Friday, July 13, 2007

The White Witch of Rose Hall

In Montego Bay, Jamaica, there stands a large sugar plantation with a violent past. Built in 1770, a beautiful Georgian style mansion sits on the property and was once home to Annie Palmer who came from France to the plantation in 1820 after marrying it's owner John Palmer.

Annie Palmer was well known and feared by all the slaves who lived and worked on the plantation. She dealt with those who crossed her by ordering public hangings, whippings, torture and executions on the property. It was also believed that Annie was well versed in voodoo and often performed black magic on her subjects.

The mistress of the plantation was known to have numerous lovers, including slaves from the plantation. When she became bored with these individuals, she ordered the slaves do her dirty work to rid of them. When she no longer needed her first husband John, she killed him by poisoning. Two more husbands of hers followed the same fate. In those "lawless" days, no one questioned the death of a master.

The White Witch of Rose Hall finally met her match when she killed the man that her Overseer's daughter was madly in love with and soon to be married to. Her Overseer was a very powerful Voodoo practitioner,which he kept hidden from Annie, and could not bear to see his daughter so grief stricken. He physically confronted Annie Palmer and succeeded in killing her, losing his life in the battle as well.

After her death, the body of the White Witch was placed in a special grave. The slaves failed at one thing... performing the powerful ritual that would keep Annie's spirit from rising from the grave. It is believed by many that she roams the Rose Hall today along with all the other restless spirits that died so violently there.



  1. that is a most interesting tale... sort of a victorian black widow wasn't she...

  2. Truly wicked! Thanks for stopping by paisley, nice to see you again...

  3. I've Actually Been There & Its Pretty Wicked & The Whole Time I Was There There Was Someone Whispering In My Ear.
