The 'Haunted Collector" is a new SyFy reality TV series which will premiere Wednesday June 1 at 9 ET. The series will follow paranormal researcher John Zaffis and his family while they hunt down haunted objects which have brought terror to those who posses them. Along with his knowledge and expertise in the field, Mr. Zaffis will use numerous high-tech equipment to capture and record any paranormal activity encountered along the way. The items that the team collects will go to his Stratford,Connecticut paranormal museum which houses haunted objects for display.
i hope this will be a good show.
This show is the bomb!!
Out of everything scyfy puts out.
This by far is the best work they have done.
I'm a fan!
This show is the bomb!
About time scyfy gets it right!
I'm a big fan!
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