car started after a few minutes and we got the hell out of there. I never went back and the five of us never talked about what we experienced that night at Axeman's Bridge.


  1. Hi.. I was just looking up somethings and ran across your site. If I remember right.. Axemans Bridge is located near Sauk Village Illinois. Im from Lansing and if it is the same bridge we are talking about, I heard a differernt story about why they call it Axemans bridge.. A girl and guy were on a date, and ran out of gas on the bridge, he left her in the car to go get help and when she woke up she heard a scratching noise and saw bloody hands and fingernails of her date scratching across the windsheild. I may be told wrong but thats how I remember it. I remember going out there when I was in high school either to scare of get scared..

  2. Hi. Thanks for your post. I grew up in Schererville. At one time you and I were neighbors!!
    That is the same bridge. Crete is only 5 miles or so from Sauk Village from what I remember. Before I made this post I checked into the details of the story. What I found online (which was not much) was the same as what I heard growing up. Who knows what the real story is. Others say it is something that is tied to the "satanic" church that is near by and they do rituals out there. I am not sure about that. Other friends of mine had their cars stall too. So something weird is out there. Did you ever have any experiences there?

  3. I live near there haven't gone up to it only seen it from old post

  4. is this what you saw?

    plz email me if it is

  5. I remember seeing that bridge. I never got that close to it.

  6. hello, My boyfriend lives right near Old post.. I usually have to drive over the bridge to get past his house and after one weird night and frightening experience i have found a new way and go out of my way just so i dont have to go over it. I was leaving his house pretty late that night amolst around 1am and It was pretty windy outside. as i was curving around the street and came toward the bridge i noticed something ran out in front of my car.. I diddnt know what it was maybe a deer? and i diddnt know if i hit anything I got out of my car and checked and everything was fine.. nothing in site and its so bazzar because i could see a little light in the forest. When i got back into my car i got this really strange not so friendly feeling.. and then when i went to shift my car back into drive from park its amolst like it felt like something was trying to force it to stay in park.. after trying and trying i got it and got the hell out of there!!! I never knew it was haunted until after this happened to me and his step bro told me the story. From what i heard A man went insane one night and killed his wife and children and hung them in a house and SUPPOSIBLY from what he said you can sometimes see them hanging with a light on in the forest and also you can still see the blood marks if you go to the remains of the house.. After that inncident i was really curious and i took a bike ride with my b/fs mom and we went over the bridge and it was completely fine but did you notice if your on the bridge and you look to the right or left(depending on which way your going) you will see another smaller bridge in the forest. I would have never seen this at night.. no one would its too dark. but i thought that was strange.

  7. Hi Jillyo,

    Thanks for your comment. I have seen the other bridge that you are talking about. You can walk to it but it is in pretty bad shape.
    Here is a picture of that bridge that another one of my readers gave me.

    That damn place is creepy.

  8. your all retarded. i live right off of old post road where axemans bridge is, and nothing happens there. seriously every story ive ever heard about it is comeplete bullshit. get a new hobby.

  9. I know what I experienced when I was there years ago, the car did stall and we all (5) of us heard screaming coming from somewhere. Could it have been people trying to freak us out-it could have, but the car did stall and the entire place scared the crap out of us.

    Before you make such a rude and ignorant statement like that, maybe you could take some time to read this blog from the beginning and see why I began this "hobby" as you call it-asshole!

  10. i grew up in sauk village and now living in lynwood. stuff does go on there and i have proof! some proof.. my sister went to axemans bridge with her friend. it was very late and a guy in a black truck with tinted windows followed my sister and her friend all the way from axemans to glenwood to saukvillage where they found a cop and told him what happened. few years later i went out there with my bf and we were also followed by a person in black truck, tinted windows. these are the supposive satanists. my sister has seen the house when it used to be there it was burnt down by my friends, they thought it would be funny. i have been thru the woods on the bridge, and have seen the 5point star tree along with altars and things haning from trees, weird things. im going tomorrow by the satanic church located on ritchton road off of bemes road in crete, near axemans. today i went by the satanic ritual house and i thought it was nothing until i took my pictures! i zoomed in and there is a might big pentagram on the farm house. it is not a satanic star tho, it is either pagan or wiccan related. if u dont believe my go to myspace (if u have one) my page is and if u add me as a friend u will see in my Crazy House picture folder are all the pics of these wird things i saw at this house. the story- man went crazy and killed his family with an axe, the cops caught him and chased his as far as the bridge and thats where the cops shot him down to death. the man haunts the woods as well as cults who do crazy things back there. if youde like to contact me my email is or

    the truth is to be told not sold

  11. If I were to ever go back it would be during the day time to see more of what is around there. I did see a lot of graffiti on the bridge that night that appeared satanic in nature. Thanks for your comments here, I did request you on myspace.

  12. yes i added u, and ur more than welcome to see the pics. im assuming someone lives in thsi house, but this house in not in axemans forest, it is a few streets off of axemans bridge. but the poeple that come to this house must be the cults that join in axemans woods...

  13. I will have to check the pics out, thanks.

  14. i live in Willowbrook, the subdivision not even 2 minutes away from Axeman's bridge. I've lived here my entire life and the stories i've heard have never changed.
    -Man murdered his wife and children, even their dog.
    -Disposed of the bodies over the rail of the original bridge that can still be seen from the road.. (the bridge that we currently drive over on Old Post Rd. was built after this took place).
    -People hear a woman screaming, and a man chopping wood, and a dog barking coming from the woods.
    -People's cars stall if you park on the newer bridge.

    I drive on Old Post Rd. at least twice a day...its creepy of course, but i have never had any personal experiences. I wholeheartedly believe it to be haunted though.

  15. Thanks Ashley! I have no plans on going back there anytime soon.

  16. hello my names is glen i live in lansing i research paranormal events such as ST. Anns ghost child and chicago paranormal hot spots i have not gone to axe mans bridge but i might now if you could send me a message on myspace my url is

  17. back in 1998-1999 this girl i was dating at the time and i used to go back there from time to time, mostly in daylight or sunset... the last few times we were back there, we saw something VERY disturbing...
    two shallow graves dug one time, and the next time, (maybe a week later?) two mounds of dirt where the holes once were.
    i've wondered for years what took place there, and as many others have said, after that, the place does give me creeps.

  18. That is disturbing. Could be for animals, could be something else. , This place is known for the satanic stuff that goes on and people need to watch out for those that practice out there.

    Thanks for your comment :)

  19. ive been there a few times. heard the story too. guy went crazy killed his dog and family. ive walked across the bridge that went to his house in the forest. its an old bridge and barely anything left, whenever im there i always feel as if im being watched. on the trees there are numbers, now i dont know if thats for like the park people or what? i beilve the place is really haunted. so whoever said its not. lets see you go in there in the middle of the night, and experience what we all haved and see what you think.

  20. do not investigate the bridge
    leave the bridge alone
    do not stay overnight at the bridge
    leave the bridge alone
    do not disrupt the bridge
    leave the bridge alone

  21. My friends & I went over there too. First, we drove over a few times. Then, we parked over the bridge, at the side of the road, and walked back there in the day light. It SO felt like we were being watched. It was a sunny & otherwise very pleasant day, but even the insects seemed quieter than what would normally be expected. We didn't stay very long, largely due to me wanting to get the hell out of there. One night, after that, I was driving across with my friends. It had become very foggy, and just as we were over the bridge on Old Post, it looked like a "ghost" stepped onto the road. I don't know why I say it was a she, but she was all white and the eyes were hollowed out. I didn't have time to stop, and for a minute I freaked out - thinking I'd hit someone, but there had been no thud. I never went back there again, and I don't ever plan to.

  22. i hv areal story for you i grew up in lansing il to much to type im 38 been going there since i was 13 when we wer young aman was se en by all of us there long story let me knoww if you want to here? no shit!!!

  23. i grew up within walking distance of axemans. used to hang out there all the time. as we got older we would drink and smoke pot there all the time.i moved away, but took a walk out there today when i visited my parents house. i was suprised to find the bridge was half way in the creek and the interior i-beams had been taken away. i've seen the creek flood and do damage but i have to assume the this was done by a group of people with heavy equipment.either way if somebody did this on purpose they fucking suck .i'll always have good memories and some crazy stories of shit that would happen there. i know the real stories

  24. My boyfriend now husband and i would go for rides out there all the time nothing ever happened it is just a sad story that people are keeping there is no house out there

  25. I know what happened when I was out there and because of that night-I'd never go back. Some places are just plain creepy and this is one of them.

  26. Hello, My name is Corinne. I live for haunted house and scary places. I have been to the old haunted boys school in cedar lake, indiana many times and have survived to tell the stories behind it. I have been to haunted grave yards as well. When I go to places I like to travil alone. When you enter some thing that creepy by your self. It makes you think about the place more, not the people who are with you and some times people play tricks on you to make it seem more haunted then what it really is. I've learned these things over the years. The first time I ever been in a haunted place was with some of my friends and I learned when they freek out, you freek out. This weekend of 2009 January 3 at midnight, I will be heading out to Axeman's Bridge. If any one would like to join me you may, but I will be hard to find I never lerk around in open areas. When I come across a new place I dig deep.

  27. There was a house, it burned down about 7-8 years ago. if you go back in the spring, flowers still grow around where the foundation can also find bricks, an old well pump, an old elevated fuel tank, and there used to be an old wooden wagon back there (but i couldn't find it last i walked back there).also you can find an old dog shed on the north side of the creek. axeman's bridge was actually the bridge for the driveway to the house.

  28. I found this site and after reading some it reminded me of when i lived in that area. I was born in chicago Hights and when i was 5 years old we moved to sauk village till i was 10 years old. The house we lived in was haunted by something evil, it would sometimes come out of my closet at night and sit next to me on the floor by my bed, or sit on my bed and look at me inches from my face, or sometimes it would whisper things in my ear, Sometimes it would poke me really hard in the middle of my back from under my bed. I remember hearing it travel thriugh the walls at ngiht. I know this was real and not some dream or some childhood imagination. Sometimes I would wake up paraylized and something would be in my room with me, sometimes it would just look at me like it was examining me or their would be several of them, small back things like children only melevolent, featureless bodies, more like shadows. I refused to sleep in my room and my dad would make me anyway, I know they were from the ground there in Sauk Village Illinois, The ground there is Sour, Spoiled, I dont know what happend there, I have tried to find out more about the area being haunted but never found more then Native americans would travel in a trade route there supposedly. Sometimes I still get the paralysis at night and that familer feeling of presence, these expereinces left me more sensitive to the paranormal, but i moslty just ignore it. Guess I just learned to live with it.

  29. hey, i live walking distance from axemans bridge, and one night my friends and i drove and parked on old post road, we had to move for another car to get by, but when we made a quick U turn and went back we saw a silver gun laying in the middle of the road, having to move for another car again, we made another U turn and the gun was gone. everytime i go there, you always have the feeling like you are being watched. i once walked over the metal beams to get to the other side, and i picked a really strange looking flower i saw (these are only by the old house foundation on the other side of the bridge) when i took it home and kept it in my room, the feeling of being watched also went home with me, soon after i burned the flower and the feeling went away.

  30. I'm reading all of these comments of stories of encounters and seeing things...but I've been out to Axman's bridge about three times this very week. but anyone who does want to go out there really does need to be careful...if you see other cars already there...don't go look around. there are satanists that go in there now and again...They aren't exactly the real kind but they are the poser kind. But the coolest thing that you can do is take a camera, specifically a digital camera, put the flash on and take pictures...just random can acctually see the spirits on there. I'm not talking about bodies or anything because that's just stupid, but orbs. spirit orbs. It's amazing....I go hiking there all the time and it's beautiful. you do get the feeling of being watched, but if you dont disturb anything and walk it's nice. It does get creepy when deer and birds start like running and flying in the same direction but yeah...I absolutly LOVE axman's's amazing...

  31. I live in Lansing, and we were visiting a friend in Steger. We all jumped in his car shortly after arriving at his house and cruised down to axeman's bridge. There was 4 of us, including my GF at the time. We had heard the stories of the bridge and the house but weren't lucky enough to see anything on that trip...

    We decided to go back a few days later, this time only 3 of us. The road gets kinda windy just before, & just after the bridge. I believe we were facing East parked on the bridge in my friends black truck. We noticed a car drive past us really slow like. I couldn't see much of the detail (being so damn dark), but we decided to drive off just in case it was a policeman. We were no further than 20 feet from the taillights of this car when it made a left turn heading sort of northeast'ish. And at the speed he (or it?) was going, and, considering the stretch of road after the turn was just about as long as the stretch the bridge was on, we expected to see the taillights as we came around the corner.

    But we saw nothing.....

    Confused, my friend sped up just to see if maybe the car bolted once it broke line-of-sight with us. We were going a good 50mph down that road, and never saw another glimpse of the taillights...?

    That car straight disappeared

  32. I grew up in Steger rather close to that spot, and it was known for having satanist gatherings out there occasionally. My friends and I used to drive through there a lot, day or night, and it was a genuinely weird-looking place back in the mid 80's early 90's. Actually, it was creepier during the day than at night, but I've personally never seen anything remotely supernatural, and I've lost count of how many times we went out there.

    The only messed up thing that happened was when four of us drove out there one night, and I stayed in the car when the other three went down the road where the real bridge was with flashlights. About two minutes later all three came hauling ass back to the car in a panic. I didn't notice, but our driver hit the door locks by habit when he got out, and we all freaked out that the car doors were locked when they ran back. I let them in, and we took off. They got spooked by something and didn't want to take the chance. Keep in mind, there's still a lot of wildlife around there, so it's not always quiet and calm.

  33. There's no record of any murder there (these things tend to make the news, you know?). I used to ride my bike past Axeman's every morning--nothing. Used to drive out there at night--nothing. Sure, it's creepy, especially if you've heard the stories. And Satanists? They must be upper class devil worshipers as the only neighborhood around there is for rich folks. Besides, everyone knows the Satanic Church is on Steger Road, east of Steger. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  34. I went to Axe Man's Bridge with a couple friends of mine two years ago after our finals during the day. We were in the middle of the forest near where the foundation is and we heard a girl laughing on a swing. We also found things like some old doll parts and clothes buried beneath some leaves near the foundation. But we could find no one around us. One of my friends got really freaked out so we walked back to the road to leave, and when I looked back I saw a man's hand around one of the trees, I kept walking and looked back again and I saw his hand around a entirely different tree. I really didn't think anything of it, maybe it was a pattern in the tree or something like that, so I took some more of my friends out there later in the night, probably around 11 p.m. and when we got to the bridge my flashlight that I was carrying cut out once I stepped on the bridge and I saw a light in the middle of the forest where the foundation of the house was. Like the lights were still on in the house. I've never had any problems with the flashlight and I remember replacing the batteries right before going out to the bridge. I went to Axe Man's Bridge the first time a total skeptic of the thing, and I know there's no record of the murders but I was really weirded out by the place.

    My girlfriend also said that when she was a kid her mother brought her there as a Halloween thing and she saw a man in like a dirt wife beater walking underneath the bridge with a distressed look on his face. Another incident was when I went there with a friend about two months ago and we were waiting for some more of my friends to catch up with us and we looked through the trees and saw a little girl looking at us, it's safe to say we didn't go any further.

    I don't believe in the whole "there's Satanists who worship there", because I found no evidence of altars or anything of the sort.

  35. I grew up in Sauk Village my whole life. Ever since I was a child I've heard stories. I've had a few paranormal encounters at the bridge but I'll just tell the top 2. Its Halloween day 1983, its my parents, sister, her friend, and me (I was 2). We drove out to the bridge just to take a look around. We parked about 80 feet from the bridge and got out. As we walked towards the bridge my parents seen a woman standing in the brush barefoot and in a nightgown. They said hello and smiled but the woman gave no responce. We left immediatly. Its September 2005 about 3am, Im coming home from a party w/ my friend Carlos and his brother Nelson. We stop off at the bridge (actual bridge off of Old Post Rd) to have a few brews. We had been there for about 15 min when we began to hear rustling in the bushes and heavy breathing. Thinking it was a dog or coyote we crossed the bridge to the other side. We heard nothing come through the water and nothing came across the bridge. Not 2 min later we hear the same noise on the other side of the bridge. We cross back again scared out of our minds and listen. Not 10 seconds after we crossed we heard something with 2 legs run through the water and up the creek bed landing about 10 feet from us, breathing heavily. We got the hell out of dodge! It was too dark to see but there were no other cars around and no one would be dumb enough to wait out there all night just hoping for people to show up. Even if they did I dont think they would've tried to mess w/ us.

    I did some research and spoke w/ a Will County Leutenant head of historical homicide. I questioned him about the location but I have no name or actual date for the event. I then contacted the Will County Recorders Office and located the property tax ID of the lot where the house was. It is now owned by the Forest Preserve but if one wanted to they could go to the recorders office and track all history of residence and run the names for criminal background. Thats as far as I got, never went, but I know there is something crazy going on out there.


  36. I work for the Forest Preserve District of Will County and live right by the bridge. I had been out there with work several times before I ever even heard this story. Other than kicking over some silly "satanic altars" I've never had any experiences out there. I do, however, know of some other places in the FPDWC that I have seen, heard, and experienced some strange things. I'm putting this here to let people know that the FPDWC is going to clean that area up relatively soon in an effort to keep the teenagers from going back there and vandalizing the area with all of their satan mumbo-jumbo.

  37. I grew up in Lansing and now live in Beecher. I've heard the stories all my life, but they are all urban legends. First off, there is no record of the murder that is easy to find, and if this crime was committed in 1970, it would show up in local news fairly easily (I may be wrong, and I'd admit to it if shown a record). Even in the 70's, the same decade in which the family was supposedly murdered, the bridge was an area of legend and a popular party spot. I'm guessing any haunted stories originated from people screwing with each other.

    As far as car problems go with the bridge, I drive down old post quite regularly, as do many other people who live in the area, and I have never had or heard of anybody having car problems outside of this blog. This isnt to say that you didnt stall, just that it was shitty luck that you stalled on a back country road.

    Heard noises? Go back in the light of day and see how many people live close to the bridge.

    Many of the other stories posted do not necessarily have anything to do with hauntings, just vandalism.

    Orbs in pictures do not represent ghosts and spirits. There are many explanations for them, such as light from the flash reflecting in moisture in the air.

    As far as ghost cars and following cars, Old Post is fairly well traveled for a back country road, and many people fly down old post.

  38. About 4 years ago i visited the bridge, when it was still a bridge, with a few friends on a serious level and came across some unexplained encounters, i have photos of a women in a dress in the middle of the woods, i also have some other creepy photos as well if u want to see them email me @, i still believe there is something out there even if its undocumented

  39. I used to hang out there back in high school. We would go there everyday after school and just hang out, and at night have little bonfires and just sit in the woods. Nothing ever happened other than occasionally someone would creep themselves out over nothing. Those lights you see in the woods are from other peoples houses. The woods aren't that big back there and there are houses scattered through along the road. I have heard a bunch of crazy stories from other people too but the entire 8 months of hanging out there almost everyday I have never encountered anything. They put up a guardrail now so you cant get there unless you park down the road in a subdivision and walk back. They also started towing cars who parked on the side so I would be careful about that before going there.

  40. I'd love to burst all your bubbles guys, so here I go! My grandparents have lived on Old Post Rd. since 1967. I've lived 3/4 a mile away for 24 years. I practically lived at my grandparents' when I was small.

    Celia and Herbert Beeker owned over 400 acres of what is now known as the Plum Creek Forest Reserve. My grandpa bought 13 acres from them before they died and donated the land to the government in their will. I remember going to the estate sale after they died, shortly before said house was torn down. It was a small quaint little place with nothing special and no air conditioning!

    The second bridge is the path Old Post Rd. USED to take. Also, barking dogs are no biggie here. Given that this forest reserve is over 500 acres large, there are also wild coyotes that migrate around, and many neighbors including my grandparents have dogs - big loud dogs. It's not surprising you hear dogs there. Lol.

  41. i went out many times in 94-96. noting happened there was a fireplace looking thing and no ghost or noises. The house didnt burn down in98-99 it was already gone. And Where is this satanic church in crete or near by? never herd of it

  42. I work as a firefighter in this area and I can tell you that we have had people come into our station so scared that we had to take them to the hospital. There are some strange things that go on by the bridge. On another note anybody going out there please don't park on the new bridge people drive very fast through there and I dont want to you end up a ghost.

  43. Hey i was just at axemans bridge about an hor ago and i experienced some crazy stuff in the two hours we stood there. Now im not afraid of ghosts or paranormal crap and for the most part im a skeptic. However, tonight freaked me out. At first we heard nothing. I was with my mom, sister, my moms bf, her bfs son, and his friend. Also all skeptics. At first we heard nothing and were all wanting to leave cuz we were bored but as we started leaving we heard distant screams and dogs barking in the woods. Then everything including natire went completely silent. No wind, no animals, no noises whatsoever. My mom started her car to give my baby bro who i forgot to mention could stay warm. The screams started back up again and i pulled out my phone to record them and this time they were closer. All of a sudden from the other side of the bridge sounding right off the edge was the loudest bloodcurdling scream ive ever heard. I ran over thinkin someone was hurt or in danger and nothing. Also nobody else with me heard this and my recording didnt pick this up. So i waited and ten minutes later my friend got put a digital camera to take pics and as the flash went off i saw a face, a man on the road glaring at me for a LITERAL split second that the flash lit. She took anpther an he was gone. Screams stopped again but footsteps were heard in the forest. Not by four leggen animals, these were the same kinda boot sounds that i wear to work. One of the pics my friend took had thick fog with images in the fog like a group pf ppl in a family portrait. My sister heard music that sounded like a baby lullaby thingie as did i and it stopped. As soon as it stopped the baby got all wide eyed and freaked out. While we were tending to the baby my two friends (bfs son and his friend) were leanin on the black pickup we drove in on and it went clang like a rock was thrown into the back. Nobody was around other then them sitting on it and they freaked out when tere was no rock or nuthin. While this went on i heard a LOUD clang in the woods. Like two baseball bats hit together or somethin but it was loud. Thats about it. We disnt go intp the woods cuz of the baby and fear of satanic rituals but creepy stuff does in fact happen and i can easily say acrivity gets worse the longer u stay. But we were there from 12 am to 2 am and i would go bak and do it all over again. Im determined to figure out what goes on here and find evidence of this so called axe man. I live for this stuff. Sorry it was so long but it was an exciting experience.

  44. Id like to say after experiencing MANY weird things here, my grandpa was a firefighter who helped put out the house. The house did exist and my grandpa had pics of them putting it out. The firemen who put it out had np clue of the story tho an had np wierd encounters, as they were just there to do their job

  45. I was raised in S.V. as was my Step-Father. We both heard stories of the bridge growing up. Him in the 60's and me in the 80's. We both have shared scary stories about going there and even though at the time we did not know the other had been there the stories were almost the same. It may be we saw what we wanted to see out there because of what we heard from friends or maybe it is haunted. But I know that there is something there.

  46. I have lived in Steger all my life i am 32 years old. I have been ther a lot of time nothing has happend i even got out of the car and went into the woods nothing happend. Car has never stalled o bridge i drive down it all the time.

  47. Hi,
    My name is Josh and I'm with chicago paranormal force and I was looking into this for sometime and I was wondering if anyone can give me so helpful info as to where I can park to investigate this place with my crew and the exact location to this place if anyone would like to help or join us in this investigation please let me know via email: or if it's just to give me info about it I would appreciate it very much. Happy Huntings!!

  48. I lived in Crete 62 years and connot even remember any murders in the town, or outside the town in that area. I'm sure it's just another urban legend that keeps cropping up, along with the boogeyman, mothman, and other such nonsense to tell on holloween. Bah, I'll take you to some really scary place, Crete-Monee high school.

  49. I am from Steger.. lived there my whole life.. I am also 32 years old. The bridge is not the regular bridge you drive over on Old Post. The bridge is an old run down bridge in the woods. You have to get out of your car and go into the woods to find it. The last time I was there in the woods to check it out I was in high school and at that time the bridge you could not walk across anymore. It was rusted up beams that were falling apart. You could still tell it was the bridge as it still had its shape and form. Not sure how it looks these days but this story has been passed on in our area for years. My brother is 6 years older then me and went out there when he was in high school as well. Back when he went the old house/barn was still back there and the barn was full of dolls and manicans. No idea why. But I guess it freaked out his friends. ha ha.

  50. Grew up in Crete and lived in the subdivision by the bridge never got scared and road my bike as a kid by the bridge often. Have driven past the bridge at all hours never was left with my car in desperate need of assistance or felt like I was going to get attacked by a ghost. Yes I can remember home being there burned up and that was in the early 90's. I was told there was a satanic church but still never had anything happen. I still drive down the road often and still not had any problems or feel fear. Its a story people tell maybe true maybe not.

  51. Hi, i live in Country Club Hills, IL and i'm looking for the directions to axeman's bridge, i can see the concrete bridge over plumb creek on bing maps on old post road, how far from there, does anyone know? thank you

  52. I'm 41 now and we went when I was about 25 or so. It had rained the night before. It was my boyfriend, two of his friends and I that went. We pulled over and I was the only one brave enough to head into the woods first. Because it had rained earlier in the day, my foot slipped down the hill and I let out a little yelp. All I heard was three guys gasp and then three car doors slam and then three car door locks being pushed. They wouldn't get out of the car and I had to convince them to let me in. Bunch of sally boys!

  53. We decided to go back a few days later, this time only 3 of us. The road gets kinda windy just before, & just after the bridge. I believe we were facing East parked on the bridge in my friends black truck. We noticed a car drive past us really slow like. I couldn't see much of the detail (being so damn dark), but we decided to drive off just in case it was a policeman. We were no further than 20 feet from the taillights of this car when it made a left turn heading sort of northeast'ish. And at the speed he (or it?) was going, and, considering the stretch of road after the turn was just about as long as the stretch the bridge was on, we expected to see the taillights as we came around the corner.

    But we saw nothing.....

    Confused, my friend sped up just to see if maybe the car bolted once it broke line-of-sight with us. We were going a good 50mph down that road, and never saw another glimpse of the taillights...?

    That car straight disappeared
    6/09/2009 3:26 AM

    holy cow....I was part of this story. I was the friend with the black truck. It was me, my friend jim, and my other buddy Adam I believe...hell it was back in 1998 or 99 so I can't remember exactly. This story is 100% true! We were parked with lights off just before the bridge. The other vehicle approached, stopped on the bridge briefly then disappeared around the bend. I turned around as quick as I could and tried to chase it down with my brights on, but it was GONE. Gave us all the willies and we got the heck out of there after that!! We were in my black 1998 dodge Dakota.
    Creepy stuff!

  54. To the person who "Mike" responded to above... your unexplained just got explained! Haha!

    Maybe a year ago or so I was driving around Crete (I live there) with my dad trying to find and show him Axe Man's Bridge. I must have been talking about it with him for 20 minutes while we were driving. Finally he said out of nowhere as if a totally unrelated topic, "There used to be a bridge here me and my buddies used to hang out in the 50's and drink beers. It was supposed to be haunted but we never saw anything." I said yeah that's what we've been looking for this whole time! So we drove by and saw it in the daylight. Nothing happened. As far as I know now it's fallen into the creek or has been dismantled due to safety concerns. As a teenager I used to drive around with my friends looking for it but we had no idea where it was and we were driving around the entirely wrong part of Crete.
