Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lisheen Ruins

For anyone who did not catch the season premier of Ghost Hunters last week, here is a short video from that episode. The guys headed to Ireland to investigate Lisheen Ruins where a lot of paranormal activity has been reported.

I found the evidence in this video compelling. What about you?


  1. I wish they had zoomed in closer on the face that he'd seen...I wonder how they got the capture in the first place...

    Gotta hold out for the repeat of this episode, I like investigations of ruins, especially castle ruins.

  2. This was a great episode. I caught the whole thing on youtube!!

  3. The Ghost Hunters lost some credibility with me, at the suggestion that there are "fairies." I thought the "face" was pretty interesting, but I wonder how much enhancement they used on the image. I've come to love the show for the people- Jason, Grant, Brian and Steve- and the stories of the haunted (or somewhat haunted, I don't know maybe it's haunted) locations.

  4. Hi valentine,

    Don't forget that in Ireland they were not referring to tiny human-like creatures with wings. Which is what westerners think of when we hear that word. The face was creepy! I think that these guys are still the best around when it comes to shows about the paranormal.

  5. What were those things? It looks like they were small kids in sacks but the entire sack is warm and there are no obvious legs. It's like a rectangle shuffling along. I don't know how it could be faked.

  6. Hi Christine,
    It was interesting footage. I am not sure what it was, but something was out there. I really like how these guys investigate.

  7. Hi all!
    Well first off Irish people dont think of fairies as we Americans think fairies. Like Jason said they are tiny troll like things.
    Yeah I don't believe the face was faked. I mean do you seriously think that Barry would run in fear to fake something. I mean he really believes in all of this because he is Irish!!!

  8. I find it funny that a person who believes in ghosts can laugh at someone who believes in fairies. I prefer to keep an open mind. I found this episode really interesting. I know big about ghosts AND fairies. This evidence lends credibility to both.

  9. People over here think of Tinkerbell when they hear the word fairy and to those over there Tinkerbell is nothing like what they are talking about.

  10. Hey I guys! I already have a deep love for the paranormal AND Irish/Scottish history, so naturally I loved this episode. So interesting!! But, I missed the first 5 or 10 minutes of it and was curious what they said about a Wrath...What is it? How does that affect the location? I have looked it up and can find nothing, please explain what I missed!!!

  11. Wrath is believed by the Irish people to be the home of the fairies. It is believed to be dangerous to build on land that belongs to them, which is what done by the builder of Lisheen.

  12. Faerie path's or wraths as they call them in Ghost Hunters are usually linear lines from place to place in which faeries travel. If there is an obstruction in the path, bad luck and/or damage will come to that place. Old houses in Ireland will have corners cut off them because it was believed the corner was in the way of the path. Another way to solve the problem...if you really, really wanted to build your house in the path...was to put two doors directly across from one another and leave them open at night for the faeries to travel through. Faerie forts and rings should also be avoided and left undisturbed. As for the three dots...don't forget that leprechauns and elves are considered forms of faeries.

  13. Thanks, you said it much better than I did. Plus I misspelled faeries more than once here.

    Interesting how far they will go to avoid/appease the faeries.

  14. Fairy paths and fairy raths (not wrath - completely different words) are not the same. Paths are the routes they take, raths are their forts and mounds.

    In Britain and Ireland, we take the good neighbours more seriously than Americans tend to. I have seen them many times.


  15. Does anyone have any idea where in ireland this location is, would love to go investigate it!!!!

  16. does any body know where lisheen ruins is would like to go down there

  17. A rath is an earthen mound left over after a wooden fortress has decayed. These exist all over Ireland as they were built by the celtic inhabitants of the island. It is believed that once the people abandoned these dwellings, faeries moved in.

  18. Lisheen Castle is in County Tipperary approximately 5-10 miles out of the city of Thurles. The rebuilt portion of the Castle is available for rent, and I have stayed there with my family twice. The owners and wonderful and the castle a first class place to stay. We did hear some funny things, but never saw anything.

  19. To me, honestly, the face didnt look so much like a face as it did something else. To me it looks like a shot from behind a person whose face was illuminated and slightly pointed down. Like the face's nose would have been the person's ear, the face's right cheek would have been the side of the person's left cheek. and so on. I just think it would be odd that only half of a ghost's face would show up when there's obviously not any light shining on it to bring it into view, so why would the ghost's face shadow itself? I love TAPS and Ghost Hunters, and I don't think they make anything up, I think they're very legitimate. But I just think the "face" doesn't belong to a ghost.

  20. I would just like to correct a previous comment, the Lisheen ruins they are in is Lisheen house in CO.Sligo Ireland not the Lisheen Castle mentioned earlier. Also I am from Ireland don't believe in Fairies,there are myths about them but we don't believe, the house is haunted because of other things. This house was owned by an English Landlord who was not nice to the people in the area. One of the owners went on their travels and brought back ancient artifacts into the house and this is when the paranormal things happened. Also the area beside the house is full of wildlife like badgers foxes etc. I grow up in a house where the old estate was and I can see the ruins from my bedroom window, we used to play as kids around the house even though our parents forbid us, I would not go near it now as I do believe it is haunted. Also these ruins are on private land so you can not just visit when you want to, the guys filming this got permission from the owner.

  21. Anybody see something moving in the distant forest behind Barry when they are interviewing him at the end of the show?

  22. I have family in Ireland, and they called a Faerie ring a Ra (presumably pronounced the same, and is the same, as Rath - apologies if it is the laymen's spelling of it!). They took me to see a local one to them in the South East. The place is full of stories, how many are true and how many are legend I don't know, but I am fascinated by them all.

    As for the red dots, is it possible that they were animals, such as the badgers mentioned earlier?
