Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tuning Into The Other Side- Frank's Box

I recently spoke with Frank Sumption, creator of Frank's Box, and asked him where the idea for his device came from. Frank's Box is believed by many to provided a means of communication between the living and those on the other side.
I read an article in a 1995 Popular Electronics on EVP, tried it once, but didn't get anything. So I set the magazine aside. I came across the magazine again in 2000, and decided to try it again, this time I got voices using white noise. From there it was just a process of trying different methods,like EVPmaker. While using EVPmaker I kept getting messages that seemed to be relayed from spirits that couldn't use the computer, so I was wondering what else I could use. After about a week, the box idea kinda popped into my head fully formed. It was based on using voltage tunable radio modules from older digital car stereos, and tuning them with a random voltage derived from white noise. I had used the radio modules in the 90s for AM DX, so I think my own mind might have just provided a solution based on past experience. I used random voltage because I was using EVPmaker at the time, and it's based on a random function. We found out on the EVP-ITC yahoo group that the sweep can be linear, or even done by hand in 2007.

I started with EVP in 2000, and made the first box in the summer of 2002.

I've always done my "sessions" from home, I don't go to supposedly haunted locations, and it kinda irks me that most think you have to go haunted houses to make spirit contact. They treat it like year round Halloween, and if it's not scary, it can't be real. All that TAPS stuff is mostly Hollywood, and urban legend--I think.

I have gone to the Stanley Hotel here in Colorado twice so far on invites to speak, and I don't get anything different than I get at home. I don't think the place was even haunted till after the movie The Shining. My "opinion" is that most of the haunting evidence is created by the participants, and is mostly suggestion. With no observer, I think there is no haunting. Of course that's a simplification, there has to be something that gets people's attention, but I think it's intentional. Going to a haunted location maybe a way of making death easier to deal with.


My thanks to Frank for taking the time to share his story with me and my readers.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting story! Thanks for sharing it.

    I have to share my enthusiasm over "Their Way Home, written by a psychic and empath. She spent years troubled by her ability to see ghosts, and finding them everywhere, even the shower. Eventually she discovered she could help them home, so to speak, and now she tells a lot of their stories. She regularly talks to audiences on paranormal topics, as well. You'll really enjoy it.
