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Monday, June 02, 2014

Gloucester Cemetery Investigation

In these two videos investigators from Can Am Paranormal met up in Gloucester, Massachusetts to conduct a cemetery investigation. Many thanks to Dominic Bouchard for sending me the videos and to Mike Galante for the background info.

"Gloucester, Massachusetts was founded in 1623 on an expedition by the Dorchester Company from England. They arrived at Half Moon Beach and set up a fishing settlement at Stage Fort Park. The first settlements were harsh and short lived and the settlers moved to what is now Salem MA. In 1643 it became an official town and named after Gloucester, England a strong hold in the British empire. The cemetery in which we investigated was the 1st Universalist burial ground in America in 1806 as well as underground forts for our fight against Great Britain for our freedom." (Mike Galante, Investigator, Mass Ghost Hunters Paranormal Society)

1 comment:

Gatekeeper said...

What is that device being used?