I first saw this posted at
Our Strange World, and thought I would share this story with the rest of you.

What you are seeing in the above picture are the supposed remains of a mummified fairy that was found by a local man in the Derbyshire countryside. The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, found the remains while walking his dog. The following day he phoned the police and handed his discovery over to the authorities for analysis.
"The 8 inch remains, complete with wings, skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine."
Quote taken from:
Do Fairies Live At The Bottom of your Garden?I know that there are people out there that swear these creatures exist, but I think a very talented special effects person is behind this one and it is a fake. What do you all think?
come on it is april
It would be nice if it were true. But since it was first "reported" on the Web by a magician who subsequently said it was a prank, and that no "authority"—e.g., the anthropologists and medical experts who examined it—have come forward in any other forum but the magician's website ...
Laura, no, march still in this post.. :)
Looks very cool the fairy.. It looks very skinny though. It was starving..?
Only a person with Jim Henson's hand firmly inserted into their anus would believe this!!! As much as I would like to believe in fairies - I aint no Muppet, if this were true it would make the national, no, the international news! BULL-SH*T!!!
In November of 2007, I was renting the upper loft of a home near a lake in rural Michigan. One night, at around 3 in the morning, I woke up and seen a dark mist forming just above me on the side of my bed. It looked kinda cloudy, like a puff of smoke. I then seen what looked like to be big cobweb forming within the mist. I then noticed what looked like a insect, glowing green, flying around in the web. I thought it was a spider, so in haste I swatted at it with my hands. Much to my surprise, I noticed that my hands would go right through it…the insect and the web, as if they weren’t there! I then watched it descend onto the bed where it started walking around. It looked like nothing I had ever seen before, kind of like a cross between a catepillar and a butterfly, only its limbs and body took on a somewhat humanoid appearance. I watched it as it scurried past my pillows to the front of the bed, where it then proceeded to descend down towards the floor. What’s really bizarre is that it appeared to use its arms and legs climbing down, much like watching a human climbing down a mountain. For several weeks afterwards, I would see these entities during the night. I made a big mistake and attempted to photograph them in the dark with my digital camera using a flash. The next night, I was rudely awoke several times during the night to my mattress violently being forced upwards off the bed, as if something with superhuman strength was punching underneath it. So strong was this force that at one point the mattress lifted at least 2 feet off the bed, sending me heading towards the door. However, I was so disoriented that I ran into my window, almost knocking me out. Now, a year and a half later, I hardly ever seen them anymore, although I still experience a lot of other paranormal encounters.
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