Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ghost In Burning Building

This photograph was taken by Tony O'Rahilly in 1995. He and a number of other onlookers gathered as Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England burned to the ground. O'Rahilly took a number of pictures with his camera as the flames engulfed the building.

When the pictures were devoloped, he noticed what clearly looks like a little girl in the doorway. O'Rahilly sent this photo over to a photography expert named Dr. Vernon Harrison. Dr. Vernon throughly examined the picture and determined that the photo was genuine. He stated that "the negative is a straightforward piece of black and white work and shows no sign of having been tampered with".


  1. That IS a girl! Looks very real! (And very vintage...first thought it was taken back in the 50's or something)

  2. One of the creepiest genuine ghost photos that I have seen to date.
