Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Green Mountain UFO

J.R. from Alabama wrote:
"I was just watching Larry King's special on UFO's and it reminded me of a time I encountered a UFO. I believe 100 percent that my sighting was not of this world. I live in Lacey's Spring, about 4 miles south of Huntsville, AL. home of one of NASA's centers. My sighting occurred a few years ago when my mom had picked me up from school. We were at a stop sign and I was looking out at Green Mountain on the other side of the Tennessee River. A flash of light caught my gaze and I saw it. I could not make out the shape because the sun was reflecting so brightly against it. My best guess would be an ovalish shape. The object stayed motionless in the sky for a moment, then would zip across the sky at an unbelievable speed. This vessel was very sophisticated. I got my mom to see it and it zipped around a few more times and then it suddenly shot straight up into the atmosphere and disappeared. I wish I could witness something like this once more in my life."

Thanks J.R. for sharing your story with me and the rest of my readers! Fascinating...


  1. True story, I was out on the deck 2 years ago looking through my telescope when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something moving in the sky, I at first thought well its probably just a bird, but when I pulled away from the telescope to look directly at it, it was a cross shaped, barely recognizable with no lights and against the dark sky, moving slowly straight ahead, until it just seem to dissapear. I have never mentioned this to anyone before now, it has been the only time I have seen something this strange, of course looking at the stars for hours on end you see the odd strange lights moving in weird directions. but nothing this strange.

  2. I too had a very strange experience one night. I wrote about it here and if you are interested, here is the link


    Thanks for sharing your experience with me. I too have seen lights moving in strange patterns while using my telescope. I live on Lake Ontario and going to the beach at night sometimes I have seen "stars" moving in circular motions. Weird...

  3. I haven't had this much fun since I
    was the president of the UFO club when I was 10. lol
