Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ghosts Of The Kremlin

The Kremlin is home to the offices of the Russian government and has been around for many centuries. It has been residence to royalty, tsars and heads of state. The Kremlin has seen a fair amount of turmoil and bloodshed throughout it's history which could be an explanation to all the apparitions that have been seen there.

Some of the most well known sightings have been those of famous historical figures. Ivan the Terrible was seen a number of times in the Kremlin shortly after the death of Alexander III. His ghost reportedly appeared engulfed in reddish flames before authorities. When this apparition appeared in this manner, many took it as a sign of warning. In more recent times, Ivan the Terrible has been seen walking on the bell tower named after Ivan the Great. Another well known incident, that perplexed authorities, took place on October 19, 1923, when the ghost of Vladimir Lenin was seen by numerous eyewitnesses at the Red Square. This sighting took place three months before the leader died. At the time of the sighting Lenin was gravely ill, and at a private residence in Gorki. Due to so many seeing Lenin that day, the authorities quickly made up an official report about Lenin's last visit to Moscow shortly after the incident to calm the public. Another apparition famous in Moscow's Kremlin is that of Stalin's special services chief. His ghost has been seen wandering the Patriarch's Chambers where his private residence once was.

These were just a few of the many sightings that have been seen in the Kremlin over time.

Russia, like many others, is a country rich with a history of tragedies, violence and death. A history like that makes the perfect recipe for a ghostly encounter.

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