Monday, February 05, 2007

Evidence Of O'Hare UFO

I recently read a post over at OddThings, that actor Dan Aykroyd has photographs and a video in his possession of the November 2006 UFO sighting at O' Hare Airport. According to Dan Aykroyd, the footage exists and he and his fellow filmmakers will be releasing it to the public in the near future.

It will be interesting to see exactly what this "footage" shows.


  1. Thanks for the link. I think it will be interesting since Dan Aykroyd probably doesn't have any reason to put out an iffy video. Apparently he's got exclusive video and photos, and it'll be coming out in a DVD "this year". I guess we'll just have to wait and see what comes out.

  2. You are welcome! I have seen Dan Aykroyd in other documentaries on UFO's in the past and was impressed with his part in them.

  3. Do you think it hurts or helps his credibility that this is Ray from Ghostbusters?

  4. I look at him as someone who is interested in UFO's and wants to find the truth in the matter. I do not think that his role in that movie hurts his credibility. It helps that he is a celebrity and has access to the public. People may be more inclined to watch...
