Thursday, February 08, 2007

Flight Of The Oil Painting

Recently my parents were in town for a visit. After showing them my blog, we got to talking about the unexplained experiences that happened while I was living at home. They then began to tell me of a recent incident that left the both of them spooked.

My mom and dad were sitting together on the main level one evening after dinner. Unexpectedly they heard a loud crash coming from the foyer/living room area. It startled the both of them and they both got up to see what it was. Once in the foyer, they found one of their oil paintings had somehow come off the wall and was lying on the hardwood floor in the dining room. A ceramic bowl was also broken. This bowl was on an accent table which is directly under where the painting was hung. What is puzzling about this is that the wire mounting on the back of the painting was intact and had not broken, which would have explained why the painting fell. Even more interesting was the fact that the hook which the painting was hung on was still in the wall!?!? Anyone with this type of mounting in their home knows that to take the painting off, you would first have to go upwards to clear the hook.

I'm spooked....


  1. Very interesting story. Were there frequently strange happenings there?

  2. Yeah. I have had a number of things happen there that I can not explain. I post all of my experiences under the "personal experiences" tag.

    Thanks for commenting Dustin :)
