Sunday, August 12, 2007

Psychic Peter James Dies

Peter James, who spoke to ghosts at a young age, died July 31 of heart attack.
I just found this out today! I was a huge fan of Peter's work and will continue to be.

He will be missed.


  1. Wow...I didn't know that. So sad.

  2. Neither did I until the night I made this post. I did not hear anything about it in the news. I believe that he was one of few that truly has "the gift".

  3. Peter was a very warm and kind soul...He came so willingingly when my mom & I had unresting spirits in our home; and did his best to send them off to rest. Yes, he truly was gifted, and I m glad to have a wonderful picture signed: with regards, love & lite.
    He will be missed, but he is appreciated.

  4. thanks for stopping by and taking the time to post a comment here. his work needs to be remembered. he did a lot for the field.

  5. late in hearing this. i used to have the biggest crush on hima nd he was the only psychic i actually beleived. he was awesome... n cute! - nirmal

  6. Peter James has a tribute site at Feel free to leave comments and sign the guestbook at anytime. To view some of his famed investigative footage, visit the 'videos' tag. The site was set up per the request of his family and book publishing house. Enjoy all!

  7. I just learned about this fantastic medium today on a program from 2003. Wish I could have known more about him before he crossed over.

  8. Hi David. Peter passed in 2007.

  9. is remembered in Latin America ... was very convincing indeed. Aura peter write me and tell me about James, my Mail Address is

  10. Where was Peter James' hometown? When was he born? So sad he is gone.
