Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Noises On The Roof

At my old home in Indiana, there was a period of about two weeks where I was woken up in the morning by sounds on the roof. Each day, at 7:30 a.m., I would wake up to the sound of stomping above my room. To me it sounded as though a grown man was on the roof stomping around. It was really loud and it made the light fixture on my ceiling shake. In the beginning I tried to ignore the sounds until one morning it became too much. I got dressed and headed outside to our backyard. I walked to the end of the property so I could get a good view of the roof. When I turned around I could not believe what I saw. On the roof there was a huge black bird. This thing looked to be about 2 1/2 feet tall. It had very large feathers and to me resembled a vulture. I started to shout at it to frighten it off, but it just starred at me and would not move. I did not like the way it was looking at me and it really freaked me out. Finally after a few minutes it walked to the edge of the roof and flew onto my dads shed. It was hidden in some tree branches so I decided to get a closer look. When I got to the shed and looked up it was gone. What I can not figure out is where this thing went. I should have been able to see it fly away. It was as if the thing just vanished.

I do not know what the heck that was. After that, the noises on the roof stopped and I never saw the thing again. Weird...


  1. Thank you so much for this comment. My parents are still in that house and I often go back to visit. They too now hear stomping on the roof and can not find anything when my dad goes up to check things out. Can I take your comment and make it a post? I would love to let the rest of my readers read this. Thanks again quentin

  2. this kind of thing really fascinated me, i could become quite obsessed


  3. It was creepy-still gives me chills talking about today.

  4. a 17 yo believer1/15/2010 12:46 PM

    Yeah the same thing happened to me about a year ago...I was staying at a friends house and heard what sounded like a 35 lb racoon was jumping rope on the tin roof.I do believe it was a demon,they tend to feed on fear(I would get even more terrified and the sound would grow louder).Every dog in that nieghborhood barked when that thing was near,I would pray and pray and NOTHING seemed to work until finally I ask Jesus to forgive me for my sins and it vanished...haven't heard it sinceand now I put 100% of faith into God and I also suggest the same.

  5. I have a simular story to tell. I work as a custodian/janitor in a two story building on the night shift. I was working on the second floor and around 1:30am there was a running sound coming toward me above. It was right above me and then toward the other side of the floor. Third floor? There is no third floor. I was thinking to myself what and who would be up on the roof at this time of night? I went downstairs and outside there was nobody around I could see. I walked out into the parking lot looking upward to see anything up on the rooftop. No clue of anything. I thought I must be tired or working too hard. I could not have really heared that, did I ?? This was about ten years ago when I first heard this. I did not hear it again since. Until....almost six months ago I heard the same running sound above lasting maybe fifteen twenty seconds on the second floor I looked up to the ceiling and said to myself : what? again? I continued to look up and was waiting to see if the running would start again and continue. It stopped as suddenly as it began. This confirmed my hearing of it the first time. Just about a week ago I went and headed upstairs to the second floor. As I got near the top of the stairs I could hear the distinct sound of running around above me again. This time I was startled and nervous much more than the first two times. I went down the stars and outside to look around and nothing or anyone could be seen. I stayed outside for a good twenty to thirty minutes before I actually went back Iinside. I had to do my job so I finished and left. Now as I work each night I am slightly nervous not knowing when I will here it again.....

  6. I know I am responding to such an old post but it's 10:30am right now and I have just heard twice already since I've been awake, the sound of something running across the top of my roof just above my bed. This isn't the first time either I've heard this, and I try to explain this to others but everyone seems to think it's a raccoon or a cat. No. A cat or a raccoon will never sound like a human running with the distance of one leg hitting the ground right after the other leg. It seems to happen in the morning while I'm laying here in bed still or even around the same time at night, it's so strange and I can't explain it. Call me crazy about theories because I might be even having an overactive imagination, but I've even come down to the thought that someone is running across my room and portal jumping.. the sounds give me chills every time I hear it, because I have no explanation and there's no way there could be anything I can think of that can make that noise. It has to be on the roof and for it to have the sound pierce through the attic and me to hear it so loudly above my ceiling is creepy. The sound also can't be coming from my attic either because: a. We have so many old things shoved up there that there is no room to run, b. We don't have a flat surface to safely walk up there; it's just wooden beams and insulation material..

  7. Dear EMZ, the stomping and human sounding footsteps on your roof is a very powerful demon spirit. I know because I was haunted by one for 16 years, from the age of nine to 25 years of age. I am now in my late 30s and free from its grips. Here are my recommendations. 1. Feel no fear from within. It feeds off your energy when you are scared. 2. Learn the Lord's prayer. Memorize it. It works. 3. Invest in a good night light. It weakens when there is more light in your room. 4. Get a small bottle of blessed holy water from your local church. Demon is very scared of the blessed water. 5. If you are being hunted and followed by a strong demon, then move to a southern state. The warmer the weather, the less powerful the demon. They prefer cold weather climates. Most of their portals are in cold climate areas.

    Also, please know that when you hear the stomping at night, this is one of many other gestures that the demon intends to try to possess you. This is why I urge you to just learn the Lord's Prayer ( Catholic version) regardless of what your religious viewpoints are because this prayer works during attacks.

  8. I am hearing some heavy man is walking . but its not normal walking in my Villa . Its like some army is in prade and hitting his foot with force and walking around whole area of Roof .

    It is Strange that one Couple live on above floor and same room in above unit.

    I heard the voice during 2 nights when even they were not in their room . i have no answer that who were walking in their room if nobody was in room.

    Some time its like some one has drag the chair and some time throw small playing round marble on the floor.

    I can hear voice in day time also and in night 2 AM , 3AM even at 5 am.

    There is no particular time for these voices.

    My other house mate hear voices of walking on her roof also.

    My owner is not ready to accept that it is some paranormal activity.

  9. I live in a trailer home and at night around 10 , I hear Cats on the porch. My room is next to the porch so I can hear them and I know it's cats because I look through the window and see them running around. Sometimes they just sit there and cry. It literally sounds like a baby crying and the first time I heard it , I really thought there was a baby crying on my porch. I always hear something walking on my roof. It's something heavy because trailer roofs dip in when there's something heavy on it . I really doubt it's a squirrel or raccoon because the steps are way too heavy

  10. Call me crazy for being another guy who's replying to a 10 year old post but this literally just happened an hour ago. So here I was sitting on my room when there's a noise (think of a bowling ball because that's how big the noise is) rolling on the roof being dragged at least a couple meters and then just sorta... stopped and I didn't hear a thud or anything. Now I live in the equator and from where I came from there's no racoon or anything that would get stuck on the roof, the closest thing you can get are probably rodents or just bats or birds, but ain't no animal is making that weird ass noise. That happened on 7PM and now I'm here typing this while playing a loud ass music blaring from the laptop speaker lol, just scared shitless. And not to mention there's a certain folklore legend where a women could practice witchcraft and thus removing their head from their body (you can google this) and boy I can't get the image out of my head (pun intended).

  11. Similar experience for me, I have been living at my current house since the early 90's. The garage area I hear footsteps on the roof like if someone is stomping really fast also on the side wall like if they are walking on the side. I hear it sometimes every morning, at around 7 -8 am. Same location same sounds. This time it happened at 2:48 am, I was awake, i wanted to hit the wall with my hand to see if it could hear me but I didn't do it in time. Lol

    I think the reason we all hear this in this room is because a long time ago my cousin and my brother used to play the Ouija board in this garage room. Anyways, i'm already used to it. Lol Freaks me out, i sleep with the bathroom light on, I don't want a shadow person to com out.

  12. Hi all, soz im a bit late to this post, but some readers might get something from this. I moved into a new home a few years ago and had quietly settled in, when one night at about 9.30pm i heard something run the full length of my houses roof before jumping onto the next house's roof and vanishing of into the distance. As soon as i heard what i took was a human at full sprint on my roof, scared the crap out of me and made me jump up and run outside to look up and see nothing. It was so fast. I was completely amazed at the speed this thing ran. I have asked the neighbours if they heard anything but all i got was a no. I have run into a few people over the last 12 months that have had a similar experience. And no it's not possums,rats,cats, birds or snakes. I've lived with all of them and this made possums, rats very passive. My roof has a 27 degree pitch which would make it insanely hard for a human to sprint on. have only heard once again since.

  13. This, my experience gave me the chills the first time I heard it. It still does as I write it. So last year on my trip to Mexico I stayed at my grandmas estate. My great grandmother passed away on the second night we were there and oddly enough people that went to mourn at her home heard odd things. I for one was a skeptic until then. On the third night I woke around two in the morning and couldn't fall asleep. And boy was I in for a ride. At first it was bangs on my grandmas steel doors, and soon enough running on the roof! It was like someone was wearing heels and running back and forth. I couldn't speak, I tried to yell out for my grandma because damn I was terrified. I had my phone with me and put on some rock, I told myself to get it together and fuck whatever is out there. I read a history mag until six in the morning or so, and to this day I know no animal, at least no native animal could make the noises I heard. The roof was adobe, and by god those were like heels running across!

  14. At my house it sounded like someone jumped on my Room and ran across it heavy thud that that then I ran outside thou nothing to other people were there could explain it spooky

  15. I thought I was hearing things at first but my partner who is deaf even heard the running on the roof of the house and it's mainly at nighttime and there is no animals up there or in the roof it's so strange like what the heck so I just ignore it

  16. It's so strange. Each of my family members had been saying that sometimes they hear the running/hard stomping sound on the roof beside the window in their room, and I always told them it must have been some animals like cats, raccoon, squirrel or something.
    But, it just happened to me now- 3.30AM. I was just finished watching the Netflix, and going into my bedroom. I turned on the lights, and then I heard the noise. It seriously does sound like someone running because it is so loud. The stomping is so human-like sound because it was a heavy stomping sound. I'm not sure whether it is human or not, but it does sound like it has 2 feet.
    My sister and my parents said they sometimes looks outside of their window to see what's running, but they didn't see anything. It is so weird lol.
    P.S- I'm just saying the "lol", but it definitely is not funny at all :'). I need to sleep, almost 4am now.
