Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Satanic Church

Years ago, me and my friend were out driving around in Crete, Illinois on the back roads late one evening. We had her boyfriends Tracker, which had one hell of a sound system in it, and were having a pretty good time. Out of nowhere we came upon a very strange looking church. My friend slowed down a bit so that we could get a better look. I could tell right away that it was a church, but unlike any other I have seen. It was in the shape of a traditional church, but it was dark in color with stained glass windows that were all black. Then I noticed a number of wooden crosses on the church. To me they appeared upside down. The steeple had a large wooden cross on it, and again it appeared upside down.

We noticed a car with a strange looking person in it heading towards us. We sensed that something was not right and began to drive away. The car began to follow us. As my friend sped up, so did the other car keeping close behind. Suddenly, the car took the opposite lane and came along the drivers side of the Tracker. We could both see a guy wearing a brown hooded robe inside. He looked very angry and determined to stop us. Thank god my friend knew how to lose someone. It also did not hurt that she was very good at driving stick shift. We eventually lost him and were able to make it home okay.

In a previous post, I talked of a place called Axeman's Bridge. Some people think that the strange happenings there are linked to this nearby Satanic Church.


  1. Where is the church?

  2. It was so long ago...I do not remember where in Crete, IL it is. I have since tried to find the location but have come up with nothing online. What I have found is that others have had similar experiences like mine.

  3. I and some friends have been to this "satanic church" We drove there and stopped in front of the church. Within seconds police were there and stopped us. A few minutes later more police showed up and the second officer said the first officer told him that when he got there we were climbing on the fence of the church. This was obviously untrue because we had only pulled up seconds before the officerhad arrived and we never got out of our car. The officer took all our drivers licenses, but gave them back after running them through the computer. He also told us the church was going to press charges against us, and we would receive information in the mail but we were free to go. We were all abviously scared to death, so we all told our parents what had happened, but we never got anything in the mail or heard another word about it. Not sure what to make of it all

  4. Scare Tactics, Illinois cops are good at that. I will never forget the night I was out there. It creeps me out to this day. How long ago did that happen to you?

  5. there is a church and if im correct it is on Ritchton road in crete. there is also another satanic ritual house, i have pictures of the place and something cultish does go on..
    add me on myspace and see all my pics.

    ide give the address but i have dicovered this place and would like to keep it my secret until i know more about it!


  6. Creepy shit at that place, I am just glad that guy never got us off the road. Keep safe when you go out there, those people are trying to hide something if people can't even look at the place with out getting chased.

  7. they are definetly hiding something and i wanna know what it id, we're the public and we deserve to know what goes on in our communites. crete is kinda big but all of crete thats located on the east side of 394 is where its creepy. i was told the church was on ritchton road, but i drove as far east and west i could go and there was nothing at all out of the ordinary. besides axemans and this strange house. i say until i find this church i wont believe much of that. everyone says they have been there but can never remember where it is or even what street it was by ?? i think these anonymous people leaving messages about there being no church or axeman hauntings are the people that actually are a part of this cultish group. and theyre people who probly know what is really going on! see my pics of the ritual house at my myspace
    my url is: motherofdamien

    1. Its actualky a reformed presbyterian church now, if you head east from ritchon rd and union its less than a mile down on the eight side...it has a wrought iron fence still around it but its congregation has changed

  8. That part of Crete is creepy. I really wish I got the street name, I did see the church. It is out there, unless the outside has been changed to appear normal.

  9. idk i went pass the so called church today on ritchton road. my friend said it use to have an upside down cross but the town made them change it to an upright cross. alls i know is thats illegal to make someone change their religious sign! and the church sign said trinity gospel so i still dont believe its there...

  10. A lot can change in 15 years.

  11. alot can change in 15 years, but from the incestigationg im doing this church is just a christian church and always has been. there is even abig sign that sayd Trinity Gospel Church. i dont even think i seen a no tresspassing sign. and i also have their number. and its just a church nothin satanic so maybe its somewhere else... idk..

  12. Yeah that axemans bridge still scares me.. I got 2 pass by it every day to get home. I never saw anything on it but i feel like everytime i pass by I feel like im being watched. One time I ran out of gas right next to it but it was probably just coincidence.
    Mim from crete

  13. The church is real my freinds dad has seen it and said it has been tor down or redone but he says they used to sacrifice animals and hang them inthe trees they were probaly trying to run you of the road to find out if you saw them sacrificing anything or anyone because there has been stories of santanists sacrificing people to as for axemans bridge I have seen the bridge and it does feel like your beening watched but the bridge has now fallen in and that supposely is a myth anyway Ill ask my uncle he is cretes main historian he probaly has newspaper articles from when it happened.

  14. main historian...That would be great!

  15. okay so i have been to the church and axemans bridge. the church has an upside down cross on the front and is fenced around it. Once we had walked to like the side part of the building, where there was an open clearing with no trees that led back to what looked like an open field, there was like a wooden shack thing behind the church and we heard a door in it creek open and then shut and heard the creakin on the floor boards like someone was walking. it was very scary then i was just looking around us after that some of us wanted to walk foward into the like field looking thing and some of us stayed back by the shack thing and all the sudden the others started yellin and running toward us so we started running back to the car. I think we were parked on Ronald Rd.

  16. This is total nonsense. I used to live right near there and drove past it everyday. There was nothing weird about it. All the talk of satanic worship and what not is all made up hocus pocus.

  17. May be nonsense to you - however my friend and I know what we saw and what we experienced at by the church all those years ago. Being chased by a man in a hooded robe was not our imagination.

  18. All of this is true. Its very scary there! I've experienced the same thing. Being chased by a limo and two woman chasing us out of there. They are devil worshipping people. Anyone who thinks differently is in denial!

  19. Its been 20+ years since Ive thought about that place. In high school we used to drive down to Axe man's bridge and the "church" from Lansing. Once time we brought eggs to egg the church, while sitting in our cars out front someone showed up at the fence line and shined their flashlight on us. We took off not before we through some eggs at the flashlight holder. Is is satanic, who knows I like to think it is because the rumors are fun to spread.

  20. In the early 80's we were sneaking around the church property. We stumbled upon the remains of a satanic ritual behind the church in the woods. A small fire of just coals was burning, around the fire was a pentagram. Dead cats were strung up in the trees with their throats cut. We got the hell out of there and Ive never returned since.

  21. today me and my two buddies stopped in plum creek subdivision and turned on creekwood court to go through the woods to get to axemans bridge on oldpost. swear to go we all found a carcass of a pretty big animal halfway there. mabe coincidence i dont think so something deffinatley happens there
