Thursday, March 22, 2007

Shadow People

How many of you have seen a dark shadowy figure move out of the corner of your eye? According to research, millions of people say they too have witnessed this phenomenon more than once and this number continues to grow.

This supernatural phenomenon is known as Shadow People or Shadow Folk. For many, the shape of the figure is humanoid. Others say they appeared as shapeless wispy blobs or swirling columns of black smoke. "Their movement is often described as being very quick and disjointed; they may first move slowly, as if they were passing through a heavy liquid, and then rapidly "hop" to another part of a witness' surroundings. Some witnesses describe this movement as though the shadow entities they have seen "danced" from one wall to the next." (Wiki) For most this phenomenon last seconds. Others claim to have seen these figures longer. While some details differ, the one thing that remains the same is that the figures are always dark.

For some, these are malevolent creatures who dwell in the underworld not the spirits of our dead. Others believe Shadow People to be guardian angels who come with a sign of warning.
Could this be caused by our imaginations or do you feel that this phenomenon exists?

If anyone has had an experience like this that they would like to share on here, email me.


  1. Hey
    I have a friend who says he has experienced these shadows for MINUTES (!) but i didnt find any info about that either. On wikipedia it says a couple of seconds, but maybe my friend is experiencing something else (tho eveything else he described about it matches with the description of shadow people). Did u Aura find anything about lasting for mins instead of secs?

    (Btw, thanks for linking :)

  2. No details, just a quick mention that some have experienced it longer. I am looking further into this and hope to find more out. Very interesting...if your friend wants to share his experience I would love to post it on here.

    u r welcome, anything for a fellow blogger ;)

  3. Actually I've already "forced" him (haha ;) to write a story to my blog once... I doubt he wanna do it again, lol.

  4. Btw, the animated picture u have at the bottom of your blog is a "shadow person" I believe (cos its red eyes).

  5. That is good that his story is out there. Hopefully after reading his experience at your site, more people will come forward with theirs.

    The animation at the bottom of my page does look like shadow people!!! spooky ;)

  6. Not only come forward but also reach out to more people about paranormal stuff making the sceptics a bit more...unsceptic, hehe :)

  7. Here are the 3 types of Shadow people.


    Category 1
    This category falls into drugs use, seizures, and other mental issues. This category covers a very vast description and is known to have descriptions that may or may not match what others describe in category 2 and 3. Category 1 actually may not be considered shadow people at all due to the non consistancy in the descriptions.

    Category 2
    This category falls more into the ghost and spirit category. The descriptions in this category are as follows: non human shaped shadows or masses of human shaped shadow people in one place, insect shadows, animal shadow people, and women shadow people. These are mostly see thru shadows. Category 2 shadow people tend to be drawn more to a location than a person. It is common for this category to actually try and not become seen. Light may affect this group.

    Category 3
    This category does not fall into the ghost or Spirit category. This category has only 2 types of shadow people, One tall shadow man and several small hooded "twin" style shadow people. These are usually seen non see thru however they may be see thru. This category is more drawn to a person rather than a place, this category may actually be drawn to a certain spirit or ghost as well as humans. This category tends to not care about being seen. Light has no effect on this group.

  8. I have seen these shadow people for years. I have spoke with them. They have thier own demension. I have always seen this Knight with red eyes. Un-effected by anything, and yet it stares at me like it's protecting me. I have yet to get the name of this shadow. sometime I think I have gone insane though I know I am not.

    zakira -

  9. You should try to capture it on film/video. Red eyes...creepy. Thanks for your comment.

  10. ive seen adam since i was ten years old. i dont understand how people only see them for a split second, ive seen adam for over ten minutes before, and also had him speak to me. A few times however, he has tried to grab my face before, no idea why but he has also done it to my mum cause she didnt believe me until it happened to her too

  11. Dear friends, im a bus driver and late one evein comming back, i stopped in to Chelmsford bus station were, for some reason i saw a host of shadow people, they were leadin back to a buildin round the corner that was bein pulled back they seem the be playing games , passin though people, why couldnt anyone else see them, when i left one flow beside me as if he knew i could see him

  12. hi i have just recently come from tenessee and we stayed in this huge but ominyse cabin and the last night that i stayed there i had a strange experience it was about two A.M my friend was sleeping in the chair in front of me and i was watching T.V then i see that a figure that looks like my friend crawled beside his chair but when i looked up he was still in it so i sit there confused then i ran and turned on the lights and the figure was gone im thirteen years old and have been waiting for an experience like this

  13. You Mean Like A Quantum Slipstream? Are You Talking About Something That Might Be Called A Quantum Slipstream? from elise renee gingerich age 39 in Lawrence Kansas USA like quantum slipstreams in those sci fi shows maybe? maybe it's alot like those quantum slipstreams like in sci fi movies? :)

  14. hey everyone, i've seen and felt shadow people,for at least minutes, i even seen one shadow person holding souls by black chains around the neck, don't know if this helps but they seem to want to tell me something, especially in my dreams

  15. Hi, just a few minutes ago, for the first time ever I experienced this. I was standing in a doorway, just around 1:15am, and I saw a shadow of a woman on the wall move across the wall and disappear into my sons' bedroom. At first I thought it was my shadow, and realized it wasn't me because I wasn't moving and wasn't in the right position for it to be me. So I am just wondering what this was? I have no idea, and it scared the heck out of me and now I'm afraid to go to sleep. Do you have any idea what it could be? Thank you.

  16. That would scare me also! 'Shadow people' have been witnessed by many. Off the top of my head- Any recent passing's in your family? Any renovations in your home? Has your son ever mentioned anything unusual to you in the past? Have you ruled all other possible 'rational' explanations out? Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you can rest better tonight.

  17. Thank you for replying to me. No recent passings. We just moved into this house. It is a mess still, from us moving in. We live downstairs in a 2 family house, the owner's mom used to live down here and she passed away. Could it be a ghost? I know what I saw was real. I couldn't sleep at all. I had the lights on for the entire night. My 17 year old daughter said that a couple of nights ago my 3 year old girl was laughing and talking to someone at the back door (French doors), but nobody was there. I try to rationalize it, and I don't want to tell anybody because they will think I am crazy. I just hope that whatever it is that it's not harmful. Thank you.

  18. It's possible that it could be her spirit or ghost which is still attached to what was once her home. Young children have yet to become 'clouded' and can see through the veil that unfortunately covers most adults senses. Keep an eye and ear out to what she is doing /saying. I know how you feel. I know what I experienced while growing up in my childhood home- no doubt it was all real. I know it's frightening. But I'm sure that you all will not be harmed. Sometimes they just need to be told to go or need help with unfinished earthly matters, etc.. Email me (contact info is in sidebar) and I can write you more.

  19. Is it possible that a shadow person could be protecting people?

  20. I have had countless encounters and experiences with the shadow people and they are actually extra-dimensional beings!
