Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Three Knocks- Revisited

A while back, I wrote about a popular "Three Knocks" phenomenon that many are experiencing. It was my great-grandmother's experience that compelled me to write the original post to this most interesting occurrence. Since then, I have shared a few other posts on the topic due to the huge response I received from my readers and those who are searching for information online. With almost 100 comments here and a combined view count of 13, 000 by readers- I decided to revisit 'Three Knocks" and write a quick update about the phenomenon.

Some call them 'death knocks' - an omen of sorts. Others say it is spirits trying to reach out to their living relatives. I have also received emails from readers who strongly believe the knocks to be from a demonic source.   The question which everyone is asking and one that still remains is, who or what is causing the 3 distinct, loud knocking sounds that so many people are experiencing? Unfortunately,  there is no way to know for sure. One thing is for certain- it's happening and more and more people are searching for answers.


  1. Happened to my family and I within the past 2 days, twice at 630AM and once at 330PM. I read so much conflicting information on the internet about it - from death taps, to a great spiritual blessing. I'm content with the latter, as I do not get any negative emotions or feelings from the instances. Wish there was more out there on this....

  2. Thanks for your comment Ray Molina. I too tend to lean towards the more positive explanations. I do not think these are "death taps". Thanks for stopping by. Have the knocks happened again?

  3. I am here in florida taking care of grandkids and we so happen to watch t.v. and I heard this knock at the back door which is very secure lock and two two by fours across the door anyway I heard the three knocks. Ask the kids did you hear that, and they reply no. So I thought it was in the t v ,so went about my business watching the t v and it did it again knock three times again. So again turn the t.v. down again and waited about 5 min, nothing. So once again this time the kids heard the knock three times but louder, so quietly went down the hallway, the room was dark but the outside light was on, I saw a dark shadow walk by the window, I even look outside of the window to see if anyone was there. No one and even took my dog and grandson outside, nothing. Even my son came home I told him about the knock three times and a shadow walk pass the window, he look all around the house no feet print, nothing. I know what I heard and even my grandkids heard it.Just asking if that a sign of death coming to my family? Tell me please would like to hear the answer. Thank u.
