Friday, March 16, 2007

Dundurn Castle

There have been a number of tragic deaths in and around this National Landmark located in Hamilton, Ontario. Numerous reports of ghostly activity have been documented over the years here.

Built in the 1830's, this was the home of Sir Allan Napier MacNab and his family. During the construction of Dundurn Castle, MacNabs son was tragically killed in a hunting accident. His second wife Mary Stuart died from consumption in a room in the house. Back in 1813, eleven men were hung for treason near the property. When cholera struck the city, victims were left to die alone in the plague sheds that were constructed across the street. All of these events could explain the paranormal activity that occurs here.

Mysterious music accompanied by singing has often been heard by tourists and staff. Outside the room where Mary Stuart died there is always a cold spot along with a breeze that blows out nearby candles. Objects have moved on their own and inexplicably disappeared countless times.

Today, Dundurn Castle is open to the public and has been restored to the year 1855 to give visitors a taste of the that time period. Perhaps this also plays a key part in the ghostly phenomena here.


  1. I live near here. I plan on taking a tour and checking things out for myself.

  2. I'm going there tom at Nov,12,2008 i hope to find some kind of truth and see if all these stories are real

  3. i have toured the castle 15 times so far in my kind of an addict. EVERY time i have felt the cold breeze in the sick room.

  4. I am definatley a believer in the paranormal but I don't believe Dundurn Castle is haunted. I currently work at Dundurn. I have not seen, heard, or felt anything spooky or strange in the house. I have been in every room by myself at some point and have also been there at night before evening tours. In regards to strange breezes or cold spots, the house does have modern-day utilities as it is a museum.

  5. A friend and I toured the Castle today. There was nothing of the mysterious that jumped out at us. However, the entire house did give off a sense of unhappiness. I may have felt compassion for the many tragic events that had happened within and around the grounds. I have no idea if the place is haunted, but it does house a history of joy, bleakness, and death. Although, every house has experienced these same happenings over space and time. This does warrant credit of the super natural, at this point. My mind remains open to possibilities...
