Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Haunting In Texas

"I came across your site and found it to be very interesting. I am a total fanatic about the paranormal. I love the movies, documentaries, everything. I live in Houston and I too have had many unexplained things happen.

In Beaumont, TX where I was born, the house that I grew up in I can say is haunted. That house is now home to another family member that has unexplained things happen to her. Anything from apparitions(sp) to poltergeist. A few years ago, I house sat for my aunt who lives there now. One night, about 2a.m., something kept knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell. I got up to check and no one was there. I turned around and it happened again. I thought I was just crazy till it happened again for a third time. I left the house in the middle of the night scared to death. Come to find out that the doorbell was one of those wireless ones that you put batteries in. I didn't know that. When I was told, I went to where the doorbell chime was in the house, opened the cover and the receiver did not have any batteries in it. Later that day, I was washing dishes in the kitchen. I was placing glass cups in the cabinet. I turned to bend down to get another glass and as soon as I did, the glass in the cabinet went flying across the kitchen and shattered. My aunt likes to drink beer. One night when she was alone, she opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. Before she closed the door, she said the bottle flew out of her hand and smashed on the wall behind her. One day, I was in the attic running cable to an area of the house. For a moment, I got a feeling that I was not alone. Something grabbed my shoulder and I ran down screaming. Weird thing is that the same thing happened to my dad about twenty years earlier when I was still an infant. My mother has seen a ghost of a little girl twice. My brother has seen a lady figure. We had a Houston paranormal team come and investigate and they came to a conclusion that this house was haunted by a man named Wallace. Whoever it is loves to move things and make noises. At Christmas time, this ghost loves to play with the crystal ornaments on the tree. Every night you can hear them clanking together. The family has pretty much gotten use to it now and we feel that there is no harm. We even speak out and say "stop that" or "be nice". Always seems to work."

Thanks MM for sharing your story!~~Aura


  1. What a great interesting that the ghost or paranormal presence seems to respond to the family like that and behave when scolded!

  2. Hi Aura, not to go off topic...but have you seen this?

  3. I always love it when readers send in their experiences.

    Thanks for the heads up on the video. I just made it today's post!!

  4. Very cool happenings. I've never experienced anything quite so significant.

  5. Aura.....I am the lead investigator for a group in Beaumont Texas and I wish that MM could get in touch with us. We would love to take a few photos to see if Wallace would show himself for us. Our group is the Texas Society of Paranormal Investigators.


  6. I will check and see if I have MM's email on hand. If so, I will let this person know. Thanks for your comment.

  7. I'm MM.... I now live in Beaumont aswell. Find me on Facebook and I can give you my contact info. My aunt (and Wallace) still lives in the house here in Beaumont. So, weired, I was searching for haunted places in Beaumont and came across my story I totally forgot I wrote you. I started reading, I thought, how familiar... then saw my initials. Lol ... my name is Mike Marsh.

  8. Hello Mike! That's funny! Well, it has been a while! Nice of you to come back!! Texas Society of Paranormal Investigators have a FB as well! I have found them and contacted them on your behalf. Check out their page ;) Keep me posted! All the best, Aura

  9. Here is the link to their FB page ;)

  10. I live in bmt so where is this place at?

  11. Not going to mention which house (because it's my family's) but it's located on Driftwood Lane here in Beaumont, Tx. Just had another paranormal group come investigate Jan. 2013. Many orbs on camera, awesome EVPs and Ghost box responses!

  12. Very cool story! i was wondering if u knew anything about the Nederland,TX area because i heard their are a couple of houses haunted in that area if maybe you or anyone else might know anything about it. here is my email if anyone wanting to talk about it, . if not thats ok :)
