Monday, March 19, 2007

Haunted WW II Artifact

Here is an experience that a reader recently sent to me.
My next door neighbour recently acquired a piece of an airplane in an antique fair. We believe it to be part of a control panel from a Royal Air Force Hurricane Fighter from WW II. The piece is heavily damaged and is very likely to have come from a crashed plane. Since acquiring the piece they have started to have problems in the house. Strange noises, items disappearing, reappearing, their dog is terrified and will not go in the house.

My house is semi-detached and is attached to my neighbours house. If their house is haunted my house now seems to be haunted by default so to speak. I have seen nothing myself yet but all 3 of my cats are now seeing something coming through the walls that attach my house to my neighbours. They see and track things moving around the room, this has happened in the living room, and my bedroom. Both rooms share a wall with the house next door. Maybe its time to call the priest.
This makes me think of the Ghosts of Flight 401 story. The possibility that a spirit can somehow
attach itself to a physical object.

North Wales
My thanks to Paul for sending in this very interesting story and sharing it with the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. I find Paul's story very interesting. I often hear of antiques being brought into a home where strange occurrences follow. If It were me, I would get rid of it. I am too much of a scare dee cat!!
