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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Titanic Exhibit Haunted

Is it possible that the artifacts from the ill-fated Titanic voyage are haunted by the souls who were lost at sea? Workers at the Georgia Aquarium think so. Meghann Gibbons, spokeswoman for the aquarium, said that a number of volunteers working their Titanic Aquatic exhibit have reported strange encounters with shadowy figures and unexplained sounds.

The team from TAPS recently did an investigation of the exhibit. Their findings will air in next weeks episode of Ghost Hunters.

I look forward to seeing what the team members experience-if anything- and what their equipment captures.


Julie Ferguson said...

I'm also looking forward to seeing what they found because I have seen this exhibit twice and it is incredible and eerie!

Andrea Allison said...

Looks like it's going to be an interesting episode. Can't wait til Wednesday.

Marica said...

I think that energies can imprint on objects. The terror, pain and suffering all those people endured...

Deanna said...

I went to this about 3 years ago or more and i just thought i might have been me who felt odd walking through the place.

Bob Johnson said...

Cool I have put a reminder on this one, thanks.

handleydan said...

Well, it's not suprising to see that these relics founded from the Ruins of the now dead ship would be haunted. I mean, imagine so many lost souls. Not many of them would want to cross over. Not ready to die. Eerie, yes, but also emotional.

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I took my 4 year old grandson thru the Georgia Aquarium Titanic exhibit in March and didn't think too much about his continuing questions when we viewed the 1st class quarters when he repeatedly asked "Who is that lady" and "What is she doing?" We told him there was only a lady's dress laying on the love seat waiting for someone to get dressed. They are both big on Ghost Hunters and were very surprised to hear the theme of this week's show! We know 4 year old Isaiah has had his first real encounter with the paranormal.

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

A few years ago, we went to the Titanic exhibit in Atlantic City New Jersey. Tonight when I saw Ghost Hunters, I thought I was listening to my own experience. When viewing some of the personal artifacts, I felt gripped with emotions and felt terrified screaming. It was as though I was experiencing the emotions of the people watching the ship sink.

LostConfusedAndJustTryingToHelp said...

I saw the TAPS investigation! The ghost haunting most defiently a man, an older gentleman. He also sounds like he drowned instead of freezing to death. Hes lonely! All those people walk by him, looking at the artifacts and no one notices him, hes just lonely! Don't ask me how I know all this! I've spent most my life ignoring these demons but I just had to let someone know what I found out. Please, will some kind medium help him! Don't let him suffer! He probley has a family!

Erika said...

I am going to see the exibit here on friday in NC and have been told of the ghosts with it. I have had my own connection with the paranormal world since I was a child so this should be good for me to see. I have talked to my best friend who saw it 2 years ago in Ga but she said all she felt is sadness nothing odd or off. Then again I know her family doesn't believe in the paranormal .

Anonymous said...

We attended the exhibit in NC today. First of all, I do tend to be sensitive to negative emotional energies during investigations. While I didn't see anything "paranormal", there were two areas where the emotions were incredibly intense. Going through the details of the tragedy, I could feel the terror and the sadness that must have been part of being on the ship. I found myself crying through that part. When we got to the list of passengers and their fates, I began to get sick to my stomach, to the point that I had to go out of the exhibit and find a restroom quickly. I didn't have to check the list for the name that I had carried through the exhibit because I already knew that she had not survived the sinking. I'm glad we saw the exhibit, but wouldn't have gone had known that it was going to have such a negative effect on me.