Saturday, September 06, 2008

Three Knocks - Who's There?

In a previous post, which has gotten a number of responses from readers, a reader shared their experience about hearing three knocks in the night. So, I thought that I would discuss this occurrence again.

Have you found yourself lying in bed, just about to fall asleep, when suddenly you hear three distinct knocks nearby on the door, wall or window? Has this happened more than once? Maybe you figured the source and went to sleep. Or, it left you shaking under your sheets.

Once all other rational explanations have been ruled out, one then asks who or what is causing the phenomenon and why? For my great grandmother, who spoke openly about the occurrence, it was her daughters way of letting her know she was OK. Maybe for you, the hour is significant. Some have said it is around the time a loved one died, while others say that the time has no meaning. Could be a ghost or residual haunting. One would have to keep a written record of the event-time, place and conditions at the time knocking takes place. With this, a pattern could develop that could help when investigating your situation further.

That could explain the knocks. However, what is the significance with the number 3? This has left me scratching my head...

I would love to hear from anyone who could offer any further explanations to what so many have experienced. Has any of my readers who are paranormal investigators experienced this in the field?

~I appreciate the response from readers and each of the comments you all have sent in over time regarding this happening.


  1. I'm not sure if the number three is significant or not, but from what I understand the knocking is a way for a spirit to get a person's attention. I haven't heard of any other explanation besides that.

    1. So I'm home alone bored so I syuck my head in my attic and said knock 3 times if ur here....well somthing did on my bedroom floor,

    2. On several times I seen shadow people,somthing said hay when I walked past my bathroom,a ball being bounched next to me I heared it but didn't see it. I could go on but since my own family don't believe me who would.

    3. No 3 is demonic if u hear 3 knocks it is not friendly or loved ones and if let it in it will hurt u like with 3 scratches on your body or people in hospitals dieting in 3s I'm not trying to kill your hopes or comforts it's just fact plz don't get hurt u could be inviting in something that will kill u

    4. Well wat if u hear it happen when u wlk in the living room and go to the window and dont see shit but sisters daughter hears knock every body hears it I need help the knock don't sound bad

    5. I was half sleep twice and around that time i heard one bang noise and i woke up fast... and i thought it was nothing for real so i try to go back to sleep and i heard another bang noise while i thought i was in a deep sleep and i woke up again and i couldnt sleep after that..p.s. im recently pregnant so i dont know whats going on.. getting paranoid

    6. I feel like I should clear this up for everyone. I have been researching the paranormal for a very long time and I have come to the conclusion that the number of knocks is directly relative to the apparition and where it is from. it represents a sort of "language" announcing that it is there and wishes to either communicate, enter your area (house or room,ect.) or interact with the person around it (for good or bad). so the knocks come in a series of three, first is the past, second is the present, thrid is the future. this is a representation of a greeting/warning like "hello" or "I'm here". this series of three regardless of the number of knocks seems to be universal as the apparitions themselves exist within time and the concept of past, present and future is all one in the same. with that said the number of knocks denotes what the apparition is, here is a brief rundown:
      1,1,1 - good spirit, benevolent, protector, *rare*,
      2,2,2 - good spirit also rare but benevolent.
      3,3,3 - dark spirit, possibly demonic but this depends on what you believe in. Caution, these spirits can manifest themselves into our world if you allow them to. Some reports are that they are short with dark eyes and incredibly intelligent.
      4,4,4 - neutral, wise and intelligent, can be quick to anger, rare only seen once.
      5,5,5 - light spirit, very intelligent normally never interact with ppl unless person is very spiritual or has a lot of faith. note, these spirits are the direct opposite of the spirits of 3,3,3. it is possible they are enemies from past experiences.
      6,6,6 - contrary to belief this could be a warning that something very bad is coming in the near or distant future or is already there. Again, spirits have a different concept of time. if you manage to see electric blue spirits/apparitions that have manifested themselves it is advisable to run. The spirits are very uncommon and not to be confused with blue orbs and only have been recorded historically.
      7,7,7 - your typical human spirit. Of this world. Fun to talk to maybe if you're into that sort of thing.
      8,8,8 - fire spirits, and or poltergeist. Generally not friendly and hostile. These spirits are not demonic but can cause a lot of problems the people and property they interact with.
      9,9,9 - directly from Hell itself, enough said...

    7. I've heard three knocks is a way of spirits taunting "The name of the father the son and the holy spirit " .

    8. Wish i could contact you to ask some questions related to paranormal.

  2. Years ago, probably a good 15 years by now, we had a knocking experience. Britton and I had just laid down to sleep when suddenly there was a loud knock on the wooden bed board at our feet. I don't remember for sure if it was 3 knocks, but I know there were at least 2 and they were really loud.

    It never happened again, but I have never been able to come up with a logical explanation for it other than something paranormal.

    1. Well,for me I actully said knock3 times if anybody here......I got my answear 3 knocks on my floor.

  3. I've been thinking...Could just be that 3 is to insure that we are hearing it/them.

  4. It was a tradition in Viking culture to tap three times on the window when seeking entry to a house. To "knock" on a door suggested a Draugr (Norse Revenant) was targeting the house. Only one knock was a sure sign of the Draugr.

  5. Something else you might consider, Aura, is that the number 3 is the manifestation in esoteric philosophy. Many in the paranormal hunting community think it is a prelude to manifestation if properly responded to by "answering" the sound. Of course, it helps to be rather certain as to of what type of entity is knocking.

    I lived in Canada for many years, and found it to be rich with paranormal investigation opporunities. Canadian ghost lore is particularly intriguing.

  6. Great comments-thanks. I have never thought of either of these possibilities before. Much appreciate :)

    1. Hi there my names lee last nite me and my wife to be we're woken by 3 bangs on our bed we both woke up instantly thought it may of been a earth tremor, strange

    2. Maybe you were disturbing your neighbor while you were getting it on with your gf.

  7. Whitley Strieber - in Communion, I think - recounts a time in his upstate New York cabin when he's visited by 'aliens'. It begins with a triad of odd knocking sounds. Strange.

  8. Check out this story

  9. Well, it's 4:21 am and I could not sleep, so I thought I would do some research on the "3 Knocks" as my mother had just told me last night that my brother and her heard knocks 3 nights ago and then he heard the knocks again 2 nights ago, but this time he was by himself and he was vaccuming at the time he heard the knocks. He said the knocks were so loud that he was freaked out, so he shut off the vaccum and looked all around to see if someone was outside but saw nothing. Now, the thing I find interesting is I remember telling stories in the past that she has heard knocks and the last time I remember her telling me this is when I lived with her and I was sleeping upstairs and she came up stairs and asked me if I had heard the knocks and I told her no because I was sleeping so I have never heard them myself, but it wasn't long after that and my stepdad died. The thing that I find strange is my brother had a bad asthma attack yesterday morning and he is not in the best of health when it comes to his breathing so I hope this is not a sign of his death to come. I will keep you posted.

  10. My mother's best friend died at her home after battling breast cancer that had moved to her brain. Immediately after she died in her bed, my mother and two or three others that were there were hugging each other and crying over their friend's death when they heard three very loud knocks on the wall of the room they were in. There was no one else in the house and the only explanation they could determine is that their friend was saying "goodbye" to them.

  11. Hi, I just posted this comment in another blog, but seems nice to share it here.

    I came across this site looking for the meaning of the knockings.

    I began hearing knocks at my room door in early 2005. Then I used to live with my mom and two sisters.

    The knocks began to intensify,, each time louder, but always when I was about to fall asleep, for which i came to reconcile them with the oniric experience. So, until I was watching tv, in my room, probably at 1:00 am. It's scared the living daylights out of me, and I ran to mom, woke her up and told her, and she told me not to worry.

    I finally grew used to it, three LOUD knocks on my door almost every night.

    Time passed by and I move to an apartment on my own, and for probably the first month I heard the knocks on the door again until they finally vanished. My sister at home reportedly heard the knockings twice, then she really began believing me.

    Yesterday (29/12/08) I heard TWO loud knocks again while I was falling asleep. It completely crept me out. No explanation I can give to the phenomenon nor any site providing some rational explanation for this.

    Guess I will have to live in doubt.

  12. This weekend a few friends and me were standing on a store (that was closed at the time) bridge, we were there for about ten or twenty minutes, and we heard 3 loud slow knocks. We all immediately starting screaming and ran off the bridge. It had sounded as if the knocking had come from below the bridge, however, there is no way of any person getting under the bridge ? And there were no other people around at the time. We walked back to meet some other friends a while later and told them, they all said that 3 knocks means that someone is going to die. We live in a very small community of less than 500 people and about 2 days later a man in the community died in his sleep. I really don't know if the two things are related, but all my friends seem to think that the knocking had been like a sign that he was going to die.

  13. Had this happen to me last nite ,I awoke to 3 loud knocks on my bedroom door and asked who was there when no one answered I peaked through the crack and saw no one there afraid I grabbed a small knife in my room and slowly opened the door opened every closet and went through the house no one was awake all asleep , with doors closed ...I was to scared to go back to sleep , these 3 knocks happened at 3 in the morning .....freaked me out and still confuses me as to what is was.....

  14. This happened to me last night. I went to bed around 11:30. When the "knocks" came, It sounded like someone had a giant spatula, and had banged it against the garage door. I opened my eyes, not sure if I wanted to investagate it. But, my husband was sound asleep, so I hurried a robe on & went downstairs. I looked all over, turning on the outside flood lights, and looked at the garage door. Nothing. It was 2:30 am before I felt like closing my eyes.
    I sense things, but never heard of the "3 knocks" until now. This got to me so much, I had to look this up, & this is how I found you.
    I too have experienced that freezing sensation, of another presence in the room. I've also seen the flashes of white & black shadows. I appreiciate your time, helping some of us to understand this kind of encounter. Peace, mrs.Original13 - I'll be back after I sign up.

  15. Believe it or not this is a demon.When you hear three knocks these are demons. What they are doing is mocking the trinity. There are no such things as "ghosts". A person cannot continue to live after death. Only God gives the gift of everlasting life. demons are fallen angels.And demons want us to believe there are such things as ghosts. Demons can impersonate voices and can appear to you as anything they want....even your grandmother who passed on. Don't fall for it. Their very wiley and extrememly intelligent. Their every intent is to destroy people especially the family unit. I have lived in a haunted house, and I have seen and heard everything a person can experience in a haunted house and I have also heard the 3 knocks at my door, followed by my daughters voice to let her in at 3 in the morning. Read your Bible research. Read Ed and Lorraines warrens book.About demonology. Lorraine warren is a world renowned demonologist. I have personally talked with her on the phone.There are demons and they have an agenda.

    1. In my naboirhood people have been hearing three nocks on there doors at night and just last night me and my sister heard three knocks on the door we went to check there was nothing there so we thought nothing of it so we were going back to sleep and heard a nother three but louder like if they were slapping the door then heard sounds in are garage then it stopped

    2. Around 3:26 last night me and my sister heard three knocks on are front door didnt think nothing of it so we feel back to sleep then we heard another set of nocks but they kept going on non stop intil 6:43 in the morning but during the knocks we heard stuff in are garge we whent to check if anything was there and there was nothing but every time we tried seeing what the sounds are coming from they would stop so we stayed up intil 7:39 paranoid intil we were to the piont we couldnt stay up no more and feel asleep

  16. The three knocks could also have reference to the three stages of life; birth, life and death. And as said before it could resemble a spirit (dead) trying to get attention.

  17. can some one help?? the other night at 3:20am i was wakened by "3 knocks" to the window. the other day my mum heard the same thing at the same time, What can this mean ?? can someone please send me an answer or some sort of advice! thank you . julie anne x

  18. I first got the knocks after leaving the Air Force. My first experience was interesting too because my Mom was woken by the knocks also. Very weird.

    If you've had the same thing happen to you, you should consider paying a visit to (a forum dedicated to people who've experienced the knocks and are looking for answers).

    -Wes Day

  19. Well I experienced the 3 knock phenomenon. The most extreme was when I heard my upstairs door open, someone run down the steps, and then "BANG" on my bedroom door. Shortly after that my family started going through depression issues and many serious family problems. This morning I actually woke up hearing 2 small knocks at 1:58AM (two minutes till 2 AM) Perhaps that is the sound of departure.

  20. when i was much younger a teenager in fact . I was in my room . the upper floor of my mom and dads home . several things happened . first . my mom cleaned my room and i was told to keep it clean or else. that night i went to bed and when i left my closet there was a string that caught upon my foot . i took it off . the next morning i get up and the string wasnt there . i found it rolled up and in the corner of the closet was the string rolled up in a ball . i went downstairs and told mom you take things to extreme . she asked why . i told her and she said she didnt do it . not her . its you . she says and then she passes it off . the next night i did the same thing over . she again said she didnt do it . so to prove it we put the string out and she locked the door with a skeleton key and took it with her . the next morning the string was back on the shelf rolled up .. the same room later in the same year . they where all gone and i heared a bang upon the wall . I went over to the wall and knocked back . three times . the next thing i knew it hit the wall harder two times . i hit the wall twice . now the bang was like it was angry and the hit was very loud much louder then the other knocks and only once . I left the room and didnt go back in for the whole afternoon . the same room was the sorce of another event was one day again alone in the house and the noise coming from my room was like someone was moving furniture and loud sounds angry .I did not go upstairs to find out why the noise or what . i set on the wall around the outside of our home and my girlfriend came up and said hey your mom cleaning your room again. i told her no no one was home but me . she had a hard time believing me .

  21. This same thing just happened to me 20 minutes ago. Funny thing though I have never heard the legend of "3 Knocks" After it happened I did a google search and found this site. I now feel kind of strange reading what this is supposed to mean. Is there any truth to the legend?

  22. I appreciate each of your comments- thanks for sharing your experiences with me and the rest of my readers!! What ever is the cause- one thing is for certain, it is happening and to more and more people. Perhaps the veil is lifting!!

  23. I have indeed had this happen, but not the three knocks. It is a bang or like a window shutting. This happens often when I am going to sleep and has happened off and on for a number of years. I always figured it was a door or window to another dimension closing.

  24. I have had this happen as well. I was at my boyfriends house, sometime after midnight, 2 or three in the morning, three really loud knocks at the door. I thought maybe it was a drunk ex-girlfriend of his, but it stopped, and no other car was in the driveway. I was really creeped out. Couple of weeks later I was at my own home, again three really loud knocks. This time I was terrified. I didn't have a good vibe about it.
    I think if it was just a spirit trying to get attention it wouldn't be so aggressive. I believe whatever is doing it is more evil then good. I am going with the explanation provided above that they are demons. I have heard it said evil doesn't come unless invited. So the knocks at the door are significant. Pray and tell the creepy things to bug off and leave you alone, that God is protecting you.

  25. I am so glad that I found this website. I hear these three knocks quite often.I am asleep when these three knocks on my door wake me up. I always get up and look out the window but never see anyone. It has been about three weeks since I heard the knocking. I have heard that the Devil will wake you up at three o'clock in the morning, but these knocks happen at different times during the night. I talked to my neighbor about this. He is a preacher and he told me this could be the Devil knocking or the Lord. Next time I hear the knocks he said for me to tell the Devil to get out of here and leave me alone that God is watching over me.I am keeping a record now on each time I hear these knocks that wake me up.My daughter and granddaughter never hear these knocks and they think I just imagine this but that is not so.These knocks wake me right up and then I don't hear anything else.

  26. i just had that happen to me like NOW and i am freaking out i heard 3 knockings on my room door and i got up and opend it and its soo weird cause my mom was opening the front door at the same time as me and she asked me "did you hear knockings too?" i said "yes on my bedroom door" and she said "well i heard it on the front door and no one is there thats weird and she just told me to say a prayer because the same thing happend to me and her 3 years ago at work heard 3 knockings and on our way back to our house we received a call from my uncle telling us my cousin had past away we asked what time and it was exactly at the same time we heard the rigth now we are freaking out and praying that everyone is ok..

  27. This past Sunday morning I woke up at 5:45 am when I heard 2 knocks on my door. This is the second time this has happened to me this month.
    I am the only one in the house that hears these knocks.
    I have been told that the Devil will wake you up at 3 o'clock. I don't know if this is true or not but I have woke up a few times at 3 o'clock and there was no knocking. I just woke up. Nothing happened, I just went on back to sleep.This knocking thing is something else and a real mystery.

  28. ..its like they said..its demons. They will try to trick you into thinking its spirits of the dead. They want you to believe in spiritualism and steer you away from the truth. Its just like the Ouija and Tarot and all that stuff...its meant to have you believe in something other than what the Bible says...demons and fallen angels have been around a verrrry long time and know what tricks work. The evil one isnt smart because he's the evil one..but because he's been around for so long...

  29. I lost my daughter on March 12th 2009 after just being diagnosed with leukemiaone month earlier. On November 4th I was woken by 3 very loud knocks. When i sat up my heart was racing and I looked at the door waiting for soemone to rush in thart seomething was wrong, but nothing. The room was completely silent. The dogs were asleep and my husband was asleep. I looked at the alarm clock to see what time it was. It was 3:12. My daughter died on 3/12. I know it was her. There is absolutley no other explanation. The knocks were loud , distinctive and like no other knock I have ever heard. The time on the clock just was more confirmation. Knock Knock Knocken from heavens door. Thanks my beautiful Madison Haley Arnold (forever 14)

  30. Okay when I heard the knocks it was about 10pm & I was on the phone with my fiancee because he was out of town for work. I was laying in bed talking to him when I heard 3 knocks at my front door. I live way out in the woods so I dont get ANYONE visiting so I peeked out my bedroom window to see who was knocking...NO ONE THERE! So I tell my Fiancee that someones knocking but I cant see who it is. So he says well just ignore it and when they walk away from the door you can see them. But it never went away! The knocking continued. Every 1-2 minutes I would hear the 3 knocks (Knock Knock Knock) like a person would do if there wanted to come in. I went to the other window to see if there was a car in the drive...NO CAR! So I walk to the long window beside my front door and as I am looking outside right at my front door...3 KNOCKS on my front door and I seen NO ONE! So I am alone with my 3 kids sleeping on the couch and I call 911 thinking maybe someone is hiding and wants me to open the door to jump on me when I do. As I'm on the phone with 911 the 3 knocks turn into 3 HUGE bangs like whoever it was was mad. I start crying to the 911 operator to please hurry. Just then the patrol car pulls up lights on and surrounds the house. They look through the property with flood lights and NOTHING! They come in and act like I am imagining things and tell me they see no footprints and cant stay here all night. So I ask them to please check my unfinished upstairs to make sure no one is in my house. They do. As we are walking up the stairs we get to the top and 3 knocks at the front door. One cop runs to the front door and NOTHING! He looks very puzzeld. So again they go around the house looking and once again find NOTHING! Then they come back inside to write up a report now relizing that I was not insaine and paranoid. While inside 3 knocks! The police go toward the window they hear the knocks from then about 1 min later 3 knocks at the other end of the house. At this time there are police surrounding the house inside and out but NEVER see anyone! So The police suggest me and the children leave for the night because they have NO clue what is going on. So we leave and go to family house. As I am laying in bed going over what could that knocking have been I relize that 3 days earlier I came home in the middle of the afternoon from picking up my kids from school to find a white quartz indian arrowhead on my porch. I picked it up and took it inside. I am not sure if that had anything to do with what happend that night but it did cross my mind. So I went back to the house the next morning and everything was how I left it. I put the arrowhead back on my porch and left town until my fiancee gets home on Monday. I have not been back to my house yet since it happend yesterday to see if it happens again but I found this site when researching what it could have been. So any one have this happen? Or know what it may be?

  31. Early this morning about 4:20am my husband and I woke up to three loud knocks. We checked the front door, the window, the whole house and couldnt find anything or anyone. The kids were still sleeping and the dogs did not bark. What is odd is that my husband sleeps very hard and has slept through a hurricane so his waking up with me after hearing the knocks is very unusual. They were loud, very distinct and deliberate. It didnt sound like knocking on glass, more like something thick and metal like a front door. It was 10 degrees outside so I dont think it was neighborhood kids. Neither one of us could go back to sleep afterward.
    We are going through a transition in our lives right now and are preparing to relocate to another state so I am wondering if this has anything to do with our move.

  32. I would say it was about 2 years ago when this happened, in my one bedroom apartment. I was lying in bed one, ready to fall asleep one night. It was quiet and nothing unusual was happening at the time. I happened to be laying on my left die, facing the wall. As I was drifting into sleep, all of a sudden I felt "3 knocks" on my bed. It was right over my shoulder and I could swear it was someone or something hitting my bed.

    I opened my eyes, terrified of what might be behind me. I could not move because I was literally paralyzed with fear. Nothing ever really scared me this much in my life, and I was afraid to turn around to see what/who it was. I literally jumped out of my bed, turned around, and no one was there. I turned on all the lights, and checked the apartment door. It was locked.

    I thought maybe it was my imagination playing tricks on me, and I finally fell asleep. I didn't tell anyone about these 3 Knocks, until my girlfriend told me her experience with the 3 Knocks one night. She heard it on happen on her wall while she was asleep! She was so scared because it not a dream. When she told me that, I told her what I had experienced.

    So I happened to Google "3 knocks" and came across all these different websites and stories from other people. I was floored in what I read. I didn't think that it was anything at all, but apparently it's SOMETHING! I have no explanation in what I experienced or what my girlfriend experienced, or what anyone else experienced. The 3 Knocks is something, but whether it's good or evil, we may never know.

    I would hope one day that this phenomenon would be explored/talked about more. I think a lot of people have some stories to tell about it.

    Thanks for reading.

  33. In 1991 my father died after a protracted struggle with cancer. He and my sister were exceptionally close, and i guess it's no stretch to say they were kindred spirits. I was away serving a stint in the navy at the time, but my sister told me about what happened shortly after his death. My father & sister had talked extensively about life, death and the hereafter, in the weeks leading up to his passing. She was thrown in the 'deep end' (figuratively speaking) and was the only sounding board for many of his morbid musings. (my mother and I have since had many regrets in letting her bear the brunt of this.) In a lighter moment they did however make a pact that if dad discovered something on the other side he would let my sister know with 3 loud knocks. A night or 2 after the funeral, my mother and sister were sitting at home, in the dark,on the front verandah, just talking quietly and trying to cope with the loss. Dad had at that time a large stryrofoam box, full of his cassette tapes, so my sister just reached in, and grabbed whatever was at hand. She pressed 'play' at which point 3 very loud knocks emanated from the tape deck, which was the lead in for a Cyndi Lauper song, which Dad was quite fond of. It was a fair sort of coincidence when you consider that 60 or so tapes sat in the top layer of the box, and that it was also a 50/50 chance that the song in question was on the playable side. Anyway, it's just something to ponder. I'd like to think there was something in it, but who knows,huh?

  34. I live with my parents and the knocking happened also a doorbell but we never saw anything.Last year the 3 knocks happened and right after that my great grandma past away. I am now a teenager and my room is in the back of the house and if I stay up late I hear things like hits on the wall and things out at my window. My dog will look at my closet door and growl or bark for long pereiods of time. Also when all of this started going on my cousin stayed the night with me and was in my room alone and said something began breathing very hard beside her like it was dieing.I sometimes felt like things were near me but I ignored it. My parents never had anything happen to them and they said it was my imagination. But I dont think it was. And none of this really started happening untill i did a school projest on a ouija board.

    And with the number 3 I am not for sure whats with it, but i have payed good attention to things going on and deaths come in three's.

  35. In Fact the number three in the Catholic Religion is very significant, and versatile, I have had countless paranormal and parallel dimension encounters as I have had sensitive abilities since my earliest recollections of childhood, the Bible, for those who believe, clearly states that one must be educated to differentiate between that of good and evil. The number six is obviously the number of the Devil,(one less than perfect) the number seven represents God (Perfect) and the number eight representing one more than perfect, Jesus. If at three a.m. (referred to as dead time by many) you hear three knocks in successions of three, most times I have found this to be possible demonic entities, in paranormal investigations, I have personally conducted. The number three represents the Holy Trinity but in certain deviations is also highly demonic, one must always be alert and educated, as deception and trickery are the ways of evil.

  36. HI,
    This is Charlotte again.It has been a while since I posted about the 3 knocks at night on my door. My next door neighbor is a preacher and I told him about the 3 knocks. I asked him if this was good or bad.He said it could be either.He told me the next time I heard these knocks to say, Get away from me old devil,God is watching over me.One night I heard these knocks again and I said in a very demanding way, leave me alone devil, God is watching over me. You may not believe this but I have not heard these knocks since I said that.I have been able to sleep in peace at night without being afraid. I may hear them again sometime but if I do I will repeat the same thing. God watches over all of us and the Devil is out there to get us if he can.The next time you hear these knocks "demand" that the devil leave you alone because "God" is watching over you.So far this has worked for me. Please let me know if this works for you.

  37. It is around 1:? am probably close to 2 am or already two for that matter. And I layed on my bed, driftting into a deep sleep, yet suddenly I hear 3 knocks on my bedroom door...
    I had a few hipotesis to this...
    1. Maybe it was my parents, my mother or my father perhaps reminding me I had to go to bed...
    -However, they assure me in the mornning that they were sound asleep ever since 12.

    To be honest that was probably the only hipotesis I had in mind...Up untill this one:
    " Well, upstairs live more people - I live in a two story house, and I live downstairs with my family and some other family lives up stairs- it could have been them "

    But the sound came to close and after theknock I can fee something or someone outside my room... The bright moon that night made quite an entrance, shinning bright through my window.

    You see this happed last night...And I told my parents, my mother worried, do to a few nights ago, she felt someone ´tap´ her right foot, as she layed down on her bed, awake -she couldn´t sleep, nor could she after words...-, few days later my father tells us that he woke up to go to his bathroom, and felt as if there was someone behind him, now this caught my attention because, nor my father or me are affraid of many things, and this gave my fathers hair rise from his back.

    I live in Dominican Republic, center america. And ALL my life I can assure you wierd things have happed to me, but not in this house, when we first moved here, it was calm and you can feel peace everywhere... We have around a year or so living here and these events have accured around a week now.

    Which dragged me into deep investigation, especially the ´3´.
    The 3 taps on my mothers foot, and the 3 knocking on my door.

    First off, I dislike this number...
    But while my investigation continued I read in books and internet that the number ´3´ is satanic or something like that, around 3 am the portals of hell open ect...

    I came to the conclussion that if it issn´t my neighbors, it must be something paranormal. If that´s the case, I wouldn´t mind seeing or speaking to this creature, and knowing WHY is it here or what does it want... I´m pretty sure they have a reason to be around, and I would love to know why, perhaps I can help them.

    PS: I put anonymous hence I don´t have an acc around google or w-e...

    Bella Cross.

    1. Hey. I jusy had the same experience last night. Three knocks on my door thib morning at 1:49 wokIt went from a light knock, to a progressively hard knock. At first i thought it was my mom trying to wake me up because i tend to sometimes sleep late for school. I woke up really fast after the third knock and checked my phone when it read 1:49. I got so scared i quickly went under my sheets. Right after i did that, the knocking stopped. While i was hiding in my sheets trying to keep my eyes shut, it felt like someone just poored hot water on me because i became so hot and sweaty. Im going to see if the knockings contiue and ifb it does, i will notify my parents

  38. My father had been hospitilized for 8 weeks drs gave him no chance of recovering he was 88. Always a very humble religous man .in the last couple of weeks in and out of conciousnous he would sing loudly gospel songs and speak to his mother. The entire family never left his side .taking turns round the clock. It got to the point where in the end we were praying for god to take him.his body was tired and he was so meek. The morning of 9-8-10 at 1:50 am sister.her fiance.and my mom were standing next to the head of his bed. At that time the hospital was completely silent then from behind the head of my dads bed. There were 3 knocks. Not loud like most of the descriptiions i have read here. But loud enough that we all looked at each other because of the daddy had not opened his eyes for weeks. But he opened them wide and took his last may sound strange to hear but we smiled and cried at the same time. His struggle was over and the angels knocked on his hearts door and took him home.

  39. I previously submiited this post but had put in the wrong date of my fathers death so i am resubmitting for i feel a strong need to tell my familys experience. It seems to be a little different in a few instances. My father went into the hospital for a relativly minor infection but at the age of 88 i suppose nothing could be minor. Approx 2 wks into his stay all of a sudden he quit breathing. He was brought back and all else went back to normal antibiotics and such,although he was taken to icu for observation.while there he had 1 yr prior had surgery for an abdominal aortic aneurysm which they done an mri on to check and sure enough tbe material sort of like a screen protecting the aneurysm had become severly infected the infection was untreatable and we were told it would burst soon and he would bleed to death within 5 minutes. They gave him 1 wk to 10 days. He lasted 6 more weeks not alert for at least 3 of them at 150 am the hosp silent standing bedside heard 3 slow gentle raps opened his eyes n was gon

  40. Finally! People who know what Im talking about. I hear the knocks too. Usually right after I've dosed off into a deep sleep from being exhausted. I don't a know exactly how many knocks there are I just know that I faintly here one and then as i begin to wake, another, until I hear the last one loud and clear, then my eyes pop open and my mind is trying to process everything. I've been in the room with other ppl and they didn't hear anything.

  41. In the summer of 1988, a few months before I married my ex wife, in the wee hours 4 to 5am, we heard three knocks. We'd been quarreling, then making up and making love---suddenly three very loud knocks in succession. We lived in a neighborhood, so I thought it was some asshole..I threw my pants on pulled open the door, ran around the yard, nothing, no one not even a whisper. And I said there for about an hour, just sitting in the year, until the sun came up. Nothing ever moved, there was no way a person could have gotten away before I got to that door. They would have gotten caught later when they tried to sneak off.
    It was weird, man.

  42. Wow I cant believe how many people have experienced the 3 knocks. I wish we all had a defitite answer for it tho. I too heard 3 knocks one night I was only one up one night around 11 pm it was. I was surfing the net. And my pup was near me sleeping. We both heard 3 knocks on my inner kitchen door. And he looked at me and barked right away. I immeditley got up thinking who is at my inner back kitchen door (there was an add on to the back so there is 2 doors) I thought it would be my landlord. Thats the only person it could of been. As I walked in the kitchen I could feel there was no one on the other side. My pup is still barking because he heard it too we opened the door to find no one. Creeped me out big time!!! I still am creeped out now. I think at anytime Im going to hear it again. My 9 year old daughter also heard it when she was downstairs alone but this time it was during the day...same thing 3 knocks at the inner back kitchen door. I didnt and havent told about my experience. Dont want to frighten her anymore. At first I thought it was my mom beacure she passed away in february of this year. But I know she wouldnt scare my daughter. Just wish we all would find out the truth.

  43. Well I find these 3 knocks as somebody saying goodbye in spanish we say una despedida..I could not sleep all night because last night around 9ish we were in the living room with my mother, stepfather and my neighbor and we heard 3 lous knocks and my mother being the spanish woman she is said come in. No body went in so I went to see and there was nobody there we all looked at each other and all I said oh god..I called my family members everyone is ok but the day before this frame with the figure of jesus christ fell on my head and the glas broke. That same day I came home from brooklyn from my boyfriends house and I took his blue bandana and getting to the train station he tells me it belonged to his best friend who past away last week he got muredered so Im not sure if its him I never met him so Im not sure if hes attached to his bandana and wants some type of revenge for his murder ughhhh so aggravating

  44. While taking a nap alone in my one room studio apt. during the daytime about five years ago I was suddenly awakened by what sounded like three loud hard knocks on my door which is only ten feet away. It startled me right out of my deep sleep and I rushed to the door thinking someone had knocked. I opened the door and looked to the right which is the only direction leading to my closed gate. I saw no one or heard no one. Thinking I missed somebody at my door I went back to sleep thinking nothing of it. Then the same exact three knock sound coming from my door woke me up six more times that month but only when I was napping during the late afternoons.I finally told my mother about it and her answer was It was a dream I kept having or I was just imagining that I was hearing the three knocks.One day about a month later I asked her to watch my apt.for me while I was out of town for a week.When I got back she wasn't there and she had left a note saying to call her about something scaring her. When I called she admitted I was right about the mysterious three knocks on the door. She said it happened to her 4 times in the one week I was gone. It scared her so bad she doesn't like to visit my apt. much anymore. The funny thing is I haven't heard the knocks since then anymore. Does anybody have what they believe is the explanation for what happened during that one month these three loud knock sounds occurred and during the daytime only ?

  45. Please read this, it may help you!(sorry its quite long)...

    Part 1 (by Orion_111)

    Since my early teens if not earlier I have been haunted,taunted and confused by 3 loud bangs. The 3 loud bangs are only ever on windows!

    I would often only hear them in the early hours of the morning. At first I thought maybe its part of a dream/nightmare that I am somehow able to still hear so I kept it quiet telling no family members or friends due to the fact that they may think I was slightly crazy!

    However the 3 bangs continued and I just had to tell my family even at the risk of sounding crazy!

    The strange occurances continued to happen especially throughout my teenage years. I was actually starting to getting more annoyed by it rather than freaked out by it!

    The 3 loud bangs mainly happened on my upstairs bedroom window, bare in mind the word "upstairs" it was too high up for anyone to bang so loudly unless someone was very handy with a large set of ladders.

    One night the terrifying loud bangs happened right behind my head on the usual window right next to my headboard, I was so angry I immedietly turned my head opened the curtains expecting to find someone or something right outside my window. There was nothing there not even a pair of ladders! I then actually ran downstairs opened the back yard door and looked outside into the back lane to see if there was anyone there running away! Again nobody was there running away up the lane with large ladders in there hand.

    My parents heard the comotion in the lane as I shouted loudly and angrily something along the lines of "show yourself you coward" My mam and dad told me to get back to bed (thinking i was having a nightmare/sleep walk) I assure you I was very awake and alert so much my heart was pounding with adrenaline! I was kind of upset but more so angry at not knowing what this is and how anyone could possibly do this, even as a practical joke it would be hard to pull off!

  46. Part 2 (Orion_111)

    A few months later I hit the jackpot! My dad and I were in a taxi one early morning and surely enough just as the taxi was about to drop us off at our destination the 3 loud bangs reared there ugly head. This time on a taxi window! My dad was so shocked! He then immediatly said "are they the noises you keep hearing?!" The taxi driver was startled but at first maybe though it was us and turned to look at as to ask what that noise was then suddenly another 3 loud bangs on the window. The taxi driver actually got out of his car and was looking around to see what or who was banging fiercly on his window (he even looked under his car lol)

    From this day on my family believe me as my dad was there right next to me to hear it first hand! He told my mam, she was astounded and rather freaked out by my dad telling her its true.

    The bangs still happen to this day allthough very rarely the last one was exactly a year today at 4am on the dot, hence me writing this as i have been on google trying to see what it could be I come across this website, allthough I have read though this site before on earlier google searches.

    This is what I have learned:

    1) It is not a pleasent experience the bangs are "very aggresive"

    2) For myself its always on windows/glass and always 3 bangs or even 2 sets of 3 bangs.

    3) They are very real, they are not made up, a dream, a nightmare or a hallucination.

    4)My gradma no longer with us today lived at door no 111 (this may or may not be related)

    5) I always see the numbers 111 everywhere but thats another story!

    6) I used to often predict things before they happen some minor and down right stupid to some very large happenings in the world (which I tell family before they happend to prove it) however I have not been able to do this for along time now, in fact its been years) again this may or may not be related to the bangs at all.

    I hope any of the above information helps anyone or helps us learn a little more about this very strange but real mystery! Please let me know if any of you folks share the same experiences, there could be a reason its happening to us but then again it could be completley random.


    1. My sister died of ovarian cancer in 2001 and only about a year ago I began to have

    2. My sister passed away in 2001 of ovarian cancer. It was only until recently within the past year when I began to experience things I cannot explain. I had two experiences that affected me deeply. The first one was when I just finished working on some music in my recording studio and just as the song finished playing... my keyboard literally went up into the air on one side like a see-saw in the playground. I was standing at the time and by myself and wasn't moving at all. After this happened I just sat down in disbelief wondering if what just happened was real.The second eexperience was when u was fast asleep and I heard Knocking on my bedroom door (knock knock knock) (knock knock knock) I woke up and just froze and didn't check to see who or what it was. It was around 3am iin the morning and I knew everyone was asleep in the house. I askedeeveryone that next morning if anyone knocked on my door and they all said no... I just said OK and moved on... The next weekend came and I got only one set of knocks and immediately I got up and opened my bedroom door and saw nothing. I woke everyone up to ask and again the answer was no... I'd like to think that this was my sister... But no way to tell... My mom had an experience and she actually saw my sister walk past her while she was in the kitchen and saw her walk into the bathroom and mom now believes my experiences

  47. Hello, I have had the knocking happen to me on two different occasions. However it is always more then 3 knocks, the first time 9 the second time 6. The first time it happend at my cottage I was their with 3 other people and the knocking on the walls was so loud it woke everyone up. The second time was at home. This actually happened 2 nights ago. It was almost midnight. I live in a victorian home converted to appartments. My front door has a heavy knocker on it. the knocker banged 6 times. I could tell no one was their because their was not a shadow under the door. I have heard that if you hear knocks at the door not to open it. It allows entities into your life. I would love to hear some more information on more then 3 knocks. I have had several occurances with the unknown, I would love to learn why this happens!It almost feels as if something is trying to grab my attention. -Whitney

  48. sometimes i fall asleep and i wake up but im still asleep so the next morning i dont know what happened. onetime when i was dreaming needles came out of the wall i is was screaming in my sleep. My sisters say that it looked like i was awake but i didnt remember a thing and i kept talking to my family and they said that i always said i wanted to go outside for something it scarys me a lot

  49. Me , My Sister , My Grandmother & My Mom All Hear Knocks . 3 Hard , 3 Soft . Ive Heard Them Since I Was About 8 . When We Hear Them Someone Dies Within Your Family Or Friends . You Don't Know When , But Someone Will . 3 Hard Means The Person Will Die A Tragic Death . Soft Means They Will Die Peacefully . Ive Only Heard Them For My Mammys Mom , My Grandmother , Great Uncle & Grandfather . My Mom Says Its God's Way Of Letting You Know That Hes Gonna Take Care Of Them . Don't Be Afraid Of It , Just Know That It Could Mean All Different Things , That Just Happens To Be One .

  50. My my and great grandmother always said three knocks on the bed room door is either A: A message, or B: Death knocking. If you open the door if it's B, someone dies. This happened to my mom twice, first time was her grandma on her dad's side Sally who died shortly afterward. The second time was her dad, who died afterward. She opened the door both time. Anyone care to enlighten?

  51. In Ireland 3 knocks on the window is the banshee telling you that a member of your family is going to die (also if you hear it i think, and if you see one out of the corner of your eye or whatever means your going to die) i heard yesterday lunch time 3 knocks on my window i was on my own didn't imagion it as the dog heard it too i opened the door and the wife was at the top of the drive way with the shopping i asked her did she knock at the window or if she saw anyone she said no that nite at around 11 i was on my own again as she was at friends house 3 knocks at the window dog heard it i heard it i quickly opened the door no one anywhere!!!! no wind no tree branches at either of the times!I very rarely get spooked in the house only when i sleep in the back room and im on my own for some reason and when i moved into the house first i use to wake up at half 3am on the button every morning with out a noise or been spoked or even feeling spoked just eyes wide open clock turning half and straight back to sleep this happened for bout 4 months

  52. I've had paranormal things happen over the years. The last few years, I will hear occassionaly before dawn, either a cell phone ringing in my head or this morning it was 3 knocks at 4:54 am. I asked whoever it was to "come in." When this happens, I google the time as bible verse 4:54 and see what comes up. This morning it was John 4:54 a second sign that Jesus performed coming from Judea to Galilee. I've had 3 knocks before but I didn't notice if it was around a death. I'll journal this experience to help determine. I have read in a book about St. Bede that he mentions 3 knocks mean perserverance.

  53. A few weeks ago I was jolted out of bed at about 5 am by 3 very loud almost menacing sounding knocks. It felt like they were right over my head but I jumped out of bed thinking my neighbor might be at my door. She takes care of her elderly Mother who may pass away at any moment. But no one was at the door. I felt scared. The next thought I had was that something evil was trying to get at me. I have been praying intently lately the Lord's Prayer as well as my own everyday prayers to God for healing and protection. I have heard this type of sound only once before in this apartment no less. I was in the living room just sitting and heard 3 knocks on the door. I jumped up but no one was there and no one in the hall. In fact I was the ONLY one in the building at that timne! So it seems very weird and I am used to weird all my life with precognitive dreams and more. It doesn't seem to be a clear cut explanation as to what is going on. I will just continue to pray for Divine Protection.

  54. For the past 6 yrs I've become more intune with the otherside and knowing what is going to happen b4 it happens evrytme I hear 3 knocks someone I know dies TRUE STORY TO THE POWER OF TEN

  55. I have had this happen to me several times for the past several years and it happened again yesterday. I hear them only when I am asleep or in an alpha state. It is always three knocks. I am not sure what it means but I always have the feeling it is a wake up call sort of thing. Today I had another thing happen. Someone or something shook my leg while I was sleeping, as if to wake me up. (shake a leg) I live alone and have been very depressed and sleeping a lot so maybe this is a spiritual message for me to get up and get going. I am so glad to find your blog that addresses this, because I didn't know so many others had the same experience.

  56. I find this all very interesting. I heard three knocks on my door on Monday morning at about 2.30am. I froze as I live alone behind shops. Anyway, my sister came over last night and I told her about it and she said that she had heard three knocks on Saturday night when we were both at our other sister's house. She never said anything because they have had paranormal experiences and are already frightened enough. I thought for myself it was a wake up call. My sister thought it was the angel of death coming knocking (which freaks me out at the moment). However, we had been to a close friend's mother's memorial on the Sunday. We are hoping it was her saying goodbye. I love this website and pleased to find it too. Thank you.

  57. Hi everyone I have been experiencing the knocks for about 8 yrs now. At first I ignored it thought I was dreaming. Sometimes I would be in a deep or light sleep. Several nights ago I was sound asleep and was woken up by three really loud knocks which startled me but also gets on my nerves I dont say anything out loud. Im in camp so there are people always near by if i were too scared.I dont bother even looking b ecause i know its some kind of spirits. I may go ask a priest about this I know there are numerous myths about this but be happy, strong minded, and be spirtual. I do believe sometimes this could be demons as they can make voices of your loved ones alive and deceased...dont trust them

  58. Well I prefer too think it is my loved one contacting me since it was so shortly after my daughters death. So I think i will trust that was her contacting me.

  59. Two days ago I wake to what I thought was my son scream and then a loud crash like bang, I race out of bed to see if my son is ok and he is sound asleep... This freaked me out and my husband who is a light sleeper heard nothing. 
    This morning around the same time as yesterday 5am ish, I wake to 3 loud and abrupt knocks on what sounded like a large heavy metal door... Not like any door or wall in my house, of course no one was there and I was the only person to hear this. Both times they sounded so real woke me with a jolt of panic and my heart pounding.

    I don't recall yesterday's dream but this morning before I woke to the knocks I dreamt I was driving down a local street and I came across 3 or 4 very very old mansions and I wondered why I had never noticed them before. I pull the car over as i want to explore and I see others going into the house as they are also curious. As I get to the front door a lady says to me check out these floorboards but she Actually used the proper term for that period of flooring, I run back to my car so excited about my find and grab my camera and then I hear the KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK

    I recall being shitty as I really wanted to take photos of the houses and explore. Now I am in bed I wonder if I will wake peacefully or with panic in the morning and in my dreams tonight I hope to go back to that awesome house lol

  60. My husband and I just moved from Florida to Virginia into an older home 3 months ago. We first heard the knocking after being here for a month. 3 knocks on a glass window. My husband was upstairs and heard it as did our dog. Then several minutes later, we heard it again. We looked outside and no one was there. Last night when we came home after a Christmas ceremony, we saw the lights on in the room over the garage. We never go up there because we just have boxes that haven't been unpacked yet. I stayed outside while my husband investigated the house. All was fine and all the doors were locked. Then this morning around 8 AM we heard the 3 knocks on a window again. Several minutes later, we heard it again. My husband said he thinks it's a woodpecker! I said woodpeckers don't peck on glass! I know we bought the house from a widow...not sure if the husband passed over in the house, but I'm spooked!

  61. My husband and I just moved from Florida to Virginia into an older home 3 months ago. We first heard the knocking after being here for a month. 3 knocks on a glass window. My husband was upstairs and heard it as did our dog. Then several minutes later, we heard it again. We looked outside and no one was there. Last night when we came home after a Christmas ceremony, we saw the lights on in the room over the garage. We never go up there because we just have boxes that haven't been unpacked yet. I stayed outside while my husband investigated the house. All was fine and all the doors were locked. Then this morning around 8 AM we heard the 3 knocks on a window again. Several minutes later, we heard it again. My husband said he thinks it's a woodpecker! I said woodpeckers don't peck on glass! I know we bought the house from a widow...not sure if the husband passed over in the house, but I'm spooked!

  62. A few days ago I was sitting at a red light. I decided to change lanes and checked my mirrors then proceded slowly to change lanes. A loud heavy knock on the driver window of my truck. Scared me half to death causing me to cower and put my hands over my head. I jumped and then looked all around. I thought maybe someone was crossing the street and knocked on the window to alert me. No one was there. The driver of the car next to me was looking at me like I was crazy. It was daylight and sometime in the late afternoon.

  63. Well, let me tell you of my experience. It believe it happened in 1988 or 89 during a period that I was on break from school. I was 12 or 13, and was up late at night playing video games in my room. It was probably about 1 or 2 A.M., and I heard someone knock on my door. Nothing strange about the knocks, they were 3 normal, clear knocks on the door. I went to the door and opened it expecting to see my mom or dad or something, but no one was there. It was strange, but It didn't scare me. I just thought I was hearing things.
    About ten minutes later, someone knocked on my door again. Three knocks, sounding exactly the same as before. The knocks taking about 1 second altogether. I knew that I hadn't heard something this time and opened the door expecting to see someone there. Again, there was no one there. Now I began to get scared. I went back to playing games. I can't remember what I was thinking, but I remember that I was scared.
    About ten minutes later there were another three knocks at my door the same as before. I was very scared and didn't want to open the door, I didn't know what I should do so I just stood there for about a minute, staring at the door, freaked out. I considered screaming for help but ended up tearing open the door and running as fast as I could into my brothers room down the hall. I burst into his room so fast I scared him quite a bit.
    I know it wasn't my brother, and he swears it wasn't him. I believe him because I could always hear people walking down that hallway towards my door. It was an old house, with creaks and old floors and you could always hear people coming down the hall before they made it to the door. In the middle of the night there aren't any noises to cover up the sound of someone walking down the hall. Its like any night at 2 in the morning, totally quiet. My brother weighed about 180 pounds, so I would of heard his footsteps if it was him.
    Anyway, after I told my brother what happened, we searched the entire house with bats and our dog (the dog was in my brothers room the entire night, so it wasn't him either) and found nothing.
    I've told other people this story and I noticed that people are often satisfied with their answers when they have strong personal beliefs. For instance, I had a friend who really believed in UFO's and he was convinced it was Aliens. I had a friend who really believed in ghosts and he said it was ghosts. My mother, who is very religous said it was a message from God. I don't believe in any of those things, and I think that is why it has bothered me all this time. There isn't enough evidence to lead me toward any conclusion I'm satisfied with, so it's left a mystery to me.
    I guess what I'm getting at, is that these events are mysteries, and our deductions about them usually say more about us than it does about them.

  64. so, im only 16 years old and i know for a fact that i have a ghost in my house. She is not a good ghost, she is strong and wants to host me but since i am strong and am a christian she stays an appropriate disatance usually. She has gotten angry and thrown a bar of soap at me and made me convulse to my knees when she felt my weakness but i always end up getting the upper hand. but this afternoon she did something i felt was too strange to not look up. my brother and i were fighting and she knocked on the wall between my bedroom and my parents. 3 times, twice. im scared because both my parents have bad health. All of us heard it and my mom complained about us knocking.. scared but i know i needa stay strong
    hope we find some sort of answer someday.

  65. I was about 13 years old when around 6am I first heard knocking on my night stand that woke me up. Then I heard knocking on the front door. My sister-in-laws father had just passed away and I was told later on that if you hear knocks on a door the spirit is trying to get in. I didn't open the door because he was a very disturbed individual.

  66. It started back in 1995 for me. One night I was in bed when a very loud bang hit the wall right by my boyfriends head then two across the roof. No one in the house heard it but me. Next night I started hearing voices. That when on for around a year. Everything went quiet when we broke up shortly after that. Then I met my husband in 2000. My mom got really sick and they started again. We both were hearing voices having stuff moved, waking up paralyzed, crazy bad dreams, we even got apparitions on tape. A man and a young boy. We moved away from that house and the city all together. We have lived were we are for around 4 yrs now. For the past yr, I have been hearing the knocks again. I'll be in bed and there will be loud knocks at my front door. Very angry knocks or like someone that really needs to talk to me. It always happens when my husband is at work. I just thought they were letting me know that they still are here, just not able to get in. Late Sunday night I was watching a movie. At 2:14 the movie paused by itself. I turned it back on and tried not to pay much attention. Till half an hour later there was 3 loud bangs right above my head, coming from my sons room. He was sound asleep. I found out this morning that my husbands aunt who found out she had a brain tumor on Thursday went on life support early Monday morning. Not sure of the time but is it related? Not sure

  67. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences and opinions. More and more people are experiencing this and other paranormal phenomena- times are changing and I believe people are becoming more aware and in tune with the energies around them.

  68. what happened to me was more than knocking, i would be laying in bed and late at night i would thought i hear someone coming up the stairs then it would fall quiet, then 20 seconds later there was someone pounding on the door to the point it was shaking on its hinges, so i would get up search the house and no one was in the entire house, the house was built in the mid 1800s by the way.

  69. Hi I'm looking for an explanation. I'm an indie filmmaker and had to travel to different places to show my film. On Dec 11 I was in London in Notting Hill at a cheap hotel...the last night I was there, after visiting the Tower, I was getting out of a bath. I'd argued to have my room placed in a quiet area away from the lift and three knocks came distinctly at my I yelled out who is it and heard nothing...nothing as in nobody going down the stairs that were right there or through the two swing doors into the area to the left or right. I yelled and it would have been impossible not to hear me...anyway...nobody was there. It sort of freaked me out when I realized I'd have had to have heard something if someone had gone away from the door and was weirded out. Anyway, a couple of months later I was in New Orleans, staying at a nice hotel in the old area, and same thing...getting out of a bath and I heard three distinct knocks on the door...again I said who's there no response...and no sound of anyone walking down the hallway. This time I wouldn't open the door after. I was freaked. A year later I was in a hotel in downtown LA, same thing, I ignored it. I don't know what it was about but I'm sure both incidents didn't involve a person knocking and am happy to see all this info on here but disturbed at the same time...I don't recall any deaths at the time, but I was weirded out it started after I was a tourist at the Tower of London before the first one ever happened. Any thoughts? And why it would always be after I was bathing? Very weird. Nothing since.

  70. My grandma lives by herself pretty far out in the county. One night a few weeks ago around 10:30 PM she heard 3 knocks on her living room window. She went to get her robe on and then answered the door, but no one was there. the street she lives on is more of a really long drive way so if someone had driven their car down there she would have seen it. She knows she wasn't imagining it because after the knocks the cat jumped down from her lap and ran to the bedroom like he always does when someone knocks.
    Then just last wednesday she heard these knocks again, this time around 3 in the afternoon. After the first knock she looked up and saw the shadow of an arm and hand knocking two more times. She had her screen door propped open and the curtains were parted. She didn't see anyone leave her porch. She went outside and none of her neighbors were home.
    She called my mom to tell her, the first thing she said was "I think something is after me" and her home phone cut out and went dead. My mom called her back and heard her story. at first my mom thought it was my grandpa who died 4 years ago, but I believe he is in heaven and that he would have no reason to come back to earth. And if it was him I don't think he would do something to freak my grandma out.

  71. nock, Nock, NOCK!
    while laying in my bed, i continuously hear knocking sounds coming in two to three knocks at a time. Usually progressively louder or progressively less loud.
    The knocks are not coming from a specific place, but rather from all around (if that even makes sense).

    I tried telling my self knocking is normal... but they kept persisting in twos and threes... The nocks continually made me more and more agitated.

    Ultimately frustrated and mildly disturbed, i turned to google for answers.... lol. and what do you know other people have experienced this... i am Freaked out!

  72. 05/27/2012

    I to have been looking for answers to strange happenings in my life.. So I find myself here reading... Last night about 9.30 p.m. I started hearing knocking sounds on my door, side of my moterhome and closet.. Iv'e always herd if you herd a knocking noise that someone was going to die. I have an uncle through marriage who is deathly sick, but has held on... This morning I get a call that all of his organs are shutting down.. I believe that death is not the end. We are born into another world.. The knocking went on all night long, I thought it was my husband knocking to keep me up.. When I awoke this morning about 5 am. I started to hear the knocking again.

  73. At around 12:50 P.M. today, I was standing in the kitchen doing the dishes when I began to hear a series of repetitive knocking sounds on the back of my garage. Since there was nobody else in my home at the current time, I went outside to investigate. While I was searching for the source of the noise, I soon figured out that nobody was making the noise, there was no wind that could have made the noise, and there were no animals around that could have made all these knocking noises. This knocking was not in a pattern, it was a continuous knocking that suddenly stopped right as I checked around the corner to where the sound was coming from. It still remains strange and unexplained to me.

  74. I heard three knocks on my bathroom door after getting out of the shower this morning...around 6:15am. I looked out into the hallway and nobody was there. I am staying at my sister's house and my brother-in-law said he woke up around 6am and felt like something was in the house. Also, my sister said she felt my Grandfather's presence (he passed away this February) while she was at work this afternoon. Could it be connected?

  75. I'll add my story, although it's much the same as many others. I awoke at 2:50 am to 3 loud knocks, I assume at my front door. However, my boyfriend did not hear it. I got up and look out the door and look around the house. No one. I assumed maybe it was a dream? I rarely dream though, and I certainly don't awake from them. I was pretty paranoid all night. Got up and decided to google the meaning of it. So here I am. I hope I don't get a call about a death, alot of comments are leading to this theory.

  76. I am hoping to find answers. My beloved mother passed away 8 years ago after a long illness. Shortly after, I started hearing interference noises in my electronics in the house, stereo and t.v.. It was a rhythmic sound, similar to morse code and was the same all the time. When I went to visit my sister's house, I heard the same sounds come across her t.v. She said, "Oh that's just mom saying Hi". It continued on for several years and never bothered me. I got married and even my new husband heard it. I explained it was mom. Then it stopped a couple years ago. I figured mom had moved on now. Then about 3 years ago the strange creak sound started in the house. It is a single creak and has occurred in the walls, ceiling, and even T.V. There it is again, it just happened while I was writing this. Anyway, it occurs in different locations but it is the exact same type of sound. As if I took a pen and tapped the inside of the wall once, or inside the T.V. Whatever the case may be. My concern is that I don't know what type of entity this is. How can I know if a spirit is good or bad? My spiritual beliefs tell me that good spirits go to heaven. But that doesn't explain how mom was able to make morse code in the t.v., she was a very good woman. Help! These sounds are frequent and keep me up at night. I've even tried sleeping in other rooms to give my husband a break and the sounds just move to the other room.

    1. It sounds positive. I would assume your mother is watching you.

    2. Hi, it has been some time since your post, just wanted to convey, I too get creaking keeking noises from the tv.My house is haunted. They communicate with me at times, telling me they are there. They throw small objects like beads, small stones which are picked up, transported to/in the house. They throw them on wooden floor or at us- below the waist- not harmful, nice, kindly spirits. I see ghosts. They communicated to me that they get their energy from the tv! I have experienced many things over the years. Warnings too. If I heard knocks or picture falling off wall....I hear of a death. 3deaths I had in one year alone! Busy, sad times. For one set of knocks it took six months before I had death in family. Two weeks or so is the usual time warning. Very concerned lately, heard knocks again. Sister at her house was alarmed at knocks. Knocks again at my house. No-one there, dont answer door to let them/it in. There is no getting away from it, death is on the cards. This is what I have experienced. Mam was diagnosed with cancer recently. Had less than year to live before op. Still knocks on glass. She has one lung in good shape she seems to be. What is coming I worry. Poorly myself, about to go for op in 2weeks time. I haveheard them talking in loud whispers in my house. Dont know if the knocking is by an entirely unknown ghost
      visitor who is a warning spirit. I had a hamster pet once, after he died, I woke one morning first light, to a ghost if a man, shimmering grey in a suit, I watched peacefully as if time stood still, whilst I saw him bend over and pick up my dead hamster, he had him in cupped hands- very caring ambience about him. I believe he had came for his spirit to take him to a better place. From this experience, I have come to believe that they come for you and or warn you of a family death to come. One morning, I awoken by frantic knocking at the door. I was alarmed by this, disturbed!! I found out that same time, same date when a boy was killed in WWin 1916. Killed in action in the trenches. He lived in my house before going off to war. Imagine what you would do if the capability exists, I know it does, if you were killed. You would run/fly home and knock that door down to get your mams attention to tell her whats happened to you. I would, so from this experience and knowledge, I believe it is his spirit, he was 19 years old. Blown up. I have this every year. He is coming home alarming me desperately banging on the door for attention. He sits on my stairs sighing, as if he is waiting or looking for someone to turn up. Bless him, he is welcome in my home.....this is some of what I know....lots, lots more....scared though, forthat impending something....

    3. I believe also that your family are with you, they never leave us and visit everyone! Some more than others!

  77. I awoke to 3 very loud knocks on my door about a year ago, nobody there, no footsteps, no wire door shutting which is noisy
    Didn't think too much of it and went back to sleep

    The other night it happened again, 3 loud knocks and they are all perfect too each sounds exactly like the other boom boom boom
    The dog was in the room and didn't hear it

    I thought it strange this time and googled and wow it happens alot

    Now thinking back to the last time it happened my grandpa also passed around the same time as the first knocks within a few weeks period

  78. Look this isn't about the knock but in my old house whenever I went to sleep I would have a conversation with an old woman but it only happened in one particular room but the knight before I move I heard the knocks I think it was the old woman's spirit saying goodbye

  79. i just had the same thing happened to me around 3 or 4 am i was sleep and it woke me up in the middle of a dream i got up walked around but nothing .. i wasnt panicking but i felt at ease and calm a bit of happiness although i am curious of wat it might be . i must say im not new to the paranormal so i guessed thats why i was calm ever since i was little i have seen spirits had future telling dreams and guessed the gender of my two pregnancies before i was a month pregnant had my covers tunged seen my grandfather ghost enven had dreams of my bf mother before i seen pics of her not saying i have abilities but sure do seem like it i tried tellin my mother but she didnt believe me im afraid no1 will so i keep them secret...back to this morning i have never experience the knocking sound though only thing i came up with was my two babies that i lost was trying to tell me they were ok and nothing to worry about i have been thinking bout them before i desed off to sleep might be the reason i felt calm any answers?

  80. I live in an apartment and a couple of days I heard banging late night. I asked my son does he hear the banging but hes watching tv and doesnt hear it. I started to believe it could be my downstairs neighbor hammering so late at night? At about 3:45 a.m. this morning I heard 3 bangs and freaked out because the previous bangs are 3 times then pause then 3 bangs again. My yorkie then starts a little growl then barks and jumps off his bed. I don't believe in ghosts but this is my first time experiencing hearing these 3 bangs. I am seriously freaked out because my 5 year old daughter too jumped in bed with me saying she is scared of the monster. Today my hubs asked me why was the kitchen, bathroom and hallway lights on last night. WTH I was scared and told him about the 3 bangs, he probably thinks I am losing it. Now I am puzzled and scared.

  81. Hello, I had a recent experience with the three knocks. It was about 6:30 in the morning and I was getting out the shower and I wrapped the towel around me. So I walk over to my son room and knocked on the door to wake him for school, then I turned around and walk into my room and shut the door and took three steps away and that's when I heard 3 or 4 hard knocks at my door and it sounded like they had something in their hand knocking with it. I was frozen in my tracks standing there scared to death with my towel hangin from me.Next I was just waiting for the person to bust through the door and get me I was terrified and my son said he was so scared as well and she said he had just heard me shut my door so who could that have been mom.....I'm so curious to know what it meant.

  82. The passed few night I was sleeping and I had a dream of a little boy knocking on my window and I look at him and I think to my self what does he want and then i wake up !! Just find it strange cuz it was a few nights in a row with the same thing ?? Any one knows what it can mean ??

  83. I am having some serious issues with all i am reading. i am having the 3 knocks continually for the past 2 weeks. This morning the knocks came and the doors started unlocking . first the font door then the back door I live in a cabin with one big room and I can watch both at the same time. I had know idea of this being such a common thing till I searched it just now. i am in a cabin we just purchased in the mountains and all has been well till now. 6 am on time each time...i am not sure, but I am not liking my new home. Some one tell me if your doors have unlocked before your eyes?

    1. Yes, ghosts can unlock doors in front of your eyes. It happened to me too! The door opened and I turned to see a glowing figure at the side of my bed. Just let them be. :p

  84. Hi. I have been dealing with the knocking for 20 years. I have also had issues with voices screaming, things running into my door, a picture being thrown at me. Every time something happened I was alone in my bedroom with the door open. Times ranged from 930am to midnight to 3am. Always when you least expect it. I've felt pinned down on some occasions. My family has seen black and red cloaked evil versions of me, heard me calling for them when I'm not around, and shadows in the house. I don't know if I have done something, but this type of stuff followed me to 6 different homes. It didn't stay consistent, but it does come and go. the last knocking came with my wife getting ready for bed around 1030pm. I was watching tv in our bedroom and 3 very loud bangs came on our door, which was open. 3 days later, I severed my achilles at basketball. Me and my wife were arguing about me going to play just before she started getting ready for bed. I don't know if these knockings were warnings or not, because I don't know what happened after the occurrences years ago, but I just hoped it was not demonic. With the things that my family had experienced, it worried me that it might be. When I was 22, one day in my home, things seemed a little brighter. I walked into my game room which has nothing but games in it and I noticed a very heavy fragrance. It was like roses. It was very intense. Usually you don't even get a smell like that if you are up really close to a flower, but this just radiated. I thought, maybe if there was a demon, it finally gave up on me. I had my last knocking when I was 31, but again was it a warning or something else? A large gap and no real constency to the occurrences in my life. I am 33 now and things have been pretty normal for a while now. Always wondered what explanation I could get, but knowing others have had the same type of experience makes me think its not uncommon.

  85. I woke up to the sound of 3 knocks on my bedroom door. It would pause for a second or two and knock again. The knocking didn't stop until I opened the door. My family and I have seen a ghost lady that likes to wander around the house upstairs. My mom, sister and I have seen this ghost wander from room to room. I believe this ghost is a helper spirit because she appeared to me when I needed help. She presented herself in human form and waived at me at the side of a road when I was driving downtown Detroit. I slowed the vehicle before I got to a greenlight intersection. I wondered why did she act like she knew me? I didn't understand why she was trying to get my attention? Then, a car flew past thestop light in front of me. If she didn't slow me down, I would of been hit from my left driver's side. This is a good position to end of up dead. I have no problem with this helper spirit. She can wander our house and use our guest room or bathroom. I know its her because she has long hair and wears a white dress; she appears to be glowing. Unless you are near death like I was; she appeared human at that time. I often hear her lay on the bed in the guest room. Yes, we have other entities, including my grandparents who still make their presence known with their perfume, snoring or other familiar dream warnings. Anyone who says these spirits are evil are out of their minds. I know this is my opinion but the puzzle lines up so clearly.

  86. Same as most, several times over the years, 3 knocks (number has to be significant). Nobody there. Always happens to me when I'm asleep and wakes me up.

  87. jaimee0102@yahoo.com10/15/2012 2:19 AM

    Since I first recall hearing "this" voice I was 4 years old. Deeper, raspy, imperitive my ear, hot, moist breathy..speaking my name. It's ALWAYS occurred 3 times in a row.. I've honestly lost count over the years. I'm 35.. there's not alot that scares me as I've buried my 3 year old daughter 13 yrs ago..for me nothing is worse..and then my Dad 14 months later. Now in the house I've lived in for over 3 years.. a jammed closet door in the living room will FLY open shoving the 20 gallon tote FULL of shoes right out of the way! there's no way around figuring out how.. but more so in the past2 months..not just myself, my dogs go off when they hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and the sound of change jingling.. No one is there.. everyone's asleep but me of course. My 5 year old dog I've had since her birth has jumped up out of her sleep snarling and going off.. she lets my grand babies jump on her..she's so laid back.. Now there's also before or after the footsteps EVERYTIME 3 knocks on the stairwell wall where my bedroom is the only one connected wall wise.. I've had 4 other people in my room while shooting a tattoo.. I heard it.. they did too! the guy I was inking took off midway lol... now my Dad coined "phrases" to have said to me "if" he could to let me know he gave my baby a kiss for me&like he was there..5 days ago my 14 year old comes bawling, running into my room, "Mom! Something just whispered in my ear! it said ...three of us.. " I've never told anyone what he coined... but that.. that was one of 5 things.. those 3 simple words..That meant he, my daughter & his beloved Uncle Nelson were together.. I swear on his and my daughter's grave on this all and I will never reveal what other things were to come from him as it's only significant to me... So I'm entertaining thoughts it's my Dad and daugher.. cause I'm tired of typing and there's SOOO much more lol she was NOT a typical 3 year old .. just had to put this out here.. somewhere... and get some feed back I spose....Thanks all...

  88. Lastnight i heard the "3 knocks" maybe it was 4! I was asleep,seem like i woke up just to hear them. They were not loud,i did not get up nor did i respond. i figured it was my son and he'd just go bk to bed. My mother is saying it wasnt him. -_- CREEPY

  89. For the last month there has been and even three knocks. But they have been lite knocks. Last night at about 3am I had a very loud knock, or should I say slap. There were three slaps on my bedroom window. I live in Florida so I still have my hurricane shutters on so the slaps were on the shutters. I can not look out of the window and going outside was not something I was going to do. I laid there in my bed holding my little 5 lb dog, which did not bark. I heard something walking into things outside, like the outside table and chairs. That freaked me even more...I could hear my heart pounding out of my chest. The next day I prayed and walked around the whole house with church incense and let the smoke go out the front door. I also placed a shot glass of ammonia on the window sill. I hope that works.

    1. Try using sage smudge stick, open everything in the home tht has doors and imagine you are ridding all negativity.

  90. This happens to me alot!!! Only it's an urgent knocking,like someone really wanting in. It's loud, and it's fast,and there's probably from five to seven knocks. I know it's not hallucinations as my dogs hear it too, and start barking. No one is ever there.

  91. Doug Maenpaa11/04/2012 3:00 PM

    I have had experience with hearing three distinct knocks at night, sometimes when Im awake, usually early in the morning.

    These were not caused by people or anything else.

    These are caused by demons.

    Examine yourself, is there anything
    you are doing that may open the door to this ? Occult experimentation, unconfessed sin that is getting the better of you ?

    The answer for you: Renounce occult activity, confess sin , and most importantly, trust Jesus Christ. Accept Christ as your personal Savior. Do this, and this demonic harassment will stop.

    If you come under attack, immediately pray to Jesus for help.

    The devil is real, dont mess with the devil, you will lose(you are not strong enough) , Jesus is the only answer.

    If you are a Christian, and you backslide, the devil can harass you. It can be scary. Recommit your life to Christ without delay.

    Doug Maenpaa

  92. I've experienced the 3 knocks twice in my life, both times sounding gentle and followed by a message in my head (yes I agree it sounds loony). The first time was followed by my mom's voice (she is not dead) saying "Monday." She was nowhere around, and later I found out she'd scheduled a hair appointment for that coming Monday. The second time was several laughing women's voices I didn't recognize. They said "Fuck god" and laughed. That day I found out I had leukemia. It could be demons but I also think in my case it is Haitians around me doing some sort of magic or voodoo. I am of Haitian descent.

  93. About 5 mins ago I heard 3 knocks on the window to the room next to mine. I heard twice and I got up thinking it is my friends cousin. However no one was there. The Spirit of The Lord reminded me of a prayer I prayed summons a spirit of a loved one that has passed on. Three represents The Father The Son The Holy Ghost-

  94. Good Day All,
    First of all good to know that i'm not alone whose experincing these events :o) as I've read a lot of posts. "I hear these strange "BANGS" on my Wall after Midnite. Never heard 3 but its been either 1 or 2".

    SORRY![Deviating frm Topic]: I also come across a Shadow above my Head but its only when im alone (Day / Night) & hv a feeling that someone is watching me (@ night). My Bed also Shakes but has become rare now. PLEASE ADVISE. THANKS

  95. Hello Everyone... I also have heard these knocks. At my apartment one night my sister and friend were going out and I didn't want to go, due to I had to be the work the next day. So they left and I was just sitting in my living room thinking. It was around 12 that night. I heard the first knock which I was like ok maybe it was just something that fell. So I didn't get scared until it was a second knock and very loud. It scared me so bad. It came from my back door. More things happen after this and before this. I don't know what it means but it seems very scary. I told my family they all think I'm insane. I know that everyone on here with there comments are telling the truth.

  96. I've had numerous 'experiences' in my life that caused me to do a lot of research. Recently I've been doing research on the lost books of the bible - one in particular the testament of solomon. I've been praying every night, I usually pray for protection while I sleep - but the night before I prayed and forgot to ask for protection. The following morning, I woke up very sad, depressed and feeling forsaken because of all recent troubles in my life. After a day of shrugging it off, I went and prayed again, but this time I asked for protection. Then I heard 3 loud knocks last night on my dresser..not even a door heh. I have nowhere to research this as most sites are based on superstition. I'd rather share my experience through analysis of what I experienced. I'd rather analyze this "natural" experience scientifically through reason and study. If it happens again soon, I want to make a point to ask who it is - I've yet to read about anyone asking who it was or any responses. I do know the Masons do make a big hub bub about knocks, but I also know after extensive research - they follow a god of egyptian history - which is not my God or faith. Has anyone ever asked who it was and got an answer ? if I do, I'll post again, for now it's more annoying than scary - no one to talk to about it, no definitive answers, tons of superstitions and it woke me up! lol - anyways I posted this in hopes of sharing my experience and maybe save someone else the frustration. Don't fear the knocks, be happy you are blessed with something not everyone can observe. For all you know, many people don't have a door to prevent outsiders from just walking in.

  97. So, here's what I know about knocking or in my case, doorbells ringing. About three years ago, I was working on a military base, and my co-workers and I decided to do some ghost hunting at various places. Got some great EVP's, photos and physical evidence. One night, around 7 pm, I was home (I lived alone at the time, in a rural area), and my doorbell rings. I go to the door, look through the glass window, see no one, and don't answer. About 3 hours later, the same thing happens. This time, I get my gun, go to the window look through, and decide to open the door (after turning on my security lighting, and ordering the dog to go first-who subsequently did NOT want to go). Nothing, nobody. And, my house is on pilings, 15 feet up, wasn't a prank or some kid (I would have heard them walking up and down the steps). So, I thought "Whatever." Went to sleep that night, and that's when the fun started. I woke up around 3:00 am because I had a wierd sensation that someone was in the house. I looked out my bedroom door, towards the hall, and saw 2 men-an older man, and a younger man-walking out of my laundry room looking around, like they were looking for someone. I instinctively knew that they weren't "people" per se. I literally pulled the covers over my head! The next day, I was inside my house, and my dog (a 95 lb Akita mix) was outside, looking in through the glass door. He started growling, and his fur started standing on end. Then, my fire alarms (hardwired in my house) started going off at random times. When I went to bed a few nights after this, I woke up to find my down comforter puffing back up (like someone was sitting there). My car radio came on when I got in my car, and I heard what sounded like scrambled voices. And, on and on it went for months. I could no longer sleep because it seemed like I would end up in this wierd state of half asleep, half awake, and would have bad dreams and sensations of being pinched or scratched. The worst part was a dream I had where this black darkness overcame me in my dream, and this horrible male voice started screaming "You better leave well enough alone, or I'll kill you!" I literally started praying for God and Jesus' help, and I was able to "get out" of the dream. Over time, I realized what had probably happened. I apparently angered someone or something when I went into areas doing my "ghost hunting." So, I stopped. I also realized that there was something pretty strong (and pretty angry at me for invading "their" space) that believed it was payback time for going into their domain (the abandoned buildings). I eventually got it (or them) to leave through prayer, and rationalization (I would talk out loud, apologizing for going into their areas, and explaining that if I don't get sleep, I'll lose my job. I also "commanded" they get out of my house, and away from me. 7 months later, it stopped, right around the time I met my future husband). So, my theory on the door knocks or doorbell ringing is that it is a prelude to them (ghosts, spirits, demons, whatever you want to call them) entering your home--if you answer the door. A family relative or close friend who has died who had permission in life to come into your home won't knock or ring the doorbell--they already have the invitation. My doorbell has rang once after that point, almost two years later, around 1 am. My husband (who is 6'7, and doesn't believe in the paranormal) was going to answer it. I told him not to, and told him why. He stopped at the door, turned around and came back to bed.
    So, that's my viewpoint, based on my experience. I never answer the door anymore, even in daylight, unless I can see a physical person. I firmly believe that in order for an unknown spirit/ghost/demon to enter your home, you have to either invite them in, or open the door if they make a request to enter.

  98. Hello, I am from Long Island, N.Y.
    I hear the three knocks all the time, especially in my sleep,
    if I am falling asleep or if I am already deep sleeping, mostly on the left side of my bed.The knocks are loud coming from under the floor or the walls, always on my side. No one also hears them, inlcuding our two dogs. This happen espceially if the Moon is out full, but I am not to sure.
    I know right now the Moon is full
    and the three knocks are back,
    twice at night. What is going on?
    I used, and still I blaming my husband for going back at me as a child when he does not get his way.
    But I think the knocks are something also, still not too sure if my husband is becoming crazy or
    just nuts, bullying my sleep in his late years. Its been two years
    of knocking while I am sleeping, I think my husband might be the knocker under my bedroom if he is not sleeping, but who knows maybe
    is something also. Ghosts? Alien from the Moon, reptilians of the Communion calibre, dead people who want their house back?No one in these two years has died, cant be
    a new dead person, manybe a curse?
    you shall not be in peace!!!
    I pray a lot, but prayers dont work, its sad to thing we dealing with things like this and no one can help us, where is our dear Lord and his protecting Angels???


  99. Hi. I have heard three knocks
    for years and always when I am in
    deep sleep. What is it?
    No one is crazy the knocks are real.


  100. Hello, my family and I have been experiencing a familiarity to the "knocks". This has happened twice in the last month. Once that happened last night right outside of our house in our if someone was slamming the lid of a garbage can as hard as it could. The first time, which was a second later my partner went outside with our dog and inspected the yard. Nobody to be seen, but the dog was on aware mode. The second time we heard the noise outside, we opened the door to check it out, but this time the dog was growling viciously... then closed the door and locked it. Then there's the other time that happened three or four weeks ago. We were all sitting in the living room watching t.v. and out of nowhere, we heard what it was not a particular knock at a door or window, but like loud thuds in our spare room. The third time it has happened again three or four weeks ago, but this time I wasn't around to witness it, my partner living room and my son in the bed room which is next to the spare room, they heard three loud thuds as if pounding on the wall. Our board games and other clutter is usually kept in the spare room, so, it is not as if we never go in there and keep it locked. We sage & sweet grass whenever we feel the necessity to ward off that uneasy feeling. We all have that feeling that we are never alone. I still haven't figured out the meaning of the "3 knocks', but it is nice to know we are not the only ones having the same experience.

  101. i experianced the bangs myself today and freaked me out.. my teen daughter has allways said that she can feel like some 1 is watching her also she took a foto of herself to share with her friends on face book when i looked at the foto myself u can see a outline of a pressence behind her this foto was taken upstairs wen my daughter was on her own.... any way while my daughter was at school it left me in the house with my dogs and curiosity got the better of me so i decided to say out loud that if there is a spirit to show some kind of sign like some thing dropping on the floor... within half an hour i heard 3 bangs on the wall and sum thing dropping on the floor i freaked out and my dogs went mental the dogs half tooken too standing and staring at the door too i just hope i havent provoked the spirit no ouijie boards were used as i dont believe in em just wish there was some thing that can let the spirit move on in to the other world

  102. Three can be anything. In the Christian Religion, three is the son, father and holy spirit. In Wiccan it is the Law of Three which is, the maiden, mother, and crone. There is also the law of three where everything comes back threefolds. Three is a very powerful number!

  103. Delusions, misunderstandings and superstitious fears are realy something. There are no ghosts, no aliens, no demons - just a noisy, intermittently creaking, banging world and humans who will see whatever they want to believe in any old tripe!

  104. Two nights ago while texting my daughter watching tv in my living room, I heard two very clear knocks in my kitchen situated behind me. Then not even 5 minutes later and still communicating with my daughter another two much louder knocks to my right coming from no wall or door or window it's my foyer an armoire on one side a desk computer on other side - I have an open concept apartment with L shaped dining/ walk-through kitchen. I checked the time not realizing it was 11:45 pm & figured I'd shower get to bed. As soon as I was done, opened the bathroom door & the loudest last 2 knocks which were coming from directly in front of my television. My husband who slept with the door slightly opened never once woke up to any of the knocks.... I am btw, a very curious person who does not "scare" or misunderstand sounds. Some things I believe simply can't be explained or have a clear explanation. I've lived here for over 20 years know what's not normal; not creaking wood, wind or my neighbors. Also, the 2 knocks heard 3 x's in three different sections were in the form of a triangle... If that might mean anything?

  105. My mother hears the knocks often. It is followed by a dream usually for her where she sees an event unfolding, either in part or in whole. When she was a girl, she heard her great aunt say that she just knew someone was going to die when she heard those three knocks. My mother spoke up saying she thought her great aunt was crazy. She told my mother that she'll think crazy when she starts hearing the knocks. It wasn't long before she started hearing them.

    A few years later she heard the knocks. She had a dream that night about a cousin getting shot in the face and lying in the hospital. The next morning she drove by a field he was working in on her way to work. She wanted to stop and tell him, but didn't, thinking she would be late and what could happen to him in an open field. Later, someone was hunting in the next field over and accidentally shot in the direction of those working. The only one hit, our cousin. Today he is blind. There have been many more instances, some with visual confirmations and some that would give you chills.

  106. The last 2 months I been observing what happening to my front door around 1 am to 6am. Usually, the door expand and contract sound. But after a week don't know why I heard 3 knocks while I was busy researching on internet. Then, next week heard 2 knocks. Later, saw a freaking black snake don't know how it crawl into the house but successfully thrown it out the house at 10am. At last had a bad python snake and devil nightmare.

  107. I have awakened to three knocks off and on for most of my life--60 years waking at 2am and 3am since birth. Birth? And how would I know? My parents complained and told me when I was 2 because I was still awakening at those times. Yes, I can remember 2 years of age with great clarity. My guess is that when you have a worrisome problem that goes unresolved during the day--exhaustion whether caused by emotional exhaustion or physical exhaustion is the reason why you awaken to three knocks. It is nothing more than your brain resolving what you cannot resolve during the day.

  108. A year ago my father was in Hospice, he was unconscious and the whole family was in the room. We start hearing knocking noises around the walls and the door. My niece opened the door and asked the nurse about the knocking noise and she said she didn't heard anything. The knocking continue throughout the night. My father passed away around 1:30am, we were crying and hugging each other, when the knocking started again. We all stop crying and we were trying to figure out what was going on when we heard a heavy breathing and knocking coming from the bathroom, my aunt opened the door and everything stopped , we stay with my father for a while and didn't hear anything else. We all went home and we all had weird experiences. I had a lot of children toys in my family room and multiple occasions the toys will start playing by themselves, I asked my daughter to turn everything off and when she checked the toys all the buttons where off. I end up removing the batteries and asked the spirits or whatever follow us to my house to leave and didn't experienced anything else. I felt it was something trying to get our attention, but it didn't not feel like my father, he will never do that to us. My sister, nieces and my mom had different experiences at their houses. Someone told me we probably brought home some unwanted guesses, I don't know and can't explained, but it was weird. We haven't heard anything else's since then, but the atmosphere in my home have changed. I feel a negative presence at times.

  109. Last night at 12:36 my painting fell of my wall and my TV turned on.

    First time for that happening.

    At 4:19am the foot of my bed had three loud distinct knocks.

    I live alone.

    Scared the shit out of me.

  110. 3 loud knocks @ 3 in the morning freaked the heck out of me... My reaction was to google and find out what in the world was that... I get death everywhere i google... My cousin dies 3 months later in a tragic car accident.... The i experienced 4 knocks 4 months later my uncle died 7 heart attacks... Knocks are deffinately death of a loved one.

  111. This happened to me last night at 11:32 exact I was laying down in bed watching some videos , my mom was asleep and my niece was here too , all of a sudden I hear a very loud knocking on the door , I was trying to ignore it cause I figured they would get tired but I found it strange that someone would come and knock on my door at that time , and we'll I know it wasn't any family member cause they would had call to open the door , so I woke my mom up and told her they were knocking on the door cause they wouldn't stop knocking so she got up I was scared , she looked through the window there was nobody there. And we'll then she came back in and went to the restroom and they were knocking again but the 2nd time I told her not to go then the knocking stopped but it wasn't 3 knocks it sounded like if someone was mad and wanted to throw the door down I really don't remember how many knocks it was but the reason I got super scared is cause this isn't the first time that it has happened. But yeah I believe it could had been a spirit bothering us cause no one was outside.

  112. I really hope not to startle or terrify any of you, BUT, knocks are significant, three in particular. If you hear knocks, especially after 3am (The witching hour) and onwards to dawn, it is known as a spirit, usually a demon, giving a big F-U to god or Jesus.
    Ed and Lorraine Warren will talk about a few things that mark the presence of a demon, the smell of rotting meat that cannot be explained... 3 knocks in succession and continuing until dawn.
    Recognition is the first step in possession. They will do what they have to do to get you to recognize that something out of human control is going on. Whatever you do, never invite a spirit into your home, or an item that belongs to you. It introduces nothing but pure trouble.

  113. 3 knocks usually represents the father, the son and the Holy spirit.

  114. from what I have heard, If you hear one set of 3 knocks a night or in a week. It means a good spirit is trying to communicate with you or a loved one who recently passed is letting you know you are okay. However, If you hear 3 knocks every 4 or 5 seconds through out the night, and it stops at Dawn, It is a Demonic Entity Making fun of "The Father" , "The Sun" , "And Of The Holy Spirit" Saying. Which basically means, That entity is feeding off of you or one of your family members. But this would only occur if you've been dealing with very disturbing occurrences with the entities since day one. Im not an expert. I have heard if this, but not sure if its true.

  115. READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm sorry to tell you but three knocks in a row are an insult to 1. the son 2. the father 3. the holy spirit. You are dealing with evil spirits/forces/demons. Get a priest.

  116. Thanks again to all who have taken the time to read this post and share their experiences. Soon, I will be meeting with a number of experts in the paranormal field. This occurrence is at the top of my list to discuss with them.

  117. so m staying in hostel..past few weeks i've been hearing some one knocking at my door only after 1 am. but i dnt know wat does one knock signify. can any one help me out? thank you for ur time...

  118. can someone tell me what does one knock signify? i have been observing this past few week someone is knocking at my door only once. everyday after 1am.. ?? is it bad?

  119. The number three is used most often with spiritual occurrences. Suck as three knocks, three scratches or even three lettered words. Why they communicate with the number three you ask? well some people say its satanic and others say its just a very common number spirits use to communicate with. that's all I know.

  120. This is becoming a common but very frightening problem for me. I live in a large victorian house and no one believes me. I am fully awake in bed, and the last time this happened was last night. 3 loud knocks on my bedroom door. My partner is a heavy sleeper and didn't wake. He is convinced I am imagining it. The upstairs of the house makes me very uneasy now. Sny ideas anyone?

  121. It is said to be an insult to the father the son and the holy spirit

  122. Last night I was having trouble falling asleep I felt there was something eery in the room (I am pretty intuitive) so I turned the tv on for comfort and tried to fall asleep shortly after a white blob flew across the roof (not like any shadow however I brushed it off as one) as I was falling asleep again I heard three loud distinctive knocks at the window, yet there is a large metal curtain on the outside which would prevent anything from accidentally knocking it as they can only be opened from the inside. I didn't answer and about 15 minutes later another one bang. Safe to say I didn't have a good sleep! Have no idea what it means but I am living overseas from all of my family right now so I am hoping it is not what everyone is implying.

  123. I am a physic, living in Australia. After reading the above 160+ posts I wish you all to get some insider information from me. I have been gifted with many talents which I will not go into but wish you to get my perspective on this. I am writing today as I was awoken about two hours ago by three very hard knocks on my front door. This scares the bejeebees out of me only on awakening but I know it is NOT BAD. I was in a coma in 2001 for a week and after I awoke, I was able to see translucent people in my room, like the reflection in a window but they were in the room with me. I said to them that if they could, do something and one proceeded to the window and banged three times on the glass, making the whole window next to my ICU bed shake like it would smash it was that hard. They are merely trying to communicate, and this is a widely known form of LOW ENERGY communication, to appear like a ghost takes a lot of energy yet they have the ability to knock, stop clocks, move items that makes you feel like it is a game of hide and seek. I am not afraid of the knocks, as it is their way of asking permission to enter. No harm has ever happened to me after hearing the knocks, no one has ever died as a consequence of the knocks, therefore I doubt highly that knocks are like a Banshee scream like someone above posted. Also for the ignorant person who stated ghosts do not exist, they obviously have never encountered one so they are oblivious to the transition of life to death as we know it. I personally have spoken to the dead, and in every instance they are merely trying to communicate. I also know that they can LEARN talents from the other side to move things and appear to us, ever watched the movie Ghost where Patrick Swayze learns to move items as he didn't know he could do it? If no physical harm is occurring as a result of the knocking, it is best to ask yourself individually who is trying to communicate, and be aware that by knocking, they are seeking permission. Whether it is a bad or good entity can only be determined by the other activity that may occur like moving furniture or scratches. I personally have been scratched but never in relation to the knocks... the knocks are only entities seeking APPROVAL to enter... think about that one ok.

  124. When I was a kid me and my sisters use to hear three knocks. From my understanding it is a demon taunting the father the son and the holy spirit. As a child when I would hear this I would chant in the name of the lord jesus christ go away. The knock would get louder and harder so hard we thought our windows were going to break. Then it would just stop. We later found out my mom's boyfriend was a satanist.

  125. one night back in 2010 I cant remember the month sometime in the summer, me and my bf lived in my moms house, we were talking late at night in my room. we started talking about the bible and my bf has never read any of it. I encouraged him to read some. so we decided on revelations first. It wasnt even 5 min later that we heard three distinct knocks on our second story window. The hairs on my neck stood up and i started shaking. we checkedthe window nothing was there. checked my moms room and she was sound asleep. since then he hasnt picked up a bible. hes too scared to. also the same yr, his little sister passed away in a terrible car accident. its the three yr anniversary tonight oct has me thinking and i just want some answers

  126. If you hear the knocking at night only(especially from 3am-3:33am)and it stops by dawn it may be a Demon,they use 3 knocks because they are mocking the Holy Trinity(Father,Son,Holy Ghost),you may want to have your house or apartment Blessed by a Holy Man of your religion.

  127. Three knocks means that someone or even, some "thing" is trying to alert you that someone who is in your circle is about to cross over. That said, it may be a relative, a friend, or someone that merely knows your name. They may be someone who likes, loves, or even maybe hates you. The person to perish IS someone who is aware of your existence. The idea that the "knocker" is an ancestor (Parent, Grand-Parent, Aunt, Uncle, Sister, or Brother) is most likely false. The majority of "opinions" here about the "knocker" being a demon is false. A demon would not take the time to remind you that every day is precious, and to live life to the fullest extent, as this is exactly the message/warning is comprised of. We all live, and we all die. You are being told of another person's ending- take it as a reminder of your own mortal coil and the race against the clock.
    Why the entity chooses to inform YOU of another's rapidly approaching demise is the topic that you need to focus upon. It is a gift from a being that is much more informed about your life than even you are, keep that in mind.
    The suggestion that the 3 knocks are somehow symbolic of the "holy trinity" of Christianity only demonstrates that herd mentality that religion is famous for. Think for yourself for once, and research that the number 3 is in EVERY known religion as a holy number, not JUST Christianity. To think this way is arrogant and conceited. You should consider a very scientific approach to the matter, NOT a religious stance, no matter what religion you ascribe to or believe. I say this, because one person's demon is someone else's angel, one person's devil is someone else's god. This tool of religion has been used for thousands of years to lure followers from one tribe to another. Safety in numbers assures that the belief and unity will survive. Look at the facts, not the fiction. The reason for the three knocks- is for you to KNOW that it was deliberate and intentional, not a happenstance of an object falling on the floor. If you hear it, you will also notice that there is a rhythm to the knock- it is in perfect time, each knock is spaced apart in a perfect rhythm.
    I only know as much as I do and can tell you here and now, because I have had more than my share of 3 knocks and then within three months, someone perished. I must also say this- sometimes it was a natural death, other times it was suicide, murder, accidental. The knocks are only a prediction of the passing of someone that you know of or knows of you. You cannot stop it, you cannot warn a particular individual- because it will be someone that knows of you from a distance, to someone that you see every day. So, go forward in time, love ALL that you meet, forgive the stupid people for their ignorance and LIVE YOUR LIFE to your most and full potential. Don't worry or cringe when you are acknowledged, for this is a gift, not a curse.
    I wish you peace, love and good fortune on your road!

  128. Hi
    I have been suffering from ear
    ringing of different noises kind
    for many years, but since last
    year I also have been awakened
    by three blasting knocks
    almost every week.
    Always in my left ear. I cant go back to sleep after that, it is like a living night mare.
    No doctors can explain this
    and maybe I suspect family members playing a joke on my expense, but I can never
    get them in action, they all deny hearing anything of such.

  129. Whoa. I just heard the LOUDEST three knocks, and since I was sitting right by the door, I jumped up to answer, thinking it was probably my landlord. No one was there. I watched for several minutes to see if I would see some kids running away, but there was nobody in the vicinity. I'm not afraid of ghosts, and am curious to learn what this was. The strangest part of the whole thing was how loud and clear the knocks were. Just whoa...

  130. Whenever I hear the death knocks I am to expect to hear news of a death. My dad and I heard 3 knocks on our door around 3 weeks ago and we thought it was a neighbor but no one was around and I knew immediately that I would get news of a death. It has happened my entire life. Plus, our family has been getting other omens, too. Well, on 12/1/13 a friend of my husband and myself let us know that his father had died this day. It was a rough blow.

  131. I have experienced this 3 times the last 7 months. two times at night around 3-330 am when Im just about to fall asleep and once during the day.
    there are 3 very loud clear knocks.
    scared the heck out of me but I don't have ghosts or eveil in my house, its very peaceful and a new apartment complex.
    I lost my boyfriend that does unexpected 29 years old in may. it started around his death.
    I googled it amd found this. I don't have a feeling of anything bad but rather someone wants my attention.

  132. Strange after the 3 knocks happen a few month apart I had a relative and another relative pass away about a few week a part.

  133. Hi I have experiences of my own but it wasn't 3 knockings that I heard. It was a tapping sound and it tapped more than 3 taps. This happened about 3 years ago before my dad passed away. It always happen to me after everyone goes into their room at night. Though they were not all asleep I tried my best to sleep earlier than my family. Within 10 mins of trying to dose off to sleep, I could hear a tap on the wood around my window above my head. It tapped 2 times and stopped. And again it tapped continuously (tap...tap..tap...tap...tap...tap) I didn't think of it as much. But each time it happened I felt paralysed and I couldn't move or scream. I know I was awake through it all. I couldn't sleep most nights. One day I had visited a woman who can see things ppl dont usually see (ghost/shaman) and I asked her if I had invited someone because I kept on hearing taps in my room. Turns out she said there was a man with me for over a year. It wasn't that I invited him. More like he followed me and grew attached. They said once an entity is attached it will be hard to get rid of them if you dont do anything to get rid of it. She also said he wanted me to know he was with me. I cried all night to my boyfriend at the time. I was soo freaked out. I had my brother in laws dad prayed for me through the phone. The weird part was I heard 2 voices talking at the same time. My brother in laws father was praying and another voice talking in gibberish and loud. The phone became static as he prayed. I tried to ignore the second voice but it got quieter as I listen to the words of prayer. People might think its crazy. But this was what I ecperienced.

  134. Wow. I had no idea this happened to so many other people. The past couple months or so about 2 to 3 times a week I am woken up by 3 quick knocks at my bedroom door. Just a real quick "knock knock knock!". Whats really messed up about this is that I have recently for fun used a Ouija board with a few friends in the house. I can't help but think that's slightly strange that these knocks are happening now. I have also done the book "13 - The Dare" witch gives instructions on how to invite the devil into your home. These things were just for fun with friends to get a good scare but I think I may have invited something here.. :(. As I've never heard these knocks before and they always seem to come around 2:30 to 3:00 AM.. For all I know I'm just hallucinating them but anyways.. Glad to see I'm not alone in this.

  135. I aswell as my friends always hear 3 knocks at my mates house alot! Anytime of the day/night. We always opening the front door to see if anyones there but noones ever there. The knocks sounds so clear that you'd think its someone at the door but it's crazy and weird. Cabt explain this one. Its been goung on for awhile. Im heading there tonight for a party no doubt we'll be hearing it while the musics playing. Bloody weird.

  136. I heard the 3 knocks for over 2 months day and night around me.
    It was perfect knocking on wood sounds, One day I realized that was even coming from my cell.
    Very weird, I never find out what was that on my phone.
    It's been over a month that went away.
    I heard that can also be some loved one that passed away trying to contact you, not only EVil stuff.

    Thank God.

  137. You could possibly be dealling with something more sinister. If it comes in three's it is a mocking of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this case you could be dealing with a demon of sorts, or rather what the mortal I cannot see.

  138. From what I have come to no from this throughout the years cause I as well have heard random knocks at my bedroom door while a friend and I were playing video games on far more than one occurence. Three knocks around 3am precisely is a mocking of the holy trinity and is indeed demonic. Its a way of pestering the father, the son, and the holy spirit and is In no way to be responded to directly. Do not call upon it, Do not ask it questions. These things "DEMONS" will and can attach therselves to you with intentions of harming you or those around you. Seek a priest... If you have any signs of negative behavior changes, Sickness, sharp pains, exc. Your best bet is to seek a priest and its possible to be surcome to exercism.

  139. I looked this up because I have been having this happen often for the last year. I am awaken my very loud knocks I do think it is 3 of them. It is so loud it sounds like how a UPS guy knocks on the door. I am always very asleep and I jump up and run to the door and no one there. I began recently to hear it closer to my bedroom wall. I have the last several months been fighting invasive breast cancer, could it be something in my brain? It is so loud it causes me to hyperventilate.

  140. Holy crap, I can't believe I actually found this! This same thing happened to me late last nite, hence why I came online to research it and happened to find this blog. At approx 11:30 pm last nite I heard a series of 3 very loud knocks consisting of 3 quick loud knocks each time. It reminded me of something the guy in the apartment next door would do if u were making way too much noise in your apartment...but at the time these knocks occurred last nite it was pin-drop quiet in my place and I was the only one home. I reckon I outta mention that yesterday was my late-husband's birthday. He died back in 1989 at the age of 36 and woulda been 61 yesterday. Yesterday I visited his online memorial and left him a message there and I also put up a tribute to him on Facebook. Coincidental? I think NOT!

  141. Its to mock the trinity;
    The father. The son. And the holy ghost.(in the christian religion)
    beware what is to come for those seek do not always get what they desire.....

  142. This has been occurring to me for years now. I always hear three loud knocks that wake me from my sleep. I've never really paid attention to the time of these occurrences but the time seems to vary. I was once told that it was the holy spirit and that I should verbally invite the spirit to come in. I have done just that on many occasions and nothing ever happens. Also, whatever it is, it follows me wherever I go, no matter where in the country I happen to be, it is there with me.

  143. Yesterday while on the phone with my fiance standing in the kitchen with my bull mastiff, 3 loud perfectly spaced knock came from my wall 3 or 4 ft away from me. My dog turned his head looking puzzled, said I jusf heard knocking to my fiance happened again 3 knocks that was around 10am.....late that night my dog started whinning, got up to let him out, I was standing at the back of the couch waiting on my dog to come to the door, when 3 loud clear perfectly spaced knocks came from the wall I was inches from. It didnt freak me out or anything, I just asked did you hear that my fiance replied yeah are those the knocks u heard earlyer? I replied I have no idea what thatnwas lol. Also lately, my kids have seen floating black haze around the house and outside, my fiance has started seeing black haze above him,I get a TON of goosebumps on my leg or arm in the shape of a hand. My hair its pulled not hard, and I have seen a large light bright haze floating above my house particulary my oldest daughters room. Shes always been able to see and feel. Ive seen evil, and this just doesnt seem evil, more of a honey im home! Kinda thing.

  144. I and my husband have heard the knocks and each time someone in our family died. The first time it was my dad, the second time my uncle, the third time my mother, the forth time my brother-in-law. Tonight we heard three knocks again, this time on the backdoor instead of the front door. I don't know the significance of the change in location as all the other knocks were on our front door but now I'm worried who else in our family is going to die within the next three days. All of my other relatives died within one to three days of the knocks.

  145. One night me and my fiance were in our room and we saw a black hand print next to the closet door that did not fit anyone's hand in the house. It came close to my hand but the middle finger was too long. then a week later we here 3 knocks coming from the closet wall and my fiance was looking into the closet and saw something and immediately told me to shut the door with a fearful look on his face. when I asked him what he saw he refused to talk about it ever. Then about 2-3 weeks later he was murdered on the front porch. I'm trying to learn more about this stuff. I would like to know what it was he could have saw.

  146. We were woken this morning very early by constant banging, wasnt either of the kids or the dog, we are a detached house. Very strange.

  147. I lost my father in Nov 2013 to cancer. I recently moved into a new house that he never got to see. I find myself being startled awake at night thinking I heard something but I'm the only one who hears it. Last night I heard a loud bang on the wall above my head but it sounded like it was behind my headboard. Im really freaked out.

  148. First I must preface this by saying that I don't believe in fairy tales like religion, etc. I'm not the type to suspend rational thought for the sake of believing something. So a few days after a very close friend passed away, about 9pm while watching t.v., I heard 3 distinct knocks--I have a small house and couldn't figure out where I heard it from (I have a back and front door). I looked and no one was there. A couple of days later I kept thinking about it & realized maybe there's a connection & here I am on this site where others are talking about this oddity.

  149. I get this sort of stuff all the time, even from an early age. I do not mess around or feel helpless. I call a priest. Not a pastor or preacher- a priest. I want the guy with the gold seal doing the blessing.
    I don't care what your personal belief might be- it works every time. The last time, three years ago, a priest came over and my nosy dogs were all over him until he put on his stole. They both immediately laid down on the kitchen floor, heads down. They didn't move while who worked, going both up and down stairs through the whole house. When he was done and took of the stole, both dogs jumped up and were all over him again. People can lie, but dogs sure don't. Now that the knocking is back, I have already made the call. Why wait for it to get worse? Shadows are bad, but it is the general discord in the family that these things are after are after. People tell me all the time, "oh it is the spirit of a child, harmless" and I am staring at a big bad ugly thing they have been tricked into believing is a child or whatever.Remember, they hate you, don't believe you deserve to exist and are fond of calling people, "Mud Monkeys". Nope, no thanks. Just find the local priest and invite them over. All done, no fuss.

  150. This has happend to me to, it hasn't happend in a while though. But it happend again recently. It doesn't happen at a certain time or anything, Sometimes it happens at night or early in the morning, well the other day it happend early. I'll be asleep and hear this knocking, I dont know if its in 3 knocks or not, but there not loud at all, there low, but it always wakes me right up, and its always on the front door. I'll get up and look outside but no one will be there. I don't know what it is. I'm not scared at all though when I hear it. But I just want to know what it is. I live in a different house now and I still hear it there to sometimes

  151. I moved into my home in 2002. I've had several experiences here i cannot explain. I am an empath and am very sensitive to energy and other. I noticed a post a while back on here that stated the veil was lifting and YES, it is. We are in a very sensitive time right now.

    About two years ago, I was sitting on my couch and I heard three knocks. They were soft and in one corner of my house. The outside of my home has siding and it was in a corner where if someone was knocking from the outside, they would have to stand on a stool and would smash my flower garden if they did.

    Last night, my sister and her friend were here. I heard it again, same corner, three knocks, soft. I ignored it, but both my sister and her friend said "did you hear that?" I was a little relieved. It happened about three times, each time a bit more faint and the knocks further apart.

    I will not allow demons anywhere around me. I'm am a very strong soul and I have three dogs who don't react negatively to any of it. I believe it is a loved one saying hi.


  152. I stumbled on this email address robinsonbuckler@yahoo. com few days ago, so i emailed him about my bad relationship condition, how my lover left me, how he was with another girl, so Mr Robinson told me it would take 3days to get my boyfriend back, i waited for 3 days, unbelievable my boyfriend came to my house asking me if we could try things out again. He broke up with the other girl and we rekindled and got back together, he now show me care and attention. Mr Robinson was my last hope, my last chance after all the spell casters I tried before, Mr Robinson kept his promise! he is the greatest spell caster on the internet, call Mr Robinson +19715126745 for help

  153. Three knocks is a way the deceased can contact a loved one. If the living knows the deceased in any form, this can be an indication of them notifying the living of their passing.

  154. A few years ago on several different occasions within a months time I was awakened after hearing a series of 3 knocks. I never fully woke up at the first 3 knocks and so they became louder until I opened my eyes fully awake. At this time the knocking would stop as if the knocker knew I opened my eyes. Like it could see I was awake now. After the third time this happened I decided to set a tape recorder up and see if there was a knock or am I dreaming. I had just sat it on a table by the back door and stepped into my bedroom and was in the act of plugging up my cell phone when I heard the gate on the porch being disturbed. I froze in silence and began hearing a metal on metal clinking sound. An intruder was trying to gain entry to my house by picking the lock! I began making a racket and woke up my husband which also alerted the intruder to leave. Now after looking back I wonder if a friendly spirit or angel was trying to warn me all month that someone was going to try to come into my home. The digital recorder picked up the sound of them coming on the porch and fooling with the door knob.

  155. Years ago after being awakened several times by an unexplained knocking at the door I set up a digital recorder to prove whether or not there was a knock at night. Just after I turned the recorder on by the door an intruder tried to pick the lock. My recorder picked up the sound of him on my porch and at the door. I think the knocking was warning me that I was in danger and to be alert.

  156. Good day

    Please note that the knocking in 3's is a sign from the devil as a Mocking to the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.... When you get these knockings just plead the blood of Jesus over you and your household, because the spirit is very cruel and would be looking for a weak soul to haunt and take over....

  157. I live in a 20+ year old apartment in Hong Kong. I get 3 knocks. Pause. Another 3 knocks again just before I wake up fully only Saturday mornings... Regardless of the time. Sometimes Sundays too. Never on the weekends. I used to think it was the neighbour above me... Weird thing is, I never here any other noise come from that neighbour except the three loud very distinct and clear knocks. Always the same beat and pattern. Three. Pause. Three. It sounds like someone washing dishes are first the beating something to dry. But as far as I know if it's the same floor plan as mine, the kitchen and bathrooms are on the other side of the house. I always get a positive wake up now feeling when I hear the knocks... So unless otherwise, I take it as a good energy.

  158. Hi, love the page and have just had my first experience with it. Last night my husband woke around 3:00 am to three loud knocks that didn't wake me as I have been in a lot of pain recently and was finally sleeping soundly. The scary thing is it happened exactly a month from my procedure date to have a colonoscopy since I have an increased chance of having colon cancer as my father and grandfather have had before me. The night it happened my symptoms became much worse and now I'm scared for my life....I just wish I knew if it was a malevolent being trying to get in or if its trying to tell my husband that I'm going to die before or during my procedure which is entirely possible. If anyone can help me determine which it is I'd be extremely thankful

  159. My father passed away on June 11th this year. He was sick with Acute Renal Failure and passed so suddenly. During his last days he would push me and my kids away. I was his only child/daughter, but he would get furious and run everyone off except for his wife,( my step mom) she was very jealous of me and my kids so kept us way as much as he would allow,she was always the little birdie in his ear. Before he had married her 4 yrs ago we were so close, he would call me first thing on holidays to wish me a great day, call me when a football game on or anything interesting happened. We had a relationship barely before he passed. I would always tell him " Dad why don't you call me anymore first thing in the morning?' He would always blame it on a stroke he had years back that changed him and the way he felt, he told me. I still would always tell him Dad I miss that When he passed I was the hand he grabbed and held on to til he left this earth. From that moment I never returned to the home that was supposed to be for me, my step mom while I was taking care of him in the hospital was changing papers etc. no Last will and testament was in place. During his last days he would always look at the clock over and over he even said I wish the clock would stop! Like he knew he was leaving just did not know when. He passed at 5:19 am, since then I wake up occasionally at that time. Recenlty on my daughter 19th bday I was asleep and heard a knock ( our family knock) I looked at my door and did not see any feet under my door, i remember thinking aww I have to tell Nene Grandpa wanted to wish her a happy b-day! I had forgot the dream til later in the day, when I told my daughter. Then the other night I was slightly asleep and felt someone shrub against my knee like moving me over. I have had no dreams of him. Has anyone ever had a similar experience, how do you know it's a loved one? I forgot to mention I recently moved into a home that my dad had wanted me to move into for years, but by faith moved into after his death.

  160. Anonymous 2/10/2014 8:25 AM
    0300 Hours are usually humans tend to be perceptive when they are deep in sleep. If you really done Wiccan sorcery of course you invite demons to torment you in your dreams being a nightmare. It's not a joke.

  161. From my understanding the knock of 3 is a blasphemy of the holy trinity, It is the sign of oncoming doom or the loss of those cared for by the three sisters of the thread of the under world..

  162. I had an out of body experience one night when I was 19 years old. The entire event was proceeded by three loud knocks on the wall just above my head. I was tingling all over and felt at peace emotionally, spiritually & physically. I glimpsed that there was a higher 4th dimension that we are all a part of. Anyway, I started to leave my body, and could see part of my astral body from my head, forehead and down to my waist, which was in the shape of my body but was composed of brown & white molecules vibrating back and forth rapidly. There was a cord or something in my back that was holding me to my body and was not allowing me to make it all the way out. My arms were straight out in front of me, or rather my inner body's arms. I looked up at the ceiling and could see the lights that made diamonds on my ceiling coming through the 11th floor dorm room at night. I had not fallen asleep yet and had just laid down in bed when this began. I then turned my head to the left and saw this man standing in my room near the door. He had light brown hair, acne scars on his face, and he was wearing a tan jacket, a cream color shirt and tan, khaki pants. He had a look on his face that said, "well, are you coming or not?". I was so astonished!. Next thing I know, he was gone. I was back in my body and was staring at the place where he was standing. I jumped up and checked the entire room and all the doors were locked and no one was in the room. I wasn't scared. I then went to sleep. I had never met this person before, & I have never met him since. I have no idea who he was. The one thing that I think helped this to happen was that earlier that evening, I had gone out dancing with my friends. We had no alcohol or intoxicants of any kind. We just danced and danced until we were exhausted. I think I entered a state of complete relaxation, which allowed me to glimpse the other dimension and have the out of body experience. I'll never forget the 3 knocks that announced it was coming. I would love to know if anyone else has experienced seeing their soul looking like brown & white molecules vibrating back & forth. I have since learned that Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, the famed psychiatrist who wrote the book "On Death & Dying" had an out of body experience where she also described her soul as being brown & white molecules vibrating rapidly. Thanks for letting me share this with you.

  163. Oh my i am feeling a little nervous now having read all your comments, i have been experiencing someone or something banging on my front door it only happened twice, my son heard it too the first time sounded like someone banging with the palm or their hand 6 times, the second time sounded like the used the knocker, i had one bang on my bedroom door before these incidents and several other things have been happening that my family have heard and seen too, the back door will open by itself and the cat flap opens and closes as if a cat has just come in, we have lived in our home for 3 years and this has all started within the last 8 months, no family members have passed recently and we are all getting a little nervous as to what is happening, i have 3 cats and none of them seem to be affected

  164. Oh my i'm nervous now about what comments i will get, we have lived in our home for 3 years and over the past 8 months myself, husband and son have all had different experiences, i have heard banging on the front door 6 times sounded like someone using the palm of their hand, i heard it again the next night but this time it was the knocker, my son heard it to, i have had a single knock on my bedroom door, i thought it was my son but he was downstairs watching tv, the next morning the tv was on my son thought i had put it on and i thought he had, my husband and i have seen the backdoor open by itself and the cat flap open and close as if a cat has just come in, i have heard what sound like someone come in the front door and come upstairs, i thought it was my husband who had forgotten something when he left for work and then come home again but it wasn't, we have a small metal bin in the bathroom and some nights it sounds like someone has opened and closed it, we haven't decorated or changed anything and it's starting to make us nervous, i have 3 cats and none of them seem bothered, i have heard that unruly teenagers can attract spirits is this true ?

  165. I lived in Taos, NM from 2006 until 2011, and for a period of 9 months or so, I experienced these "3 knocks" on a frequent basis.

    I lived in one of three duplex buildings. Actually, I lived in half the units during this time, because the landlords were always moving me to accommodate other tenants. But enough of that.

    I never experience the knocks in any other place I lived, but our units were about 80 yards down a road with no other egress. There was no reason for anyone to just be passing through.

    I did some research, and found that these 3 knocks are believed to occur in a sort of hypnogogic state between wakefulness and sleep.

    Why it was always 3 knocks is unclear, but that was my experience.

  166. ok, not the first time this has happened to me, my old house was over hundred years old..i use to get three knocks all the time, even on my bed room door, never anyone there, the house had all kinds of paranormal activity, but i never felt that it meant me a or my family any harm. I now live in a new construction house. At first it felt weird here, like i was truly alone. it sounds strange, but i do sense things. this place felt problem, kinda liked it. Now i have bin feeling clod spots again, i know i am not alone, the knocking started again. my dog and boy friend don't seem to here them. they happen at all hours of the night. no one is ever there. starting to think its just me….my be i'm a sensitive and don't know it. could i be drawing this energy? what do i do?

  167. The significance of 3 knocks is beholden to the person hearing them. The knocks may carry a different meaning for anyone hearing them. For myself, I've experienced them since childhood.
    3 knocks that awaken you during sleep mean you will soon lose a loved one or friend.
    3 knocks while awake during the day meant move or moving.
    Bird hitting your window means death of loved one or friend.
    Whistling that awakens you from sleep means your attention is needed. Use your own discernment when trying to understand their meaning. Your instincts can help you here.

  168. I have had several people die at night or the next day after I heard 3 knocks on the window or grandmother always said it was a forerunner.i could also tell by looking at someone if they woul pass away.i even knew the time and day.why is this happening?

  169. This has happened to me three times now over a period of time,
    The first time it sounded like big metal doors slamming quickly,
    the second was three rings of the telephone,
    the third was softer door knocks.
    Each time I have had earplugs in as this is how I sleep, but the noises wake me up, I have also had a sound while awake that someone is calling my name.

  170. i did not know of the 3 knocks but my girlfriend and i were on the way upstairs for bed at 3 am when we heard 3 knocks coming from the basement , then an audible pause and 3 more knocks

  171. Since my mom died in 2005, I started hearing 3 knocks on the door of my house. It would wake me up and I would first look out my window, then go outside and see nothing. I would ask my wife if she heard It and she said no. Years passed and my job transferred me out of state. it didn't matter. The next home we stayed in, after a while, I started hearing the knocks again, which was stranger, cause we lived on the 3rd. floor of a secure apt. complex. I now have move to another state and now living alone, I'm starting to hear those 3 knocks again. I wish I knew what this means..

  172. My Arnberg - Sweden - 2014

    First night 09/12/2014 - 2 knocks

    So many posts about this, but no solution offered. WHAT IS THIS WE ARE EXPERIENCING?

    I had my first experience last night. Freaked me OUT. Was SO scared. I had TWO knocks on my bedroom door, loud aggressive and clear. My dog who was asleep awoke and began staring at the door. It was like it as asking to come in, in a very threatening way... I kept repeting in my head: dont come in dont come in dont come in.

    Was frozen for another hour, just listening after more sounds. My rooflamp was swinging and I could hear footsteps on the attic and some shuffling in my hallway.

    How do I know this was not a real person?
    1) The door was locked since 10 pm
    2) My roomie was out of the house so it was just me and the dog
    3) I had JUST checked all the rooms and turned off all the lights


    I would assume it to be my father, who passed away 20 years ago, as he has "shown" himself before.

    But this was not him. He brings warmth, this was not warm. This was frightful and antagonising.


  173. 3 Knocks on your door/wall/window? no one truly knows what it means.... cumon people!! I knew what this meant from like 2years old.... and it ain't good news!!!

    "the father, the son and the holy spirit" the Trinity?

    Well 3 knocks is an attack on the Trinity, mocking it!! be warned.... any spirit that does not recognise the trinity (knocks 3 times) is NOT a friendly essence!!

    Do not fear the knocks, do not fear it!! it/they live on fear, feeding from it.... these knocks are the infestation of a satanic being, meaning it has already manifested itself around you, if you fear and it feeds the 3rd and final stage of any "possession" is oppression!! dont be ignorant people!!

  174. 3 is an attack on the trinity by demonic beings......

  175. At 12:24 I had a 3 knock experience. It was onmy ffather as door. Loud it filled the house with noise. My dad came out yelling what did you want but I didn'tdo it. I ran up into the kitchen then 3 on the front door we both look out side from different Windows and saw no one. Iv been sitting in the silence and waiting to see if it happens again. Its been nearly 30mins.

  176. Hey-o, I had this happen to me today. It was broad daylight out and I awoke to the sound of three tappings on window. Like the sound of a fist knocking or rapping on it. I live on the third floor of my house so It isn't likely that it was someone or an animal. The time was around 9:27 am to be exact. I should also mention that I was home by myself still being on break to rule out any other possibilities. I'm not too worried about what the entity or being might be, I just want to know why.

  177. I was researching knocking in my room late at night because last night I had very little sleep due to repeated knocking. This started about two weeks ago, but until last night, never this amount of repeated noise. The knocks are somewhat muffled sounding, varying in number anywhere from two or three to as many as five or six in a row. They seem to come from a certain spot on the floor near a closet or within the closet itself. After a couple of hours of the knocking and trying to sleep, I stuffed pieces of tissue in my ears to muffle the sounds. Well, then the knocking became louder but only a couple of knocks at a time. It is me, my fiance and our infant baby sleeping in the room. Last night, it was more than 12 to 15 groups of knocks. I said prayers out loud to try to stop the sounds, but it didn't help. I am really tired now from lack of sleep. My fiance is a very sound sleeper and hasn't once heard anything. Any suggestions to quiet down whatever is causing this?

  178. I just posted my experience last night with repeated knocking in my room and after doing so, I read other readers' comments about knocking possibly being related to relatives or friends who have just passed or are about to. My aunt, age 84, passed away in the hospital six days ago, and she had some long-standing, unwarranted hard feelings towards my dad and somewhat towards me. I visited her in the hospital the night she passed and whispered to her that my dad loves her and that our whole family loves her, which is true, and to be at peace. She had been in declining health due to severe diabetes, kidney failure and heart problems. I don't know if this death is related to the sounds, but it is the only thing different that has occurred in recent days. Any comments would be appreciated.

  179. I am thirteen weeks pregnant with my third child. I've always experienced weird stuff since I was a kid. We live in this old home on rent. Two days ago my husband and I were talking about when we would move out as we have purchased our own home. The following day I heard two soft knocks on my bedroom door. I was home alone. Our rental townhome is two-storeys high. I sleep in the middle of the day as I work nights. I opened the door but didn't say anything. I closed it again, mimicked the knocks just to check if the sound DID come from that door. The sounds were identical. I was scared but didn't mind it. It happened again today. Two soft knocks, bedroom door, woke me up. Whatever it is living in that house might not want us out. This actually creeps me out.
