Thursday, April 05, 2007

Haunted Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a hot spot for hauntings. When I think of Vegas, I think of organized crime, high rollers and people seeking fame and fortune. What I don't often think about are all the haunted places there. Here are some legitimate documented sightings that have taken place in Sin City.

The ghost of notorious Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel has been seen a number of times at the Flamingo Hilton Hotel. On one occasion, a cleaning lady was making her rounds on the 5th floor when she saw Siegel's ghost in the hallway. The woman was so frightened that she quit her job that day. Another area where Siegel's ghost has been seen, is in the presidential suite which was his private residence until his violent death in 1947. People staying in this room have seen Bugsy in the bathroom and by the pool table. His apparition has also appeared to visitors around the pool area.

Another well known haunted spot is the property where the Bally's Hotel and Casino now sits. The property used to be where the MGM Grand stood. In 1980 a fire destroyed a large portion of the hotel killing 84 people who were trapped inside. A lot of badly burned bodies were found in the stairway's. It is here were a number of sightings have taken place. It has also been reported that the new site of the MGM Grand, which is nearby, is haunted by a number of ghosts believed to be those killed in that fire. Staff there have reported strange occurrences. They say if you work the night shift(12:00-8:00am)you can see a figure of a person laying on the bed. Most cleaning ladies in the emerald tower (green tower) hold rosary beads when walking through those halls. Visitors and staff have also seen ghostly figures that appear and disappear before them.

The Luxor Hotel and Casino is said to be haunted by the workers who were killed there during its construction. Ghosts have been seen roaming the long hallways of the pyramid by a number of eyewitnesses.

Source: Shadowlands Haunted Places Index


  1. If I were ever to see a ghost, I don't think I would want it to be Siegel's. Not if he is as bad in death as he was in life anyway.

    I suppose a place like Vegas must see so much life - constant turnover of the crowds - that is only natural that there will be a whole otherworldly side to it.

    I must admit though, that ghosts are not the first thing that comes to my mind either when thinking of Las Vegas.

  2. Interesting post.
    It must be only correct that there are lots of ghosts there compared to other places.

  3. I saw a ghost in my room when I stayed at the Luxor last April. I was falling asleep and then opened my eyes and saw a man with bloody sores on his face looking at me with an angry look on his face. I freaked out and started yelling out to my boyfriend to turn the light on. Does anyone have pictures of the men who died there?

  4. I was staying at the new MGM Hotel when in the middle of the night I heard a knock at the door, I opened it and no one was there... so I went back to bed. Then I heard a knock again, so I went to the door and didn't see anyone - but when I walked out into the hall saw all these ghostly figures walking up and down. I got scared and tried to call for help on the phone but couldn't remember the number. Then I woke up. It was a dream. But I was terrified. It all seemed so real. I went online to see if the MGM was haunted and that's when I read about the fire. Creepy.

  5. The fire didn't t happen where mgm is now. It happened at ballys before it was ballys it was MGM grand. i stayed at ballys the end of nov 2011 beginning of dec and was having a bad dream and awoke to a man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes his hair was combed back very neatly light was around him as if he was glowing he was asking me "is everything ok?" I know my eyes was wide open and I couldn't t say a word like I was frozen. It was pitch black other than the man standing over me. After what felt like about 30 seconds I turned away and yelled out to my husband. My husband said you must have had a bad dream it's ok go back to sleep. I went back to sleep still shaken up. The next day and before today still thinking I saw a ghost but not talking to anyone about it thinking that they would think I m just crazy. Today I was mention how my trip to Vegas was a whirlwind and jokingly said yeah and that ghost I saw to top it. He said "what?" tell me about it! So I did and he mentioned that ballys was an older casino so we decided to google it and just found out about the fire and the people who lost their life and that other people had had similar experiences there. See I believe that the ghost was concerned about me while I was tossing around having a bad dream that's why I awoke with him asking me was everything ok? I ve
    Have heard that ghost are attracted to high energy . It was one of those dreams where you realize it was just a dream and you say to yourself goodness thank god it was a deam(actually was about my husband being a butt to me) when I opened my eyes there he was. He seemed really concerned about "was everything ok?" I ll never forget his face. I now wish there were pictures of the fire victims so I could see who he was.

  6. I was just at bally's this past weekend on a girl's trip. I was eating at a restaurant on the main floor by the casino. My friend and I were eating, when I had the feeling that someone was right beside me. I turned to look to my right and a man was staring right at me. I of course flinched thinking he was a real person that close to me throwing up my arm in defense. He then vanished and my friend at the table was like, "Are you okay?" She didn't see the ghost but knew that wasn't like me. I told her my story along with all of my friends when we got back up to the hotel room. I just prayed asked Archangel Michael to protect me, and went to sleep. The man was older with leathery type skin with deep wrinkles on forehad and around mouth, he was just staring at me, like he was trying to see if I could see him or not. Now I'm doing research on Bally's and realizing that what happened to me what real as there were many other sightings and hauntings at Bally's.

  7. Went to Bally's Dec. 2011 and won't ever return. We stayed in one of the upper rooms of the "old MGM" where 80 something people died. Eac h night about 0100 our cell phones and tablets would register they were dying from low batteries, though plugged in and charged. My MP3 player, which was off would turn itself on. Two of the walls would shake for hours after we came in. Very far from elevator. Bad energy in the room, couldn't get warm, plastic bag wrapped around smoke detector??. One night, at 0130 we got up as devices were dying and phones ringing and nobody there. Bad energy. I said to my friend "and what is with these wall?" I asked "it" to quit shaking the walls--immediately it stopped. We were stunned and terrified. I sat on the bed and thought why has my friend turned the A/C on when I realized it was only on one side of my body. Never talk to them--I felt it trying to get into my thoughts and I kept seeing a vision of a man standing by the window in the room with black smoke on the upper part of room. It was also sending me thoughts to go to the window and jump. No psych history here, we're both professionals. Too terrified to get out of bed and leave or call. Never so glad to leave LV. Called the front desk after the first nigh tabout the electrical "issues" and the woman said we were on a floor where paranormal activity had been reported, do we want a new room? No, we're okay (didn't really believe in that stuff yet).

  8. I stayed in the Bally's South Tower last week for two nights on business. I don't drink or do drugs, I've never believed in ghosts before, but I had one of the weirdest experiences: I packed my bags the night before to make the drive to Pasadena for a conference. I left my glasses on the nightstand, clothes out, and I got up at 4AM to take a shower. I got dressed and grabbed my things and went down to check out. I realized i forgot my glasses (on the nightstand) and had the desk clerk make me a key to go back up and get them. I brought my laptop bag and left everything else. I got in the room and checked the nightstand, no glasses. I checked the bathroom, no glasses. I checked my bag, nothing. On a hope they fell on the ground, I got down and looked under the bed. Chills shot down my body at teh sight of my glasses neatly folded up against the bed frame. They were neatly placed there and I couldn't explain it. I didn't get up the night before, my wife will attest, I don't sleepwalk. It just felt wrong. I didn't remember putting them there, nor would I. I ran out of that room quick. It scared the hell out of me. It might sound questionable but I was scared out of the room. Only I can say I didn't put them there but I know. And I guess in the realm of hauntings; it's weak. All I know is that it will always be an unexplained experience for me. My wife checked the hotel's history and that's when we saw the info on the fire and the hauntings. It is what it is; I guess i'll have to go back to see if it happens again.

  9. I stayed there this past weekend (14th floor). I didn't notice anything, but then nobody died on that floor.

  10. Just got back from Vegas we stayed at the luxor first night there I woke up to a woman standing in front of me watching me sleep I remember a dark woman with brown hair she had bright red on. the red is what really stood out in my mind I looked right at her and she was gone just like that I layed back down and tryed not to let it freak me out I told my girl friend when she woke up I couldn't get my mind off of that the whole trip when I got home I looked it up on the net and found out that in sept 26th 1996 a woman jumped off the 26th floor and they say she can be seen once in awhile around the hotel. I knew I wasn't sleeping I seen her and I cant stop thinking about her and why she showed her self to me I wish I could find out more about this person

  11. To Blair Oakley, she was my best friend so I am curios if you really saw her or not

  12. Blair Oakley - she was my best friend, I am curious if you really saw her...

  13. You should email me because I still think about this all the time it freaks me out I can tell you the story better

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Blair oakley3/16/2014 12:44 PM

    Wow you should email me I would like to see a picture of this woman

  17. I changed my email and never checked for a comment on my post in awhile I was out having a smoke last night and realized I bought a red truck and instantly I thought of the lady in the red dress I seen in my room on my trip

  18. Replies
    1. Hi Becca -


  19. That was your best friend im realy curious what happens ???? @becca

  20. stacy aderman3/08/2016 9:32 AM

    Hi my girlfriend sasha was the one who jumped off the 26th floor of the luxor,she lived with me at the time.she walked out my door and told me that i wouldnt ever see her again and i didnt.she was so beautiful inside and out,she dealt with some really messed up things in life growing up ,she did have long black hair.ill find some pictures and upload them sometime this week.i dont appreciate the luxor using my friend as a way of making money by lying to people.they wrote in another article that she did it because she contracted aids ,and that was not true.that should be illegal SHE DIDNT HAVE AIDS and thats a fact,just because of her occupation is why they said that,it was her past and she was hurting everyday of her life because of it.but anyways i miss her and hope shes in a better place...R.I.P SASHA CLEMENT YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN


    1. I knew Sasha she really was a Beautiful girl and a great girl.I also read about that AIDS Bullshit.Very sad.RIP

  21. I stayed at Bally's last year for 6 days. It was between the ending of November and the beginning of December. I didn't think anything of this hotel when I got there. I loved the room I stayed in, there was a Murphy bed and a vanity. It was amazing. The first night I was there I woke up like I normally would do in the middle of the night. I decided to turn on my music and go back to sleep. I was falling back asleep but I could still hear my music playing so I wasn't fully asleep yet. That was when this horrible feeling crept over my body. I knew that there was someone standing at the end of my bed. I was laying on my stomach, so there was no way I could see who was there. I felt the bed move, like it was putting its knee down before it went on the bed. It then preceded to lay on top of me. It began to hump me... I didn't know what to do at the time. I was hoping it was all a dream. But I knew It was happening I felt my heartbeat quicken and I could hear the bed moving. I felt my breath quicken. I soon realized that I couldn't move my body. I tried for awhile to move but I just couldn't. It stopped and I thought that it was all over and I could just get up and leave. But, it leaned forward and rubbed its face against my mine. Right after that I got up off my bed. No one was there. I turned on all the lights and the TV. I didn't know what to do, it was so late. so I just sat on the couch, I watched TV til there was light outside.

    If anyone else has experienced something like this, I would love to know. This still haunts me. It took me this long just to be more comfortable about it.

  22. My mom just stayed at Bally's for 10 days. Room 2142.

    She experienced the below:
    - Toilet Flushing itself
    - Someone playing with the cabinet doors "opening and closing." The doors are not actually moving but the sound is there.
    - From inside the room she could hear Women talking loudly in the hallway but when she looked, there was no one there. They quieted as soon as she opened the door.
    - Someone sitting on the bed (seen as quick reflection on mirror)
    - Dark and bad energy in the room
    - On her first night, someone tried to wake her up, scratching her and "attacking" her (for lack of a way to describe it) and she woke up thinking it was a bad dream but slept the entire time with the lights on.
    - The elevator lobby on her floor has a couch, when my mom left in the morning 8am, she saw a lady sitting there wearing a yellow dress and a hat. When she returned that evening around 6pm, the lady was still sitting there in the exact place, She hadn't moved. My mom didn't think it was weird at the time but in hindsight, an unmoving lady is a bit odd.
    - Something trying to open her door (shaking the door) at odd hours in the night. When she opens the door there's no one there.
    - Someone talking inside the cabinet (but language not decipherable)

    My mom is super sensitive to the paranomal so I think this is the reason why she had so many encounters and from several spirits. We prepaid this room for her so despite us saying that she should raise these issues to the concierge and have them change the room, she did not want to for fear that they would not believe her and refuse to give her a refund or transfer.

  23. I stayed at the belly hotel this past weekend on the 16th floor in a beautiful suit I woke up and 2am later back down around 3:30 am I was falling asleep and kept hearing someone messing with the door connected to the other suit but my side was locked but I tapped my boyfriend with my eyes still closed a d told him somone keeps shaking the door he didn't move I sat up and it was a woman in a white dress it was like she had my attention she had smoke around her then she started screaming I was screaming to but my boyfriend didn't budge or move finnaky i felt released I woke him up and couldn't go back to sleep I was so scared but i know it was real then i googled ballys and that's when i found out about the fire i was so startled
