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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Haunted Amusement Park

Lake Shawnee Haunted Amusement Park
By:Hayley Timmons

Lake Shawnee wasn't always an amusement park. Before it ever became an entertainment place for young children it was home to at least 2 Indian settlement sites. The Indians lived on this land for some time before abandoning it. The first European settler, Mitchell Clay arrived on the same land in 1775. (200 years after the Indians) In 1783, while the men were away hunting, Indians rode down from the ridge. They killed and attempted to scalp one of the boys. His sister tried to help her brother but they killed and scalped her too.

C.T. Snidow opened the amusement park in 1926 and operated it until 1966. The park was packed full of carnival rides, water attractions, concessions stands, a racetrack, and wild west shows. Gaylord White worked at the amusement park when he was young and later left for another job. He eventually came back to Mercer County and bought the deserted amusement park in 1985. He reopened the park and kept the name Lake Shawnee Amusement Park. The newly reopened park included a small roller coaster, bumper-boats, paddle-boat rides, and many more attractions. White closed down the amusement park 3 years later due to insurance problems. He still owns the park but now he operates a pay-to-fish attraction instead of the amusement park.

What is said to happen at Lake Shawnee is that you hear unexplained noises (mostly creaking and doors slamming) also you see things that you can't explain. Some have said to have seen the swings move on their own, while others have seen orbs on or around the swings. Throughout this small park you get the feeling that something doesn' t want you there. There are a lot of rumors going on about this location, and no one is really certain if any of them are true. There have been some cases where they have actually caught evidence on video, pictures and some EVPs.

Do you think Lake Shawnee is haunted? Why don't you visit to find out but be careful you are never sure just what might you find.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to Lake Shawnee because me and my friend have to make a video on a unique place in West Virginia and I thought about this place. We're going sometime next week. So excited!!!