Thursday, January 11, 2007

Haunted Hollywood Set

Jennifer Love Hewitt is the star the television hit 'The Ghost Whisperer'. The show is about a young woman that can communicate with the spirits of the dead. In a interview with US chat show host Megan Mullally, she spoke openly about the strange happenings on the set.

"We've had lights move, literally three and a half inches to the left, as you're sitting there the lights move. "We've had lights burst over actors' heads when they're playing people who don't believe in ghosts. A light will burst into a million pieces right over them.

"People are like, 'We're not guest-starring on that show!' "But for us as a crew we're kind of like, 'Awesome! Maybe they (the ghosts) are with us.'"

So what do you think? Is this a way for the show to boost their ratings or is something spooky going on?

1 comment:

  1. The hauntings cursed that show! lol!
