Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Alien Presence on the Moon? / Moon Anomalies

Ever wonder what is on the far side of the moon? Here is an interesting article that relates to my post yesterday. (click on the title)


  1. Provocative article. But I find it hard to believe that something like that could still be covered-up, what with all the privately-owned satellites orbiting the Earth, and Richard Branson's almost realized private, commercial space flight. If something like that were there, we'd know by now.

  2. I disagree. I think that things have been discovered and are kept from us by some very powerful people.

  3. My thoughts are simple: people generally want to believe they are safe and everything they think they know is in short, fact. People want told what to do and when to do it. Even though ancient batteries have been found, most people think that only todays people are smart enough to invent such things. Ignorance is bliss for those who choose it.

  4. Well put, I agree with you. Thanks for your comment.

  5. What I find most amazing is that when it is so obvious that Governments on this planet will hide evidence and openly lie to cover up facts, so that they can get approval by their citizens to attack non-threatening countries and destroy millions of lives, just to cover up their corruption. We then still have people such as janedoughnut who think such evidence of an alien civilization on the moon would be made obvious to us as if we had a right to know. Can you spell naivety!
