Friday, June 01, 2007

Loch Ness Monster Footage

Loch Ness monster aficionados say new video among the finest taken

Here is the video footage shot by Gordon Holmes.


  1. Hi Aura, thanks for posting that...I had just heard a little something about this today. Lots of serious attention has been given to Loch Ness over the years with, as was said, pretty credible evidence to support the idea of a deep water creature species that thrives there. I hope at some point they will finally move this story from legend to fact. Have you heard about the Lake Superior Loch Ness sightings? I think that creature has been dubbed "Betsy" if I remember right.

  2. I realy enjoyed your one the most .... your blog is the best....... I alway visit your blog..... Most of your posts are interesting.....

  3. Thanks ghostrider!

    daydreamsupercollider, something large was filmed there. It is better quality than most others that I have seen.

    I have heard about Betsy. Nothing recently though.

  4. That was an interesting piece of footage. I have always believed that there is something down there. Maybe more than one something.

  5. Me too Steve. Thanks for stopping by :)
