Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Paranormal Hotspot-Cannock Chase

Located in central England, Cannock Chase is a large, dense woodland area where sightings of UFO's, Bigfoot-like creatures and phantom black dogs have all been reported for some time. Some believe this paranormal hotspot to be one of the many "portals" here on Earth where entities are able to come through onto our plane of existence. What ever the cause, one thing is for sure, the people who have had these encounters are left shaken by what they saw.

Recently a witness came forward to the local paper with her own frightening experience while driving through Cannock Chase. Below is the article that was published not long ago in the Chase Post.

Mysterious figure spotted on Chase
Jun 20 2007

A mysterious apparition confronted a local woman on a lonely stretch of road.

The unearthly figure has been dubbed 'The Lady of the Chase'.

In recent weeks there has been a rash of sightings of mysterious beasts on Cannock Chase.
If these reports are to be believed werewolves, cavemen, panthers and wolves could all be lurking on the Staffordshire beauty spot.

And as paranormal investigators from around the globe prepare to converge on the Chase, another eyewitness, 'Linda', has come forward to tell us her disturbing ghost story.
"I had what I can only describe as a totally surreal experience whilst driving across Cannock Chase last year," she said.

"I had not been able to tell anyone about this apart from my partner.

And he encouraged me to contact you following some of the reports you have made in your paper."

Linda was returning home after visiting a friend in Pye Green, near Cannock, last November when she was confronted by 'the lady'.

"It was about 11.30pm and I decided to cut across the Chase. As I neared Spring Slade Lodge I had to brake hard as a person suddenly stood in the road."

After Linda recovered from the shock of the near collision she turned her attention to the figure in front of her car.

"In my headlights the form was of a tall female, pale grey in colour. She appeared to be naked but with no visible breasts or genitalia.

"Immediately, I was drawn to her eyes - large hypnotic eyes that totally transfixed me. I was in dread and unable to move a muscle. I was aware I was being 'mentally examined' and there was nothing I could do to prevent this."

After a couple of minutes the figure turned and walked away into nearby woodland.

"It was only when she had disappeared that I could move again," Linda said. "I accelerated away in panic."

She told us she has not been able to drive across Cannock Chase since the incident and added: "Sometimes, after a dream, I can see a vivid image of the woman's face with those staring eyes. I'm not a very good artist, but felt compelled to draw the face of this figure. I call her 'The Lady of the Chase'. Has anyone else seen anything like this?" Have YOU seen The Lady of the Chase? Call the Post on 01543 501763 or email

Source: Chase Post

1 comment:

  1. Iv seen a grey lady down bettys lane norton canes also over chasewater iv seen a big wolf lioe creature
