Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rated E for Excellent

As I approach 500 posts, I think that it is appropriate to acknowledge other bloggers who's work I consider to be "Rated E for Excellent". My top 5 choices are:

Blackholes and Astrostuff
- Bob shares his passion and knowledge of astronomy from the heart and through the lens of his camera in a most unique, refreshing way.

My Paranormal Life - Rand is one cool dude with an amazing artistic talent that I could only dream of, plus he finds some of the best paranormal content out there.

The Debris Field- For anyone who wants to keep on top of breaking UFOs and paranormal news, Lesley's site is one to check out.

Rochester Paranormal -Director J. Burkhart shares his experiences and knowledge gained while researching the paranormal. He writes with a no bull shit attitude that I like.

Sue Darroch and Matthew Didier's Paranormal Blog- A team of two dedicated paranormal researchers from Toronto who always provided a great read.


  1. Hey Aura, thanks for the award! means a lot to me. and congrats on your recieving it, 500 posts, wow that's amazing, here's looking forward to another 500. :)

  2. Thanks. You deserve it bob, your site kicks butt!! Have good one out there.

  3. Cheers Aura, I think I may have overlooked Rochester Paranormal, great read.

    Hehe, I'm finding blogs to read after all this time.

  4. Your are welcome Rand :)
